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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. You should be able to order the original Rev DVD from your local shop, or if not, certainly Rev should have them available. As for the B-Series DVD, it is only available with the purchase of a B-Series kite.
  2. http://www.whidbeykites.org/
  3. Hi Stryker, long time no see. Coming to Niagara Falls?
  4. Happy Birthday Ken.
  5. As soon as Monkey looks at this thread, he should have some input... I know he ordered the custom golf balls, but it wasn't cheap.
  6. Thing about kites like the 2.3, they're smaller... This brings a faster style into play, faster reflexes and that feeling you get from speed. It's fun, and has it's own flavor... A full size kite like the 2.5 is a bit slower, the steps from move to move are a bit clearer, and it can be more elegant in most cases. Cost aside, the choice also comes down to what you're looking for. 2 cents in hand.
  7. Try this link. http://www.revkites.com/main/Animations
  8. No problem, thanks for being here.
  9. I add those manually, so I just hadn't put two and two together yet... Forum name > Email address > Subscriber You're in the subscription records, just missing the subscriber graphic in your signature. All set now, thanks for letting me know!
  10. Do they fly kites? Perhaps I could put a Rev boot camp for children into play, and build an army of kitefliers. *chuckle* Seriously, my pleasure Syruss... That bit with the bridle was one of those freak things, and it needed to be fixed.
  11. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. Ron Gibian Pocket Rocket, roughly a $175 value! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/280, and will be drawn on October 15th, 2007! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/gibian56/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  12. Just catching up here in the office, glad these guys got you sorted out Syruss. Practice up, I'm ready for ya! <grin>
  13. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: David Goodwin (ToyGuy) - Subscriber #388 Congratulations David! Our new prize(s) will be announced within 24 hours.
  14. Adam, try calling Rev between 10am-3pm, Tuesday through Thursday, PST... That's when the most staff is in-house at Rev.
  15. John Barresi


    Only competing once a year, just at WSIKF? There are other events not too far away... Info here - http://www.nwskl.org
  16. John Barresi


    You're better off staying in Experienced Watty... It's your right, and you need more seasoning before going up against pilots like this: - Lam Hoac - Cal Yuen - David Hathaway - Myself Most pilots spend 2 years in any given class before moving up. Just my 2 cents.
  17. John Barresi


    It was great having you in our neck of the woods again John, you're welcome anytime! I was really amazed at HOW MANY PEOPLE were solid Rev team fliers by the end of the week... We had more than 1/2 dozen pilots who hadn't really flew team much until this event, they all learned lots.
  18. I still haven't spent much time on the "flippy" features of this kite, but sitting here in my home office, I was moved to go fly in the parking lot for a few minutes. How fun! It's nice to have something I can fly right outside, and do more than "pull it around"... A good little break, and better with MP3's.
  19. Yep, Jim Cosca and some of the WOW kite club members were brought in to provide kites and flying as a backdrop.
  20. John Barresi

    kite book

    Cool, thank you.
  21. Cool, I'll try and come up with some... All I have now is a heavier, twisted line.
  22. What kind of line do you recommend for the Bai?
  23. John Barresi

    kite book

    Try Valerie Govig here... http://www.kitelinesbookstore.com/ She has the most extensive kite book inventory and knowledge of anyone I know.
  24. The QP isn't as "flippy" as an Acrobatx... Seems to me that the Acrobatx would tend to do roll ups easier, unless you really weighed down the tail of the QP. I have both kites in my bag.
  25. The Silver Fox UL is my general choice for 2-10 mph. My STD has been great for me from roughly the 8-16 mph range. I just got my vented Silver Fox, and found it to fly best in 12 mph and more. Pretty much any kite will be faster and harder to control in winds over their recommended wind ranges... If your UL or STD is loading up enough, the frame (and airfoil) start to distort, severely changing a kite's characteristics for the worse... Never mind the greatly increased likelihood of breakage! In high winds, it's also harder to drop your kite onto it's back for more advanced tricks... Simply, it makes sense to have the right strength and weight of kite for the wind.
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