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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. I have a 12-stack of Hyperkites (Plus size) and do the same thing, works really well.
  2. That's awesome. Kite-Cave.
  3. Hello @Martin Vega, Welcome to KiteLife. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background. Your profile - View Member All the best, and welcome again!
  4. Hello @roger tompkins, Welcome to KiteLife. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background. Your profile - View Member All the best, and welcome again!
  5. New friends... 1315 - @marvachun 1316 - @drdemonx 1317 - @kiteloversm 1318 - @Cato 1319 - @DeafThunder Thanks to all, and welcome!
  6. Hello @Chain, Welcome to KiteLife. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background. Your profile - View Member All the best, and welcome again!
  7. John Barresi

    It begins

    I've been through this 5-6 times now, it's a sore spot. lol Anyway, enough thread hijacking (on my part)... I'm dying to know what and where SHBKF is flying next.
  8. Just to help me reproduce, will you walk me through your steps to do this, starting from opening the Tapatalk app? I want to follow the same process exactly, if you're willing to guide me.
  9. I also find that oversteer is promoted heavily on bigger kites by a comparatively more flexible leading edge... Fine line... Slippery oversteer if the leading edge is too stiff and straight, powered up oversteer if the leading edge is too flexible (more "C" in the overall curve), each feels different during but with similar end results... That's actually why iQuad stopped using Zens early on - just too finicky for faster, cornering, detailed sport-type flight, even in light wind. If I remember right, Bazzer likes 3 wraps in his Zen, on the occasions he does fly it. Zen is a truck - the trade off for generating so much possible pressure in the sail, and a personality all its own.
  10. John Barresi

    It begins

    It was Windows 2000, and now it's Windows 10, inevitable changes in software - never popular, but folks will miss this new one after 5 more years when we're forced to upgrade yet again.
  11. Wow, gorgeous - and Black Diamond Nitro spars too! *drool*
  12. Hello @Cato, Welcome to KiteLife. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background. Your profile - View Member All the best, and welcome again!
  13. Split and moved from website discussion.
  14. Hi Frank, welcome! As makatakam said, you should be fine for the interim... As long as the kite isn't yanking you off your feet almost any dual line foil is fine for learning the basics of L/R control and using the wind window, but not a whole lot more - all foils are limited in their acrobatics. When you get the itch (and I think you will), you'll want to step up into a delta wing - you're comparatively close to @RobB, he's a veteran here and it's likely you'll meet up at some point. Regardless, warmest welcome again - you're in good hands.
  15. Cool, I hope it works alright for you. Maybe edit a bold note into your lead post here, with a link to the new blog?
  16. Just wanted to pop by and let y'all know we've added a blog system that will probably help with flight logs like this. http://kitelife.com/forum/blogs/
  17. Hi Josh, may you Fly what you can with Intent, and let the rest fly itself.
  18. Ugh, wouldn't you know it... Had a wrong setting most of the day, wouldn't allow any purchase under $32.95. If you tried earlier today, it should be working now - thanks for your patience!
  19. You guys are great, I'll get everything else humming on the forum and then I'll take a closer look down the road... Not the top priority atm.
  20. I've had my days too.. But the benefit of time and practice allows you to overcome all things. It's a process of faith and fortitude, keep rocking.
  21. Nope, nothing mentioned.
  22. Can't ask for more. Truthfully, things are going well - I think everyone knows I'm not put to "boom" KiteLife as a business, I'm all for simmering growth based on long term service and response to our offerings... That premise in mind, everything is on par with my expectations at the moment. Always more to come, especially as my tools (like this forum) improve.
  23. *pout* Nobody tagged me...
  24. I really appreciate y'all posting the feedback... We've had our Raflle and 50% off subscriptions promo going for a few days, and only today did someone let me know that the PayPal gateway hadn't been working. Any and all testing feedback is treasured and appreciated.
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