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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. I did, all day, at Kasai in Tokyo. Did some dual line (on my Shiva), Rev flying (dogstake/regular), and a little of both at the same time (dual/hips + quad/hands). <grin> This, from the Airrex web site...
  2. The trick with a back spin is walk into it, keep the lines fairly slack. Nice job Dean, keep after it.
  3. Hi guys, Happy to report that Kitelife's main site is again available, in a brand new and improved format! http://www.kitelife.com We still have to convert most of the past issues of Kitelife into the new format, but there are over a dozen done and our lates (#60) will be available sometime in the next several days. Thanks to all for your patience, understanding and support through this difficult time here at Kitelife. And of course, please share your comments and critique freely! Not only do we like to hear praise (makes the job easier - for sure), but constructive criticism helps us improve. After all, this site is here for you, the kite flier.
  4. 'Nuff said.
  5. We've got our beta team filled out now, thanks to those who are helping and have offered to help.
  6. Too bad you're not coming to the 4th of July Rev clinic, gonna be a hoot.
  7. Won't be at Lincoln City Summer Festival, sorry... Will be there for the Fall Festival in October however. Dual line flying, when I retired (for the 2nd time) in 1998 I was at the top of my game... Between then and 2002 when I came back, slack line tricks (jacobs ladder, roll ups, etc) really came to North America and I didn't catch the curve... A bit stuck up, I stayed "old school" until 2005 when I picked up Lam Hoac's Sea Devil and went through Randy's tutorials one by one until I was again a force in dual line competition. Now, I fly dual lines maybe 2-8 hours per year, spending most of my time on the Revs. Even so, most of my quad time is spent flying team... Absolutely the most pleasurable thing I've ever done in kiting.
  8. Tons of great info here... http://sportkiteflyer.spaces.live.com/list...9B3F7C!103/ Randy's tutorials were a huge help when I brought my dual line flying up to speed in 2005.
  9. Hi folks, I'm in need of five people to serve as beta testers for the new Kitelife site we're working on! Essentially, you'd try and use every finished page, testing navigation and functionality. Obviously, it'd be good if you were Internet-savvy... Don't have to be a designer, just a hard core web user. The site is currently on a different domain, with restricted access (user name and password), that info would be confidential and not to be shared at all. Please PM me with inquiries and credentials.
  10. Have you looked at either of these sites? http://www.kite-classifieds.com http://gwtw-kites.com/forum/default.asp?CAT_ID=16 Probably your best bet. FYI, I deleted your duplicate post... Our users are cued into any new messages, one will do the job. No worries, just letting you know in case you wonder about it.
  11. Unbelievable... These jerks actually wrote me an email, threatening legal action! Far as I know, this is a public forum, users (such as awindofchange) are entitled to post their opinions, and the word patent was not used in this context anyway. Fact of the matter, legalities aside, the kites they advertising are clearly based on Revolution's original design, even the graphics are very similar: > compared to the original > Revolution produced their Blast years ago, this thing came on the market much more recently. I'm a little irritated at being threatened, to say the least.
  12. Actual download function should be just fine, they tested ok for me on my friend's account.
  13. Hi folks, just caught a slight error in our forum settings! Regular members could see the "Video Archives", but Kitelife subscribers weren't able to see that category in the main directory! (super-DOH) The files were accessible, but the category/listing wasn't visible. Downloads - http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?autocom=downloads I think it is a-ok now - when you click the link above, it should look like this... Subscribers, please let me know what you find!
  14. Thanks T, much love. It's 5:40pm on June 2nd here in Tokyo, but I celebrated the extra day vicariously through everyone back in the states. <grin> Working on the new main Kitelife site at the moment, pushing for a release in the next few days.
  15. Check it out folks. http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1227
  16. I learned both simultaneously. Dual line habits are harder to break when switching to quad. Quad line habits don't really effect duals, as wrist action doesn't do much at all.
  17. Hi guys... The forum is now 100% safe to use again, thanks to help from the folks at Invision (designers of this forum script). The main site is another issue altogether, I hope to have our new version uploaded and working by June 10th at the very latest. I'll be in Tokyo May 29 to June 11, working busily from there. Thanks for your patience and support folks, you make it possible for us to keep going!
  18. Looking into this... Looks like you may be right. Also getting similar reports from the main (non-forum) pages, will likely have to roll out the new Kitelife site sooner than anticipated. There is literally no way I can get to most of these tasks until the weekend... Will be working it while I am in Japan for the next couple of weeks. Releasing the new site early means it will be incomplete, but past issues will be added over time, until the archives are complete again... This relates only to Kitelife Magazine, the SKQ and Kitelines archives will be available immediately after the conversion. Thanks for your support and patience.
  19. Rock on brother. (thanks)
  20. iQuad is hoping to be there... Just waiting on confirmation from LC.
  21. Call me anything but Mr. Barresi or late for dinner, no problem.
  22. Cool, thanks for confirming... Have fun Dan!
  23. Give 'er a try now, should be golden?
  24. Looking into this now.
  25. You could just say that. Pairs is specifically two people.
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