I'm not sure where one could find video about these, but there are two basic ways to bring the kite up when it's face down and nose to you (dead)...
There's the pop launch, where you try short/fast pumps evenly on the both lines while stepping back a tiny bit... Drags the kite (a little more wear), doesn't work on all kites, and it's turf dependent so softness of sand and height of grass may effect results.
The idea of this move is to bounce the nose up and off the ground, high enough for you to pull some wind under the kite and launch.
I haven't heard a name for this second move, so I'll refer this this move as the Digger for now... Works in soft sand only... Again, with the kite face down and nose to you, very slowly wiggle the nose to shovel up a handful or so of sand... Then, slowly draw the right line back until you're looking down the length of the left leading edge... Now slowly draw on that left line, while maintaining tension in the right one... Ideally, the left wingtip will come off the ground so the back of the kite begins to face you, belly of the kite facing away... When it's 100% or more upright that way, give a quick draw on both hands and be ready to steer the kite up and away.
What happens at the key moment in this move?
Again, more or less, the kite is on it's right leading edge, with the back of the kite facing you and the belly (face) facing away.
When you give it that quick sweeping pull with both hands, the kite will flip to it's flight position and be begging for a little tension while you steer the kite up and safely away.
Always try these moves with care, they can take a toll on the kite if not done smoothly... Also, if it doesn't work, try a few ways of looking at the process, adjust your inputs, see if you can speak the kite's language.
Hope that gives you some stuff to play with!