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Edmond Dragut

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Everything posted by Edmond Dragut

  1. bravo !
  2. Karma ?
  3. Flexfoil sacker series kites ( 6, 8, 10 ) are having the spare on front of the vents and that is making sometime hard to launch by yourself if the wind is not hard enough at ground level. that may be adjusted from the end stoppers where the lines are connected
  4. you are THE MAN. is an old saying " i can't argue with people without reason " and this is the decent version. i wish you all the best
  5. seams any rules are not apply to you. good luck
  6. have fun
  7. yes, the wind will keep the kite on the fence and you do not need help to launch and no need for stake to
  8. you may put the kite standing back to a fence to be inflated when you start puling the lines
  9. that is the launch trick for flexfoils, the leading edge to be flexed no matter how much room you have to back up. 14 is more then enough if you launched
  10. if the wind is 15-25 i will not recommend you to fly that stack if you do not have experience and at least 190 lbs
  11. no way to rise them without straps. anchor the lines, take a piece of line and flex the first one and put something on to do not launch alone
  12. ok , flex foils are having a trick, to rise the leading edge must be flexed. you may achieve that by flexing up the first kite with the lines.
  13. you need wind first😉 and for stack most of the time you need an assistant to rise you the last on the stack. is hard alone even with a stake because you need enough wind to have both foils inflated face down and to rise them up by turning left or right
  14. 2 ore 4 lines ? What kites ?
  15. Kevlar line is a big NO for any kite in US. IF you fly alone you are good how long are not other people around (even non flyers) . if you will rise two kites and the lines are coming on contact with each other there is a big chance to cut one of them. for sure some other flyers from this forum will take the time to write you the same thing. on this case i will tell you " what is in china stay in china "
  16. "if" i remember correctly dual line foils like quad line foils and any other kites are having a parking position. maybe will be good to follow the rules but again i may be wrong
  17. apparently dual fliers are more confident on constant wind direction then a stake. IMO sand or grass a stake is not just a great tool is also a safety one. all the discussions stop to launch but parking the kite is also something must to be take in consideration. I may be wrong
  18. Petzl is word known for cliffhanging gear. nothing from theirs catalog is not rated under 300 LBS not even the head lights. low weight for the gear is also another must be counting on the amount of different "tools" must be carried for a successful climbing
  19. i forget to mention something important. each inflatable will have his own pull so.... kite line must to have the strength for kite plus the laundry pull. almost for sure that is the reason you see it (on your opinion) to big kite lines used by flyers.
  20. on 6 by 5 foot at 6-7 mph you have enough pull for all your flags. by testing you will find out witch laundry is working and in what wind will have the best effect.
  21. if the lifter kite is have enough pull you may add more then one laundry
  22. you do not need swivels, use the Larks head knot
  23. "The Kevlar line won't stretch as much as the hemp. I wouldn't fly a kite on hemp line. I would not use Kevlar as a kite line when flying around other people, as it has a tendency to be proficient at cutting through other kite line materials" i read and...is just a statement about "I" not a definitively NO. is also about cutting other lines nothing about people witch i think are just a little bit more important then a kite but hey i make mistakes to
  24. IMO bad choice Kansas Flier. Kevlar lines should not be used at all if is another kite in air and under any circumstances for laundry. at most of the festivals people using Kevlar lines are reported and are some actions against them.i hope Kevlar line is broad in discussion just for comparative purpose. best choices is braided line no mater how big or small is the strength and never use twisted lines (if you want to be a serious kilter) . the strongest kite point should be the anchor follow up by the line and like on fishing kite is the weakest. if the line break try to imagine what happen to the people caught in drag of a louse kite at just 10 mph, not to nice to see and trust me your insurance will not be happy HedgerowPete about what "large kites" you ask ? delta, power sled, box ,winged box ?
  25. the pull of the kite dictate the line strength. may be a small kite with a high pull and a large one with small pull. Manufacturer usually give the recommendation for line strength and for security purposes is good to up that. some of the sled out there are required up to 1500 Lbs (680 kg) so....check and follow the manufacturer recommendations . kite pull and line strength are also connected with the anchor you need for different kites so...do not forgot to use the proper one to do not have bad surprises. Better safe then sorry
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