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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Of course Ben, everything comes down to personal style and taste. That bit about the mylar is what I've found in my own experiences, and most of the competitive fliers I've spoken with about it.
  2. I've done up to six on the Sea Devil without a roll bar or cage... 23 on the Deep Space, which has roll bars. Lucky, to help narrow it down... What kind of budget do you have in mind?
  3. Cool, keep us posted if you're up for it.
  4. Okay gang, just added six indoor demos from the 2006 Lincoln City Indoor Festival in Oregon, and two demos from the 2006 World Sport Kite Championships in France... Some good stuff in here! http://www.kitelife.com/videos/demos.htm#2006 More to come, we're getting into the video season now.
  5. For the record, as adult fliers... I think Steve and I both find the idea funny. However, indeed... Kiting is a family oriented pastime, and we try our best to make it accessible to all ages. Have you looked through the Kitelife shirts? http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife
  6. Hi Blackbeard... Inland flying is a bit tougher, but not a total obstacle. You're trying to learn "tricks" as in slack line tricks? If so, have you checked out RandyG's videos? Look along the right side of this page... http://spaces.msn.com/sportkiteflyer/
  7. No problem... Aside from the delay. I've known Corey for 15+ years, and he will take care of this.
  8. Ya'll got your logins? http://www.kitelife.com/members/berck06/be...-rev_subvid.wmv (86.3MB download) Post back here, and leave your comments about this video! WOW!
  9. Ya'll got your logins? http://www.kitelife.com/members/lcindoor06...Show_subvid.wmv (170MB download) Post back here, and leave your comments about this video! WOW!
  10. Yep, colors as shown.
  11. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. A Revolution I, roughly a $250 value! You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/190, and will be drawn on June 5th, 2006! http://www.kitelife.com/prizes/rev47/index.htm Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin!
  12. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: Don King - Subscriber #60 Congratulations Don! Our new prize(s) will be announced within the next hour or so.
  13. Check with www.thekiteshoppe.com, they should be familiar with costs for delivery to France.
  14. A tremendous loss... Not only to kiting, but to those who knew and loved him. Sam was an amazing man, and so good of heart... One of the finest I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Tonight, (another) glass for Sam... And this weekend, a kite in the air.
  15. When was his last attempt? Did he succeed?
  16. *UPDATING THIS POST AS THINGS DEVELOP* Up to $1,595... Thanks to $40 on Belassis' kite on GWTW, $350 so far on the custom CA Wasp, and final bid of $420 on my custom Rev I. In the interest of being able to provide a richer, more comprehensive variety of multimedia from events (videos, animations, photos, etc), we've placed an order through Dell which comes out to $2,250.00 and gives us everything we need to do the job right. What a show of generosity and appreciation!
  17. Ya'll got your logins? http://www.kitelife.com/members/berck06/video_flic.htm Post back here, and leave your comments about this video! WOW!
  18. I'd go for the latter... I'll see your cup, and raise you an espresso.
  19. Handles are in short supply for me... I have 2 extended sets, total. You're on your own for that... But they're easy to get. If they're being ordered from Rev, ask for: "The new 1.5 handles, which used to be SUL Rev I handles." They just made this change, recently.
  20. Forgot to mention, gotta wait until tomorrow to view those two videos... Our video server went over 13GB of bandwidth yesterday, and resets in the morning. Thanks for your patience.
  21. I always love to refer to these videos, great representation of the two kites: Rev I - http://kitevideo.net/johnbarresi_com/jb-promo05_revplay.wmv (31.74MB) Rev 1.5 - http://kitevideo.net/video_files/mqb/aka02...jado_1stMQB.wmv (13.8MB) You'll see the difference in style fairly well.
  22. Don't push it monkey man.
  23. Alright, 2-wrap or 4-wrap... Winner's choice. Give me a day to get things together... I'll make a separate post officially opening the auction tomorrow. It will be a $150 opening bid, with $10 minimum increases... No 1 dollar raises, to save everyone's time. I've never let one of these babies go before, and I want to do it right. Keep an eye out for news sometime tomorrow.
  24. Yowtch, I stand corrected Rob... Didn't know you'd run into that on the 1.5 too. However, it is the first I've heard of it. Simple solution really... Just get the all ripstop model, as god intended it to be.
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