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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. FYI, just pinned this topic - great one, keep it flowing.
  2. Must be a local issue Wayne, both videos are coming up fine for me.
  3. Watch your front teeth, had a couple good scares. hahaha Seriously, most of it comes down to having a good, established form... Sort of like a Kata, or using a variety of them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kata Like in martial arts training, they rotate through various katas, sort of like moving from pose to pose and learning the fluidity and power between, so that it's all stored deeply and can be accessed more automatically. I also recommend to anyone, set up a video camera to film like 10-15 minutes of yourself from the front and side, do a little private review without being judgmental, just observational. If you look awkward, it probably is... Hand position, shoulder tension, stance... If you look cool and feel good, it probably is.
  4. Try it with a metal Rev handle. lol Still happens on rare occasion.
  5. For tricks, it'll depend on your style and the kites (tuning) you're using. 70bce8d2bf85420be7d89223402126f9 " data-width="466"> Post by John Barresi.
  6. Think about it like a boxer - hands in the power zone, ready to jab or defend, that's where you have the most ergonomic strength and coordination. Basically, between your belt and your solar plexus. https://youtu.be/UX0TrbVuCAs?t=1m35s Also, think about straight line from elbow to kite, providing the most direct pull on the line and least effort required, as opposed to having your hands too high, low or wide, where the line of tension actually breaks into a "V", making inputs less accurate and requiring more effort to force that leverage.
  7. Oh sure... Leave an open door like that...
  8. Got it. Visiting just the forum, you wouldn't' notice any measurable difference in speed - all this was on the "front end" (magazine, etc). Thanks for confirming, and for all YOU do.
  9. I apply a thin coat of Shoe Goo to some of my spreaders where they insert into the fittings, it wears off over time, but works for a while and doesn't leave a mess or damage anything. Regarding popouts from the t-piece, rubber bands (cut inner tube into bands) are probably the best solution.
  10. Your bookmarked link looks like the forum, so no change there... The two links are to our front end pages, where we've had the developer for one of our plugins (handling ads) clean up some code... Almost everyone is reporting WAY faster loading, and no more failures. Not sure why your load time is still so long on the home page Nick, are you on high speed Internet?
  11. Welcome to the forums Toydoll, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  12. I'm hoping that as of about an hour ago, everyone finds the KiteLife home and article pages loading much, MUCH faster than they have been for the past few weeks... Tracked it down to a couple of plugins, night and day difference on this end. Confirm, counter?
  13. Basic tricks like stalls, landings, fade, axel? Or backspin, cascade, etc? Just trying to narrow down "basic", as it means different things to different fliers, depending on whether most of their time is spent flying or mostly "on its back"... A lot of fliers nowadays spend 80% of their time with the kite almost straight downwind, flipping around. Especially when it comes to choosing a UL or SUL kite, this is an important distinction. Personally, my first priority is sail pressure, tracking and cornering, with trick ability coming in afterward.
  14. I've spent quite a bit of time on the Silver Fox UL - it is heavy and flexible, not ideal for anything less than 4mph imho. Kymera lower wind range without weights is probably about the same, sweet spot is really 5-10mph, not your best choice for a UL. Ocius SUL is pretty killer for light wind, not sure about pricing, maybe on the higher end. I also enjoyed the Aura for light wind, very capable. What are you actually looking for in terms of low and performance, pure flight vs flippy floppy tricks, ratio of importance?
  15. Haha! Got to love a cheap and satisfactory fix. Glad to hear it.
  16. If you can break down the leading edge, it will be fine for carry on (easily fits above other bags in the overhead). Just make sure you don't try to bring any kite stakes as carry on, pointy ends and all.
  17. It should be fine to store your extra spars rolled up alongside the other spars in your kite. I carry so many extra rods, I use a regular kite sleeve to put them in, then put it all in my kite bag (fine even as checked luggage). Another option, some folks use the bag from a folding camping chair to store/carry kites and rods.
  18. Welcome to the forums DavidB, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  19. Welcome to the forums berchman, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  20. Welcome to the forums ShaneR, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  21. Welcome to the forums Abby Brathwaite, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  22. You hit lots of nostalgic points for me Dave. Don't forget about our other archives... Kite Lines (PDF) SKQ (PDF) Alas, I never was able to work out any agreement with Mr Prentice toward getting American Kite Magazine online.
  23. Welcome to the forums Abby Brathwaite, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  24. You can post the link Tmadz, all for the benefit of the flier - thanks.
  25. Looking to expand your dual line kite skills? This is a great chance for anyone to spread their wings, from beginning flight to advanced trick sequences, recreational or competitive, all skill levels are welcome! Schedule is 10a-4pm on both Saturday and Sunday, with a general "Dual Line 101" portion first thing Saturday morning in which we'll cover all the little set up details and general equipment knowledge that often hold fliers back before they even get in the air. Technique highlights: - Multiple landing and relaunch - Essential precision / control - Slack line / freestyle tricks - Team / pair flying - Tuning / settings This is a BYOK (bring your own kite) affair, our job is to help you be successful on the kites you already own! For the team exercises however, we're working on securing sufficient "beater" kites and lines for students to use. Registration for this clinic is $125 per person (12 STUDENTS MAXIMUM), includes all portions of the clinic - we hope to see you there! Student Name:
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