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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Nice videos. I'm a little disappointed though... Saw "Wen rev & skate", I was hoping to see Wen flying a Rev on roller skates. Ah well, maybe next year. <grin>
  2. Outstanding flying as usual Watty.
  3. You're the man Randy, thanks for putting all these vids online!
  4. Hi Jeff, welcome to the forum. It's not a bad thing to be hooked on, this kite flying!
  5. Here's a straight link to the whole index of tutorials... http://cid-268807a1b99b3f7c.profile.live.c...9B3F7C!103/
  6. Compatible with both Windows and Mac? System requirements?
  7. As most of you know, many of Kitelife's earlier issues are still offline after we were hacked last year and had to rebuild the entire site... However, I've just completed conversion of two more issues: http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/issue34 http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/issue35 That leaves us with 1-3 and 34-64 online now... Issues 4-33 are on the to do list for conversion, as I can find time... Issue 65 is due out on 4/1, can always use content if you've got an idea.
  8. *bump* New issue is #64, due out on 4/1... Deadline of 3/20. Always looking for content!
  9. Well, there's this crazy thing called a Revolution...
  10. Hey, it's the least I can do.
  11. If you're just spreading kite gospel (i.e. not for business), I have no concerns at all.
  12. Looks great, thanks for sharing John!
  13. Penny, thanks for passing this on... I didn't know her, but Margaret was a longtime part of kiting. She will be missed, no doubt. FYI, I stripped the email addresses out of your post so they don't get farmed by spam bots.
  14. Thanks Gustavo.
  15. Nah, nothing smart about it Mike... After more than 17 years on dual lines, you pick up a few tricks.
  16. I generally use http://keepvid.com/ - user friendly.
  17. I'm not sure where one could find video about these, but there are two basic ways to bring the kite up when it's face down and nose to you (dead)... == There's the pop launch, where you try short/fast pumps evenly on the both lines while stepping back a tiny bit... Drags the kite (a little more wear), doesn't work on all kites, and it's turf dependent so softness of sand and height of grass may effect results. The idea of this move is to bounce the nose up and off the ground, high enough for you to pull some wind under the kite and launch. == I haven't heard a name for this second move, so I'll refer this this move as the Digger for now... Works in soft sand only... Again, with the kite face down and nose to you, very slowly wiggle the nose to shovel up a handful or so of sand... Then, slowly draw the right line back until you're looking down the length of the left leading edge... Now slowly draw on that left line, while maintaining tension in the right one... Ideally, the left wingtip will come off the ground so the back of the kite begins to face you, belly of the kite facing away... When it's 100% or more upright that way, give a quick draw on both hands and be ready to steer the kite up and away. What happens at the key moment in this move? Again, more or less, the kite is on it's right leading edge, with the back of the kite facing you and the belly (face) facing away. When you give it that quick sweeping pull with both hands, the kite will flip to it's flight position and be begging for a little tension while you steer the kite up and safely away. == Always try these moves with care, they can take a toll on the kite if not done smoothly... Also, if it doesn't work, try a few ways of looking at the process, adjust your inputs, see if you can speak the kite's language. Hope that gives you some stuff to play with!
  18. Very enjoyable Watty, thanks for putting that up! All the students did a really great job, I'm only sorry the conditions didn't allow all the first-time team fliers to get a go... We missed 2 or 3 of them, but everyone else who showed an interest got a chance to fly with us and learn some basics. That was the first time we've dedicated that much time to specifically teaching team... It was a wonderful time, and showed a glimpse of what some of us will be seeing at the team clinic at the end of May... Too darned much fun.
  19. Gustavo, about the music... Where can I find more like it for my own listening pleasure?
  20. Oh, and where can I find more of that music??? (seriously)
  21. Holy !! I am stunned, very well done, KILLER music and flying both.
  22. ROFL Maybe a little Armor-All?
  23. Aha, I see... Understandable. Sorry to say that I don't have anything like you're describing, and it will probably be a while before I find time to do it, must prioritize. Your request is a good one however, and I agree something like this should be available.
  24. Well, it's simple enough to add one with a fixed weather location (i.e. Portland, OR)... But having one that you as a visitor can set to your own locale is a bit more challenging as we have visitors from all over. Also, the presence of Laptop and PC weather widgets probably negates a lot of the need for people.
  25. Ken, this might do the job... Short URL - http://tinyurl.com/modernkiting It's a YouTube play list I've assembled for "modern kiting" examples. Will that work?
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