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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. START TIME, great question! If it's clear and not to ugly weather-wise, I'm going to shoot for around 9am. If it's a bit fugly, maybe 10-11am. Duane, now you just need to plan your west coast trip! Five minutes with me on a Rev, it'll change your whole world, I promise.
  2. I'm looking into this for you Jon.
  3. Aye, looking good Duane! Mid-vent too, super sexy! Your house looks like the kind of place I'd like to be for Christmas. Only if I could bring TK, of course. <grin>
  4. Ha, you and I are in the same boat Chris.
  5. Hi everyone, just added "shoutbox"... It's kind of like chat, messages that refresh every X number of seconds. First, if you don't like it, you can make it invisible by clicking the "My Prefs" button in the right of the shoutbox, then set "Display Global Shoutbox" to NO. Or if you just want to show/hide it, click the little "-" or "+" in the upper right corner of the Shoutbox section. You can also click the "archive" link under "My Prefs" to view past shouts from our members.
  6. Our pleasure. Also... http://www.cuttingedgekites.com/forum/ http://www.thekiteshoppe.com/forum/ http://www.kitetrade.org/forum/ http://www.revdeck.com/forum/ http://www.revguild.com/forum/ And another on the way for another client, sometime in the next couple of months when his site goes live.
  7. Hi everyone, just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a very safe and Merry Christmas. I hope you all got tons of awesome kite stuff, and have lots of loved ones around! Thank you all for being a part of Kitelife, we're both glad to know all of you.
  8. Congrats and Merry Christmas, great kite.
  9. Duly edited... And, I knew that, just had a Xmas eve moment. Get any good kite stuff this morn? <grin>
  10. Cool, it something called gzip encoding. Merry Christmas to you and Mary Beth as well!
  11. Oh, I have a few laying around... No shortage, I assure you. And trust me, you can't break 'em - nice thing about Revs!
  12. Also Jon, let me know if this forum loads a little faster (as of 1 minute ago)? I just enabled a type of encoding/decoding which is supposed to speed things up a bit.
  13. Your wish is my command (done), happily. I'd removed it due to the overwhelming complaints about our new format in the beginning, particularly one individual who didn't like all the "flash and glitz". For those folks, I'll remind them of the low-fi availability.
  14. Make that TWO extra handsome gentlemen on the east coast.
  15. Doi tashe mashte. *bowing*
  16. Rock on Spz0! Come get me for some Rev lessons.
  17. +1 Duane, very cool. Merry Christmas you big softie
  18. Got our first custom request, there is gonna be one extra handsome Zen owner on the east coast very soon.
  19. Thanks for the time saver Chris. LOL!
  20. Never sweat it ant, I know... I appreciate it when folks can renew, but I never expect it and we understand tight finances all too well at the moment. Always welcome regardless.
  21. We're working hard over there, look for us to open it back up later this evening if all goes well.
  22. Hey folks, I just put up a series of Zen shirts and sweats in Kitelife's CafePress shop... http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife We are an authorized provider of select Rev apparel, and can customize these shirts to match your custom kite upon request. If you come across any coupons, be sure to share them here. Of course, suggestions are always welcome as well!
  23. I think 150# is the standard, but I've been alright down to about 100# as well.
  24. Indeed... Rule of thumb, the end of the top leaders should *just* reach the bottom tip of the handles. As for knots, about 1/2" (or less) between, doesn't matter if the spacing is consistent knot to knot, as long as R/L leaders match up exactly. Hope that helps.
  25. Solid feedback, thanks Jim.
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