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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. I'll happily take a listen.
  2. Tricky part Tristan, is that we're looking for stuff that is "royalty free" or is inexpensive to license... All those guys are big $$$$.
  3. AWESOME event, sorry I'm going to miss it this year.
  4. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Six 48 foot Transition Tails, roughly a $144 value! These are great for dual line, quad line and single line kites! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/297, and will be drawn on January 25th, 2008! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/transition57/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  5. Dang, totally slipped by... Too much on my plate at the moment. == Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: Bob Matteo - Subscriber #94 Congratulations Bob! Our new prize(s) will be announced within 24 hours.
  6. Wow, neat sound, but too aggressive for our needs.
  7. I did a search on "Impact exploders", couldn't find anything... Have a direct URL to their profile?
  8. Posting this for my friends, Erv & Gail Crosby...
  9. Going into the winter months, Kitelife will be producing a LARGE variety of new videos for both the public and subscriber areas... The problem as always, is finding music we can use. Copyright is always a concern, so we're reaching out to you, the Kitelife visitors, for legal music sources. If you have or are involved with a band, or play with producing music at home, we could really use access to your tracks! Anyone who thinks they might be able to help, either PM or email me with more info. Naturally, we'd provide full music credits with or without a URL anytime your music is used.
  10. Ah, found it... http://www.kitelife.com/videos/mib/aricont...c2003mib3rd.htm He's flying an STX by CDC (no longer made), not sure what size/model it is. Theresa at The Kite Shoppe might have some left, you'd have to check.
  11. Do you have the link to a video of the routine?
  12. Great site on the whole, been watching surf videos for the past half hour. I'm particularly fond of - http://kiteflix.com/kite_girls.php
  13. Nice work Eze, looking forward to watching as the site develops.
  14. Please be sure to transmit personal info like shipping addresses via PM or email.
  15. Confirmed, and updated... Congrats again, on your two prizes!
  16. Congratulations Kent and family, welcome to the kite clan Joni! Per the contest rules, as Kent listed them... "Bonus Prize!!! Jumping Jack Flash from Level One Kites" "6) Bonus Prize. If the winner of any one of the prizes is also a Kitelife Subscriber, that winner will win the bonus prize along with their regular prize. Only one bonus prize is available and will first be awarded to the first place winner if they are a current Kitelife Subscriber. If the winner of the first place prize is not a Kitelife Subscriber then the Bonus prize will then be awarded to the second place winner if they are a current Kitelife Subscriber and so on." Out of the winners... Which ones are Kitelife subscribers, and eligible for the bonus prizes? ==== 5TH Place winner of the awesome Nighthawk kite from Premier.... MtnFlyer with a guess of Dec 11th, 10:00 am. Missed the exact time by 50 hrs, 29 minutes. (subscriber since October, 2004) 4TH Place winner of the Silver Fox 2.3 from Flying Wings.... Dwayne with a guess of Dec 7th, 9:00 am. Missed the exact time by 46 hrs, 31 minutes. (subscriber since November, 2007) 3RD Place winner of the beautiful Zephyr from Prism Kites.... Kite Dog with a guess of Dec 10th, 1:00 pm. Missed the exact time by 29 hrs, 29 minutes. (subscriber since September, 2007) 2ND Place winner of the coveted Barresi B-Series Revolution Kite Package.... AND THE BONUS PRIZE! Big Bri with a guess of Dec 10th, 10:45 am. Missed the exact time by 27 hrs, 14 minutes. (subscriber since May, 2007) And the GRAND PRIZE winner of the beautiful Widow Maker from Skyburner Kites is.......... Mikenchico with a guess of Dec 8th, 5:15pm. Missed the exact time by only 14 hrs, 16 minutes. (not a Kitelife subscriber) ==== I have no record of Mikeinchico being a subscriber... If any of the listings above are inaccurate, please let me know asap and I'll make sure Kent has the correct info. Read the rules carefully... Not all are eligible for the bonus prize, but I have listed all top five for posterity. I'm still verifying Big Bri's subscribership (see your PM Brian) - but if I've got it right, nice haul Brian, congratulations... I'll get your subscriber graphic added as soon as you respond to my PM, confirming the PayPal account your signed up to Kitelife with... Sorry I didn't catch that and add it sooner.
  17. As the host of this fine contest here at Kitelife, I would also agree that the rules should stay as they are... With notes taken for any future drawings. Indeed, Kent is doing a great thing here, and any conflicts or challenges should be conducted personally, behind the scenes, if at all.
  18. I much prefer the terminology, kite cave.
  19. Rock on kar, it'll only get better.
  20. Got my hands full as it is, I declined the opportunity to bid on the job when it was available.
  21. I'm not sure if it's an editorial style, or if the AKA Editor simply wasn't sent a larger and more thorough report. You might consider posting the same question on the AKA Kite Talk forum, in an appropriate topic area. While I haven't seen the latest issue yet, the reports from their last issue were similarly lacking for my tastes... I know I'd rather read a few well written 2-5 page reports with photos than narrow "blip" reports from more events.
  22. Thanks Ken, I keep getting involved in more and more stuff... It was really necessary for someone else with the knowledge and skills to assume the role. I know Amy will do great, she's got a toe in everything having to do with kites... Event organizing, kite making, sport kite comps (quad and dual), team flying, indoor, and the list goes on.
  23. I've flown my vented B-Series 1.5 with a 4 wrap frame and extra 4 wrap leading edge in 60 mph before, on 150 lb lines. But, it takes a confident hand.
  24. John Barresi

    Ballet Kite

    Denny, take a look at the Silver Fox review in Kitelife if you haven't already... http://www.kitelife.com/archives/issue53/s...fox53/index.htm
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