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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Man, it's hard to say goodbye... *sniff* Fortunately, it's matane this time... See you later.
  2. Thanks T. Did you get my return flight info?
  3. Not familiar to my eyes, sorry!
  4. Not nervous in the least... When you know, you know. Ken, she LOVES the NW, and nothing gets in the way of our Revs, she's a nutty as I am. <grin>
  5. Ah, thank you kindly Wen. Headed home tomorrow, 3 weeks then, until TK comes to visit in Portland for the holidays. <grin>
  6. If anyone is angling for a new Hawaiian Team Kite, I seem to recall that Cutting Edge Kites has obtained the license to make them, and has a few in stock, along with full parts availability. http://www.cuttingedgekites.com (proud sponsor of Kitelife too!)
  7. Renewed for another month, but I'm guessing that the forums will satisfy most in the long run, or IM/Skype for live chat. (yes-yes, I'm working on the Rev forum too)
  8. I hear you Ant, but I don't know if 2 people at a time is worth $10 a month. We'll renew it for another month, and figure it out next time around.
  9. I think it's a matter of "live" chatting in general... SO hard to stay focused on, while blogs/forums are a breeze. Leaning towards dropping the chat so far.
  10. Alright guys, first renewal is due for the new chat script... What say ye, shall I keep it running a little longer? No point, if no one is consistently using it.
  11. I would argue that there's more than 260 people who are interested, by being Kitelife subscribers! Thank you, to all are on that list.
  12. Ha, found it... http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1847
  13. http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1841
  14. Wow, what a loss... All my best to his spirit, memory and family. We just saw him at AKA a few weeks ago, I had no idea. Thanks for letting us know Mike.
  15. Yes, I agree, it has been too long mi amigo! Maybe next year, we can hope!
  16. Thanks Wen, see you at Kasai on Saturday.
  17. Congrats Walt, good first site, and GREAT kite stakes.
  18. Awesome, see you there... I'll be in Tokyo from November 12th to the 27th. Going to meet Takako's family after the event.
  19. Happy belated birthday Wen, see you at TBFP?
  20. Yes, yes, happy birthday Moonie! Can't believe I almost missed it. Really, have a good one, enjoy it.
  21. I like the fluidity found in diamond sport kites, and the tails always appeal to onlookers. Good bit of noise on stacks too, if the wind is up!
  22. One of the inherent difficulties with such a project is poring through submitted (or created) videos and ensuring that the flights are perfect. Line length, wind speed, field size and many other factors play into how a compulsory is flown and even judged. Proportions (placement in window / placement of components / etc)... How would a standard or grading be applied?
  23. Very cool calendar Kent, thanks for making it available!
  24. Nope, no compulsories on video yet... At least not here, sorry!
  25. Not sure, should be working fine.
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