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Edmond Dragut

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Everything posted by Edmond Dragut

  1. i named that pigtail. may be loop, may be extension. how long is easy to do and cheaper the name is not important
  2. i love Skybond, i have 2 sets of 120 and on 2 years no stretch on them except after first fly. that yellow is visible on any terrain i flayed and even they show some wearing they remain slippery. with LPG i had some bad experience, trying to untangle the lines i had some bad knots because of dried grass or small twigs caught in at landings or in parking
  3. kites you want to use for train are identical ? if yes connect the line at the intersection of the two spars or depending of case from the spare what is keeping the shape
  4. i feel you man, good and bad on he same time. good news, kites are a lot more important then line and handles and you have some of the best kite stores in area to replace your loss. not good for expenses but at least you will enjoy with your parents a great week-end
  5. if that sand protection save the bridle means you drag then on the ground and is not a good idea. somebody told me some time ago "fly low, up everybody is good" but dragging the caps or leading edge on grass end especially on concrete is to much. is like destruction derby for me because is the center you may use a pigtail and cut the original damaged bridle.make sure is close in dimensions with what you cut.
  6. to keep it in the air what you say about a MIG or an F 21 ?
  7. you catch something in the grass, a piece of glass or wood. for sure you rub something hard to have the sleeve damaged but not the strands
  8. IMO, for 12' box delta you will need more then 250 lbs line. i will go with 500 just to be on the safe side
  9. Jon is a great flyer and the store is showing the knowledge he have. Stay close and for sure you will receive from Jon the best pointers of how to fly
  10. delta are flying in lower winds but any high gust may break the spreader rod. boxed delta need more wind to launch but the vent make them to fly in gusts and high winds without any problem
  11. great kite for speed and make people looking up. is a real noise maker and on higher then 7 mph a tube tail is adding an extra WOW to. Mi wife love hers Citrus Quantum. one recommendation if i may, on winds higher then 15 mph be sure you use 200# lines.i fish last year the kite from almost a mile in lake Michigan after 150# line give up in 17 mph also do not loose your junior from your eye site and teach it to let go one line on front to hold on.
  12. if lines are 65' and you have 70' of beach will be close then fine if the wind is blowing from the ocean. if is from the land to ocean will be some problems with a wet kite especial because i understand you are a beginner. that is one,second EXP is rated 4 to 15 mph winds and from mi experience in Mexico shores wind most of the time exceeds 15. especially if you are a beginner will be problems in control from higher then 10 mph because of the speed and kite puling. This will make the learning curve how Makatakam said ( he give me the first inside on quads) extremely frustrating. will be a good idea depending the media of the winds in the area to order a went or a full vent. if you placed the order already and you are not willing a second vent kite, if the winds are how i know buy a set of 4 wraps frame and exchange the frame of EXP with in higher then 10 mph. that will give an extra strength to the frame but speed and puling will not be solved and chances to break something on crashes are high till you will have a decent control. now about the space you need. If the lines are 65' you need for safety 131' on to a 160 degrees radius on direction of the wind.Kite is making damage if you hit something or somebody and lines are burning or cutting very bad in flesh. all the best and let us know about your journey in "dark world"
  13. 15 mph IMO is to much to give any kite to a 13 year old without a good background in 2 ore 4 lines. if wind is 15 mph the gusts may go up to 25 mph. without the knowledge to go at the edge of the wind window fast ore release one of the lines and collapse the kite some bad things may happen. Some drag is fun, 4-5 fits jumps are exciting, how you end them is the problem. Here you have a video of Symphony 2.1 in condition close to one you ask with a 215 lbs guy and second of 8 year kid on Symphony 1.2 on less then 10 mph IMO have fun and conclusions are yours
  14. i forget to mention, i kiteboarding at one point. i had this kites: 4 M slingshot, 7 M north neo, 10 M Cabrinha , 12 M Slingshot, 13 M Slingshot and 15 M Naish. great kites, great sensation, extremely good rides but with age i realize is to much power for me even after 15 years of competition water polo play. i sold them in a blink without regrets But... this is me.
  15. for that riffclown i recommend her 1.8 Beamer and not bigger . surface of Symphony 2.2 is 1.738 M if you want to use same numbers. comparative picture are nice (2 M Vs 1.738 M) but what you say i know already, SURFACE make the difference. Breezin, for most of us 20 MPH winds are exception, is 2 maybe 3 times per year, that is the reason i have a Zen and Indoor Rev. your choice to pull out any kite on higher then 20.from what i know is not built yet the one to start at 15 withstand a 25 and you to be safe on the ground. anyway, please note, all this are Mine opinions based on MI experience and i accept any changes how long are viable. Thank you
  16. Actually foil kites are the beginning of the "dark side" if you start with the right one and they are indestructible. except for the inflatable leading edge once a quad foil is 100 times better then a dual just because you have the possibility to relaunch yourself if you crash walking couple steps back
  17. Beamer 1.8 work dual and quad line, Synapse 2 M dual, Symphony 1.8m dual and easy to become quad, this for brand names but for fun if you are on budget go to Amazon or eBay for some Chinese kite at a fraction of the price. Sail and bridle are really good but use trusted brand for lines. i forget to say, Chinese kites are have less pull then all branded names. mine 5 M quad Rainbow is pulling half less then 3 M Beamer and is fly in less wind
  18. i can make a suggestion ? you may use bungee on both side like you have on any other kites but be careful,whatever you chose make the knots with the kite fully assembled to have control of tension
  19. SHBKF is right. there are " professional" ways and personal ways. pick your method, how long is please you and is do the job you will be fine. There are some great flyers on the New York area, try to meet them for a fly session and for sure they will show you how to do "things". how to find them? is a general topic LOCAL CONNECTIONS, post there where and when you will fly and for sure somebody will join or suggest a different spot
  20. best will be to made a double 8 knot. is not slip and is easy to undo. actually this topic was on this site in 2009. you need just the last steps
  21. to hide the kite do this: fly the kite without him at least one time and when will be ask about just say " this old one? i had it and just find it couple days ago" easy right ? will be half true
  22. you may adjust the tension at your desire. to hard and you change the shape of leading edges catching more wind, to less and the sail will make more noise when fast maneuvering
  23. this is the basic idea, you may improvise from here
  24. outdoor carbon. actually are like any other Rev handles with a carbon wrap on top. at least mine are in that way
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