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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Really nice fly Rob, deeply enjoyed that... Great control, smooth, almost entirely uncut bliss.
  2. Really great, we're still due a flight together in good winds.
  3. I can vouch 100% for Eli, if you haven't had the chance to meet him before.
  4. Nick, you guys will be at WSIKF, yes?
  5. Welcome to the forums STSofuc, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  6. Welcome to the forums allocar, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  7. Welcome to the forums BillXu, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  8. Two more in the family... 1285 - @SegelFlieger 1286 - @bookboy
  9. Welcome to the forums Munchie, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  10. I'll have been at this for 25 years as of this August, I'm still learning all the time, either trick or combos.
  11. ALWAYS learning new tricks, or at least combos.
  12. This bit of gold here did it for me, especially the nose above tail (during half axel) part, really brought it home... Did several Taz Machines headed left today (my first ever) and one headed right. Nice summary, thanks!!
  13. Hey, I know that video.
  14. 9 spots taken, just 3 openings left for this workshop!
  15. 7 spaces gone, only 5 remaining now. 7 espaces disparu, seulement 5 reste maintenant.
  16. Yep to all the above... Samurai Slide + Axel. I also do a version where I'm flying straight (leading edge facing true right) in a ground pass at speed, then snap the kite upside down (sort of like a stall) so it drops right into the Samurai (no slide) position where I can crack the axel... This gives it to me "on demand".
  17. Thanks all for the suggestions, here's what we ended up with... Sport-Brella Umbrella, Blue It's a bit heavy, but great for anything we drive to - mainly came down to simplicity.
  18. I've been looking at this one, due to it's ease of setup... Hoping to find one I can actually put my hands on for proper testing. Lightspeed Quick Draw Sun Shelter (Blue/Silver)
  19. 6 spaces gone, 6 remaining. 6 espaces disparu, 6 restants.
  20. And another... @Troglodyte - 1284
  21. I love a field with well positioned urban play objects like flag poles, sculptures, ponds, steps, etc off along one side of the park.
  22. Hi all, I'm currently shopping for a cabana type wind/sun shelter (open face more or less half dome), and wanted to check in with everyone here on what they've been using... Any real winners out there? Sadly, most of the ones I see at events start to collapse in anything over 12mph or so, hoping for something that might reliably hold up in 15-20mph. Looking forward to your suggestions!
  23. Welcome to the forums Troglodyte, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  24. Newest additions to the family... @SKS65 - 1282 @Raymond Comtois - 1283 Thanks for your support!
  25. Welcome to the forums SegelFlieger, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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