May I also suggest you provide an email or web site address for KEWO to which we, as kiters, can send our disapproval?
You might be surprised at how effective a wave of emails from private citizens can be, especially if they include the disclosure that as consumers, we will be discouraging everyone we know from buying KEWO products until the situation is resolved.
For those reading, in most cases, there is no existing legal copyright or on these creative designs from private kitemakers, but it's certainly common knowledge within the single line kite community as to who gave birth to particular designs, and in what general time frame... Bottom line, there is a certain ethic which should be upheld within the global kiting community, purely out of principle.
In my 18 years of experience, a strong vocal presence from the general kite body does generally produce a worthwhile effect.
Given my current understanding of the situation, I'll be happy to assist however I can.
How about a brief article on the subject, for our February 1st issue, along with short bios on the kitemakers involved?
If so, just send it in by January 15th, including enough specifics for people to identify the company and their products.
Also, it's a key opportunity to broadcast information about the original kites, and their respective designers.