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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Thanks Duane! FYI, a "skin" is same as "template"... It's the general layout of the web site.
  2. Okay, I think you're my poster child at the moment. Here's the deal, I'm long overdue on upgrading the Revolution forum... How does this current (default) Kitelife forum skin sit with y'all now, ready for use on the Rev forum?
  3. Did you by chance take a look at any of the other skins I loaded in? (see first quote in this post) Would sure love 2 cents on the different options. I will be changing the skin at some point, and there are TONS of people who greatly dislike this one.
  4. I really like the "Professional Skin"... It's clean, concise, beautiful... Just needs a little tweaking on color and font sizes. This is a "professional grade" skin, made as a product by real web designers. As for the fixed width (instead of resizing to all monitors), I've always preferred it... Keeps a standard appearance for all visitors, content looks the same to everyone. == All the others are community projects (IPB users worldwide) and render weird behavior, as shown in the images below. Looking forward to feedback.
  5. Ya, tinkering - there aren't a lot of good templates out there... And as far as float vs tables, it's counterproductive for me to try and modify the templates every time IPB upgrades their script (necessary), so I'm trying to find something that will work almost "as is". There are a few skins you can now select/try using the drop down menu, bottom left of all forum pages, would LOVE to get feedback from everyone after they've tried each one.
  6. Wow, superb, nice work sir!
  7. Cool, thanks Jon, going to look now.
  8. I fly almost exclusively with 15-30 grams of weight on the tail, depending on what kite I'm flying. As for slicing up the leading edge, try "catching" the impact of the roll up (like a fade), instead of letting it slam home.
  9. I think if a flier is "all alone" at their field, making the transition from dual to quad can be challenging. But just 5-10 minutes with another experienced pilot, and most of that becomes null. Inherently, the dual line kite is actually harder to fly, albeit easier to learn by yourself.
  10. Spz0, any chance I could get you to assemble a real "how to" article for nose repair that I could include in an upcoming issue of Kitelife? Great stuff, I think it'd be awesome to have in the main archives.
  11. Regarding where to find past winners, the respective winner is listed near the end of each prize discussion. All past prizes listed here - http://kitelife.com/...rrent-drawings/ Hi Rob, the short answer is provided in the "Subscription Payment Success" email sent out to all new subscribers: I hope that clarifies some... Thanks again to our new subscribers, and to all of you.
  12. Time to get out the orange cone!
  13. Indeed, past winners are eligible... If someone wins, they just skip one prize cycle. So Masters Canvas (winning the Gibian kite) isn't eligible for this drawing, but will be as of the one after this. Also, a hearty thanks and welcome to our newest subscribers!
  14. Why yes, you can! We already have several members with two subscriptions.
  15. Sub #'s are on file here in the office, available upon request... Some folks like to put 'em in their signature. Yours (Steven) is 580.
  16. I did announce a date, in the first post... January 15th. Also, if you want to verify your subscription status, go the the home page of the forum and information should be displayed on the right somewhere. Good luck all!
  17. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. B-Series Vented (package), roughly a $350 value! This package includes kite, 3 wrap and 4 wrap frames, adjustable handles, DVD, weight kit, kite sleeve and a set of 90#x80' LaserPro lines! Key words here are "Ready to Fly", this beauty has everything you could need except for a ground stake. NOTE: Primary color of the kite in this drawing is AQUA and vented, not standard as pictured. This is regular (factory) model, it is not a Pro by Bazzer, but will still provide excellent flying for whoever wins this. You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/239, and will be drawn on January 15th, 2010! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  18. ROFL Jon! The winner is... Not 108, 267 and 123! (the first numbers drawn from 582 numbers issued since we started, but let their subscriptions lapse) == Okay, enough teasing, first active subscriber number drawn... The lucky winner of this great kite is subscriber #389, registered only as Masters Canvas. I've sent them notification by email, along with a link to this forum topic. Thanks for playing guys, got a great new prize coming up momentarily!
