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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. For quad, I recommend the 1.5 Revolution with an EXP leading edge... If you're flying around obstructions that you might hit, the regular edge (SLE) would be better... But the SLE is so stiff, I don't like it (as an experienced flier)... See the other threads in the "Quad Heads" section of this forum. EXP is a little cheaper, but if you stay with quad line flying... The 1.5 will go much farther for you. EXP is slightly lower mfg quality, handles have a crappy foam grip... For a $50 difference (tops), the 1.5 is a way better value. Also, read the Quad Heads postings about mylar versus ripstop sails. Sorry, quick and dirty post... Writing from France at the moment.
  2. ????? With their hands? No, seriously... Richard Debray is flying from his earlobes, funny comete. No... Seriously, this time... No time.
  3. I'm due back in the USA on May 26th... I'll be chomping at the bit.
  4. Great vid Rob, LOVE the new graphics! When is mine going out in the mail? Blue please!
  5. Since I leave my handles on the lines, and they're staked down, the twists I put in while winding all come out... The only issues I ever have is if I've let the handles swing around a bit during wind-up, and they get twisted or crossed there. Exactly... Also, if it still appears that there are twists... Walk them down to the handle and most will clear out. What happens sometimes is that there are twists one way at X end, and twists the other way at Y end... So when you push them together, they cancel each other out.
  6. To the best of my knowledge, nothing in the Premier beginner/intermediate line will do tricks... I was able to do a number of these tricks on their Magnum, but had to put nearly $2 in quarters on the tail to do it.
  7. From one of Kitelife's visitors... "My name is Corey, I produce a podcast for nonprofit professionals and volunteers. In a show that I produced this week, I interviewed Scott Skinner of the Drachen Foundation, an organization that is devoted to increase the diffusion of knowledge of kites worldwide. If you are interested, you can download the episode." Corey Pudhorodsky 501c3Cast - Podcast for Nonprofits We've added the MP3 file (23MB, 33 minutes) to our KiteVideo.net server for anyone to download. http://www.kitevideo.net/audio_interviews/...st_04032006.mp3 (right click and "Save target" or "Save link as" to download) The interview was originally released here, on April 3, 2006, it's show number 41.
  8. Solid clarification Don... I'm 100% behind all those details, and the reasoning.
  9. I love the excitement one gains from seeing the placings from previous disciplines... "Oh, I got a 3rd in MIP... Better ramp it up in MIB!" Or... "Yeah, got a 1st in MIP... Let's keep it going in MIB!" Although it's impractical for events these days, I really loved it when scores were posted one by one... Like being in first through the first several competitors, then seeing that next score posted that knocks you into second... WOW, what a rush! I'm pleased to share that the NWSKL is going to experiment with posting full results (not TBA) at the end of each discipline in at least a couple of events this year, to see what the response is, both from competitors and spectators.
  10. Drum roll please... The winner of these two great prizes is: Paul Goodrich - Subscriber #85 Congratulations Paul!
  11. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. A Freestylist by Skyburner Kites, roughly a $150 value! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/180, and will be drawn on May 5th, 2006! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/freestylist47/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  12. Related thread on Kitebuilder.com: http://www.kitebuilder.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=36862
  13. Sounds like a great premise for an article in Kitelife... Anyone up for it?
  14. The Acrobatx will actually take a pretty decent beating... It's ranked as an intermediate kite, and was designed for a little abuse... Rods are pultruded, so it won't be as costly to replace anything if it does break. If you're really keen on learning on something else less expensive first, you might look at the Cherry Bomb by New Tech... Around $50, it's a decent flier. The key is, you really won't be able to do much on kites for under $80... For only $30 more than the Cherry Bomb, the Acrobatx is the first in it's price range that will allow you to do some of the higher end tricks, take some punishment, and not hurt your wallet too bad.
  15. I've heard that from a lot of people, and I don't doubt it... But I rarely have more than one or two spins to get out myself.
  16. I use one winder for a set of four lines, leave the handles on, pair the left/right sides together at the kite end and wind up from there... Unwinding entails staking my handles down, walking away with the kite and hooking it up when I come to the end. Never found any practical difference between straight winding and figure 8 winding.
  17. No report in this next issue (4/1), but the following on 6/1. Too much else I need to do in the next week and a half before I leave for France.
  18. Is that clearer? Same text that was there, enlarged and turned color.
  19. Nobody gets the new issue until it's release date. April 1st
  20. Discussion regarding this article in issue 47, available on April 1st. http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/issue47/tba47
  21. I think a good number of the compulsories were worked on by Dave Hansen and Mike Gillard... I know that John Mitchell has a hand in some now and then as well. Not sure about this one though.
  22. Discussion in the committee has been initiated, I'll keep you posted on our final decision... Might take a couple weeks, and wouldn't take effect until the 2007 season. Keep practicing!
  23. As AKA Sport Kite Chair, I'm going to move that we strike the leading edge landing and replace it it optional pancake or two-point landing.
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