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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Interesting site T, but we're looking for a widget, something produced by a weather service which we can insert into the Kitelife forum pages, and allows our members to set their own weather location to pop up when they log on.
  2. I think I tried to have a go with that one a while ago and didn't find it to be user-friendly on the admin side.
  3. Randy's tutorials are awesome, I used all of them when I decided to teach myself all the new tricks in 2006.
  4. Rick, email is working a-ok... info@ or webmaster@ You know, kitelife.com
  5. Good suggestion Shane, have you seen such a widget that we could embed?
  6. Awesome video Watty, really great stuff. I was there watching, keep an eye on this one... He's going to be trouble. <grin>
  7. Aye, Watty is well on his way to a proper weekend of iQuad hazing. <grin>
  8. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Cesium Access, roughly a $160 value! (prize is same as the first kite pictured above) Info - http://www.atelierkites.com/kites/cesium/std/ Videos - http://www.atelierkites.com/kites/cesium/std/videos.php Actual prize is predominantly yellow and gray, comes with a set of wrist straps! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/271, and will be drawn on April 1st, 2009! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  9. Winner is... *drum roll* Subscriber #156... *drum roll* Rudy Bouhuys Congratulations Rudy, enjoy your kite!
  10. OH NO! Sorry to hear Brett, best wishes for a speedy recovery of those kites.
  11. Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce what is now an annual event in conjunction with the World Kite Museum in Long Beach, WA on March 6th through the 8th.. The West Coast Rev Clinic II! (2nd annual) For complete information, download the attached PDF, here... info_wcrc09.rtf == If you are a RevGuild member, please look for discounted clinic registration links in our club forum (linked below)... $15 off individual registration, $25 off couple and parent/child fees... RevGuild membership is $35 per year, so just 2 or 3 clinics will more than cover the average clinic registration fee, as well as provide a 15% discount at The Kite Shoppe. http://www.revguild.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=70 If you're not a RevGuild member yet, you can find more info by clicking here. == Register on the Rev forum - http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2175 == In addition to the regular 3-day clinic content, we have DEFINITELY secured an indoor venue for Friday night between 5pm and 9pm (4 hours) at the Ocean Park Grade School... This is only available to paid clinic participants and instructors. Click here for a map! The indoor clinic will be instructed by members of iQuad, and Spence "Watty" Watson. == Lodging discount, courtesy of rxburner: Stay 1 night, get 2nd night 1/2 price. Stay 2 nights, get 3rd night free. Excludes holidays and festivals. Valid through 04/30/09. Edgewater Inn 409 Sid Snyder Dr SW - Long Beach, WA (360) 642-2311 / (800) 561-2456 (print this coupon)
  12. Just in case y'all missed it, we have secured indoor space for the West Coast Rev Clinic on March 6th (Friday), this on top of the 3 days of outdoor instruction we'll have as well... Watty will be a guest instructor for the indoor portion.
  13. Well done John, keep it up!
  14. John, you've hit the next weird part of the indoor Rev... It doesn't bicycle the same way outdoor Revs do. When bicycling my Indoor Rev, my hands need to stay within about 4"-6" of each other (keeping your wrists fairly close), otherwise I don't get a clean rotation.
  15. Still in the prize pool, waiting, I have an L'Atelier Cesium, a Skyburner Freestylist and in the not-too-distant future, a 15' inflatable caterpillar from Gomberg Kites, among other things... Might, just might have some more Rev stuff coming up too. <grin> Just to whet your whistles.
  16. Got an alarm set, and some other cool stuff lined up for prize drawings.
  17. I like really lightweight, neatly tied sleeving on my 50# indoor lines (dual or quad)... Makes the ends easier to work with, less wear and tear on the loops, and the light sleeving doesn't create any snag or wind drag problems for me.
  18. I actually use *extra* leaders on the top lines, so not only am I flying on the last knot, but I've lengthened my top lines by an additional 6"-8".
  19. Here... http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2194 Or if you're a RevGuild member, here... http://www.revguild.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=23
  20. Count on it brother. You going to make it to our March clinic in Long Beach? Or, maybe our team clinic in May?
  21. Aye folks, iQuad finally has a routine... Bear in mind, this video was taken one day after we wrote the routine and everything after 3:05 is still improvised except for the landing sequence... Probably the sixth or seventh time we'd ever flown it. Thanks to Donna McCown for the footage!
  22. Very happy birthday wishes to my good friend Komuro-san in Japan. Go Hokkaido!
  23. Great addition, thanks Jynx!
  24. Beautiful, really nice Andy.
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