  19. Wow, I can't believe nobody is cracking the whip this morning! Give me a few minutes, I'll find us a winner. <grin>
  20. Hi folks, just a quick update to let y'all know we just released our latest issue of Kitelife Magazine... Issue 69 - Nov/Dec 2009 http://www.kitelife....agazine/issue69 Kites… Life. AKA Corner Dave's World: Rochester Dave's World: Flying a Perfect Pilot Parafoil News Reel Kite Comics Lincoln City Fall Festival Fields: Îles de la Madeleine St. Elmo's Fire 12 Days of Kitemas Holiday Shopping Empty Spaces: Crosby / Sasaki REVisions: The Zen of Rev Flying SPI Competition Kites Over Granbury == Also, as many of you know, our own KL magazine archive is still missing some issues which need to converted to our new format after the total site redesign in 2008. Thanks to TK's studious work (learning the ropes), these additional issues are now restored as well: Issue 4 - July 1998 http://www.kitelife....agazine/issue04 Kites... Life. Doin' It Indoors AKA Corner Novice Class ... See More Visual Eyes 4play Kitemaker: Neil Taylor Buggy Newz Junction Kite Retreat Notes from a Broad Speedsailing The New World Cup Twisted Lines Festival NFKA Fighters History 101: Guglielmo Marconi Mid-American SKC Ohio Cup Best of Rec.Kites Photo Gallery == Issue 25 - Dec/Jan 2002 http://www.kitelife....agazine/issue25 Musings from Mike Hong Kong Kite Festival Taiwan Kite Festival AKA and Kiteboarding Quads in Hot Tricks AKA Site Selection Ray's Adventures Afghani Children Kites in Art Competition Field Staff Nordic Kite Challenge Eurocup 2001 Fighter Kites in Off-Season Reviews: Psycho & Mako == Issue 26 - Spring 2002 http://www.kitelife....agazine/issue26 Musings from Mike Dave's a Seoul Man Kitefliers Family Ray on Ice... See More What's Up with the AKA? Pasir Gudang Fest Skating vs. Kiting How to Discourage a Flier A View of Judging Photos from TISKC/KTAI Fighter Kite Happenings Reader Feedback Kite Reviews by Glen Warren: - Master Control - M 80 - Nitro High Performance == Issue 27 - Summer 2002 http://www.kitelife....agazine/issue27 Behind the Chicken Loop Learn to Speak Afrikaans! Party this October Hot Times in Virginia Head Judge in Training ... See More An Air of Intensity Making a Super Fighter 1st Czech Kite Festival Kitemaking in the UK Nordic Kite Challenge Thailand Festival Passing of Phil's Kitemobile Rookie Mistakes Cooled computers and Big Kites Kite Reviews by Glen Warren: - Mosquito - Copter Kite - Twin Hull Sail Boat - 7' Shark - Hip Hop - Mosquito - Copter Kite - Twin Hull Sail Boat - Mosquito - Copter Kite - Twin Hull Sail Boat - Jabberwocky G2 == With these updates, that closes the gap in our archives to issues 5-24, leaving just 20 issues still offline. At this pace, I imagine we'll have the entire archive restored quite early in 2010. As always, if you enjoy our publication, please consider becoming an official subscriber to help support our archival efforts. Thanks, and enjoy!
  21. Congrats on the new kite Guru, that's a beauty color set, especially in mid... I think the single vent makes it look tougher somehow. Race frame, 3 wrap, 4 wrap, all great frames for the kite in their respective wind speeds... Might try 50# quad lines in light wind sometime as well, less wind drag, easier to keep/maintain four line tension.
  22. Aye, this is my philosophy with lines... All or none, otherwise cut 'em down to shorter lengths.
  23. Thanks Howard, we're looking forward to seeing all of you on the field soon.
  24. Hi, Just realized that there's been a fair amount of fanfare on Facebook and the Rev forum, but no clear news or photos about it here... Aye - we're now John Barresi and Takako Kishi Barresi, wedded on November 14th in beautiful Yachats (OR) in the company of a few friends. Our deepest love and thanks to all of you, especially to those who offered their support during the whole visa process. Enjoy the photos, look for more in the next issue of Kitelife!
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