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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Another participant just advised me, there is still camping (and maybe some rooms) available at the Sou'wester as well, not far from town center... Not sure about rates. http://souwesterlodge.com/
  2. Just north of town... The Breakers - several rooms left 2 people $169 queen 2 nigh minimum 360-642-4414
  3. NOTICE: Lodging is scarce due to the "Rod Run" event on this same weekend in Long Beach, so I just spent a bit of time scouring for availabilities... Cedars Ocean 2 room suite only 2 night minimum / $379 nt 360-642-5400 Best Western / LB Inn - 10 rooms left $265 single / $275 double 360-642-8988 Jessica Coastal Inn - queen $160 per night 3 night minimum 360-642-3049 Adrift Inn / Edgewater - 10 rooms left 3 night minimum @ king $170 / queen $160 360-642-2311 These are all in Long Beach proper.
  4. It's official, we've got a full workshop... 3 instructors on deck for 17 students - thanks to all who are participating, see you at 10am on Sep 12th - look to your email for related news and information before then.
  5. 5 spaces gone, 7 remaining. 5 espaces disparu, 7 restants.
  6. Just 4 spots left open now.
  7. 4 spaces gone, 8 remaining. 4 espaces disparu, 8 restants.
  8. Just a lull, carry on.
  9. Don't be shy, we're all just fliers, we love to share the passion - it's a level playing field.
  10. Welcome to the forums CoMa, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  11. 7 spaces gone, just 5 left.
  12. Welcome to the forums j0hncc, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  13. Welcome to the forums redroversquared, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  14. Just ONE of the extra spots are left open, last chance for someone.
  15. Welcome to the forums Raymond Comtois, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  16. I did this to all my competition kites back in the day... Still do whenever the T wants to pull apart... For outer fittings, I use black tape or a thin layer of shoe goo (dried) on the spar tips to tighten things up.
  17. Welcome to the forums Rino Yang, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  18. Welcome to the forums Rino Yang, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  19. With so much interest shown by fliers in the Northwest I've expanded this clinic by five additional students but only with the addition of one more very skilled pilot as an instructor... Some of you may already be familiar with Eli Russell from Medford, OR, one of my personal favorite fliers to watch - he is well versed in urban / light wind flying, has participated in a number of my team meetings and world record mega flies, and is a truly good guy interested in helping the folks around him. You can see some of his skills in action: This will be Eli's first official experience as a clinic instructor, but not his first time instructing... With this in mind, his focus will be heavy on the basics (fundamental controls, equipment set up, etc), which will free me up to focus more on the skills that are better addressed by me personally... Short and skinny of it, even adding 5 additional students, everyone will receive even more expert support with a grand total of 3 instructors on the beach (including TK and I).
  20. Two spaces gone, ten openings remaining. Deux espaces disparu, dix ouvertures restantes.
  21. All for the fun, carry on good sir!
  22. Welcome to the forums Raymond Comtois, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  23. Join us for two full days of quad instruction at Parc de la Commune in Varennes Quebec (just outside Montreal) on November 7-8, 2015... We'll be covering everything from absolute basics (pure beginner) all the way up through advanced techniques and team flying, as well as providing short flight routines that are sure to help your skills along while having fun at the same time. Rejoignez-nous pour deux jours complets d'enseignement en quad au parc de la Commune à Varennes Québec (juste à l'extérieur de Montréal) sur Novembre 7-8, 2015 ... Nous couvrirons tout, des fondements absolus (de débutant pur) tout le chemin à travers techniques de pointe et de l'équipe de vol, ainsi que de fournir des routines courtes de vol qui sont sûrs pour aider vos compétences le long tout en vous amusant en même temps. == Saturday morning is always a group presentation, full 101 on the ins and outs of Rev equipment and related theory, this covers a metric ton of stuff that even the "pros" think they know, but don't... From there, we usually go through the fundamentals of clean launching, landing and control methods... Students then break up onto their own kites to work on the "homework" (maneuver combinations) that I'll distribute beforehand, during which instructor(s) will make the rounds between each flier, offering supporting instruction, as well as addressing individual interests. Sunday is the same without a 101 presentation, followed by a couple hours of team skills introduction to close out the day. Students will use their own kites, any line length will work (80'-90' is very common) but 120' length will be required for team exercises. Must be spectra or Skybond lines for team flying. Samedi matin est toujours une présentation de groupe, complète 101 sur les tenants et les aboutissants de l'équipement Rev et la théorie connexe, ce qui couvre une tonne de choses que même les "pros" pensent qu'ils savent, mais ne le font pas ... A partir de là, nous passent habituellement par les principes fondamentaux de lancement propre, méthodes d'atterrissage et de contrôle ... Les étudiants cassent ensuite sur leurs propres cerfs-volants à travailler sur le «devoirs» (combinaisons de manœuvre) que je vais distribuer à l'avance, au cours de laquelle l'instructeur (s) fera les tours entre chaque dépliant, offrant soutenir l'instruction, ainsi que tenir compte des intérêts individuels. Le dimanche est le même sans une présentation 101, suivie par quelques heures de compétences de l'équipe mise en place pour fermer la journée. Les élèves utiliseront leurs propres cerfs-volants, toute la longueur de la ligne ne fonctionnent (80'-90 'est très fréquent), mais 120' longueur sera nécessaire pour les exercices de l'équipe. Doit être spectres ou des lignes Skybond pour voler de l'équipe. == Testimonials - http://tinyurl.com/jb-testimonials Registration is $150 per person and includes full access to the clinic on both days (10a-4p)... Please note, there are only 12 spots available and we expect them to fill up very quickly. L'inscription est de 150 $ par personne et comprend l'accès complet à la clinique sur les deux jours (10a-4p) ... S'il vous plaît noter, il n'y a que 12 places disponibles et nous attendons d'eux qu'ils remplissent très rapidement. Currently registered to attend: Actuellement inscrites pour assister à: 1. Martin D. 2. Raymond C. 3. Donald F. 4. Jean-Yves C.. 5. Épinette D. 6. Kirouac M. 7. Christine M. 8. Daniel S. 9. Pierre T. 10. Jean C. 11. Sylvain G. 12. Patrice P. Follow this event on Facebook too! https://www.facebook.com/events/497611153726223/ Nom de l'étudiant Niveau de compétence If you need any equipment prior to the event, we encourage you to check out our local supporter in the area, Cerf-Volant Coriolis Kite for a full variety of Rev kites and parts.
  24. This clinic is half full, just 6 spots left open now.
  25. Welcome to the forums Thomas B., please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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