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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. And another, our daily updates from the 2006 AKA Grand Nationals... http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/aka06/content.php
  2. And another, our daily updates from the 2007 KTAI trade show... http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/ktai07/content.php
  3. And another, our daily updates from the 2007 AKA Grand Nationals... http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/aka07/content.php
  4. Another one down, our latest, #60... http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/issue60/content.php This is the first release for this issue, brand new.
  5. Issue 59 is now available for viewing... http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/issue59/content.php Our latest (#60) is next on the "to do" list.
  6. No worries at all Jim! Let me know if you think of a few, comprehensive sub-categories for this topic area. Might make it easier for others to post and browse appropriately.
  7. Thanks Jon, I'll be starting on more of the past issues today or tomorrow.
  8. Your wish is my command. http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showforum=120
  9. No doubt, this is all old stuff, but very rarely done these days... Too bad, it's pretty fun. And I agree, Scott Aughenbaugh may very well be the best flier in history, for his era. He and Miguel Rodriguez were two of my earliest inspirations, ever since I saw them compete at the 1990 AKA Grand Nationals in Seaside. Would love to get my hands on some more of the older videos, I've only got a couple of Scott.
  10. Oh man, best dual line freestyle kite for the buck? Well, for it's size and price range... The Jump by Level One is absolutely killer at $100 or so, one of my top five overall favorites in dual lines. Doesn't fly quite like a good full size kite, but it'll do almost all the known tricks, has a wide wind range, and is very precise. In the way of full size kites, I really like the Sea Devil (for tricks - $400) and the Shiva (for drive/precision - ^$175).
  11. Ha, people have done pairs games like this, it's pretty funny.
  12. We're happy to do so, such great publications, it would be a tremendous loss for them not to be available. A tremendous thanks to Valerie Govig for allowing it, as well as to Felix Cartegna and Harold Ames for loaning us copies to scan and archive.
  13. Doi tashi mashte Yamashita-san, it is my pleasure.
  14. A quick message to us via the contact page works. As with most forums, there is no "cancel my account" feature in your forum controls. Your forum account has been deleted, and I don't see you in our Kitelife Subscriber or mailing list databases, so you should be good to go. Thank you, best winds!
  15. Hi guys, this from our KiteMail (you@kitemail.com) service provider... On June 10th and 11th, your email storage capacity will increase significantly, from 25MB to 1GB. This update will occur with no interruption in service and be available after June 10th. Simply log in to your account and view the increase on your Web Mail home page. There has been a number of service changes over the past year including this storage upgrade. Check out the highlights! Significant storage increase Web 2.0 email interface - Inbox folders, message filing and preview pane just like Outlook! Personal calendar and address book Industry-leading spam and virus protection Add-on services including registered email and online storage To take advantage of all these great features make sure you are using the Rich Web Mail interface. It is easy to switch! Simply click SWITCH TO RICH WEB MAIL on the lower left-hand navigation of your Inbox. Look for the KiteMail login on our home page, just below the table of contents.
  16. Just converted/added issue 58 this morning (Tokyo time), more to come. Will do 59 and 60 next, in that order... Then I'll be working backwards starting with 47. Now, going to enjoy my last night in Tokyo, gotta catch my flight home tomorrow, then straight off to Canada less than 24 hours later.
  17. Wonderful! Great to see Rev team flying in Taiwan.
  18. http://www.kitechat.org A bit run down, but it still works.
  19. It's feasible, will bear it in mind if this comes through.
  20. Too early to say, depends on the amount of interest, and what my schedule looks like in a month or two.
  21. BEAUTIFUL! Great photos, and great colors in your kite. Please, register on the Revolution Forum and share these there too? FYI, for those not in the know... That's the "101 Building" in Taipei, Taiwan... Pretty cool place.
  22. I've been doing this since 1992, but had a particularly great outing at Kasai in Tokyo yesterday after not doing it for more than a year... (photos courtesy of Iijima-san) The dual line (a Shiva by CDC) is attached to my belt loops (steering with my waist), and the Rev (custom B-Series) in my hands. Did a lot of stuff I'd never done before, to mention a few: Simultanious spin landings. Flying the dual around the stationary Rev (while rotating the Rev - matching a wing tip with the dual). Docking/refueling (flying the dual into the "V" of the Rev), dual on slightly longer lines. Anyway, just wanted to share... I hope it makes you want to try something new and crazy!
  23. Thanks Isaac, added... Look below the full navigation list, 1/2 way down the home page.
  24. I did two such workshops in 2006 for the World Kite Museum in Long Beach (WA), with 20+ participants at each... If there's enough interest shown, I might be interested in putting one together again.
  25. Slack lines are from the wing that's on my chin, tension is on the top wing, keeping balance.
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