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Everything posted by monkey

  1. Truth be told i generally don't drink during the day, and NEVER "lite" anything
  2. I've been slowly getting mine together for pictures.... http://www.simian-studios.ca/kites.html
  3. And I'm now 100% confirmed and booked for both Grand Haven and Wildwood. seeya there!
  4. If I wasn't already in Bend for a festival, I'd have considered that festival. Sorry, but, maybe next time.
  5. I may be able to get that thrid angle down to you quick... I'll look at it this evening
  6. A FABULOUS time and I know we have you skipping on tape. :-)
  7. "one winder to rule them all" ok, poor lord of the rings rip... I've always used one winder for both sides of lines, however, its critical to ALWAYS connect the sides together, either with knotting the tops to the bottoms, or, bottoms to the top. (at both ends) Be sure to wind reasonably tightly on the winder and consistently on the winder and you shouldn't have toooo much problem.
  8. They have something that resembles real beer out there i hope!
  9. Nope. 7AM, no wait, 6AM at the beach, in the prescribed clothing, lines rolled out and my handles polished, etc or else! Oh wait, the boss already answered this, nevermind and seeya there
  10. What about meeeeeeeeeeee, am I chopped liver?
  11. You are once, twice, three times a laaaaady....
  12. Rammstein. Polish polka music. Whitney Houston.
  13. Thanks! It was fun hearing that music in a new context, combining my two loves, music and kites.
  14. Wow, way to take the value down really fast!
  15. Ah, and I also sit here with a big smile on my face. Hector, it was really a pleasure meeting you there and one of my best memories of the weekend was following your red baron with the iquad kites. You did a superb job for someone who had never flown in a team like before. thanks again for the smiles!
  16. I'm trying to keep it pristine, so it always just sits there, looking hawt kinda like me!
  17. Mine's an oddball, one of three mango ones (seen here by John's #1 in blue of course) It either looks like a bee or some manner of weird motorcross outfit.
  18. Damn thats one fine looking kite.
  19. Ah well, there's always next year. It's somewhat good for me to not go as I have Police tickets for their north american tour opening night anyways. But, still, I've yet to make it to that festival despite wanting to go for many years. Also, on a different level, I'm pleased to see more quad teams in North America, so, more power to the Quad Squad I say, good on them. I can understand the budget concerns on getting us out there, it can become expensive quickly if you have to import flyers in from the west coast. Just come on out to WSIKF this year
  20. Having flown mine a lot, nope, its not in your mind, unless we're both insane.
  21. Dude, you have had far too much great lucklately, I think it may be a while before you even win a coin toss.
  22. monkey


    Heh, well, I know John has been out of town doing some filming, and Ive been swamped with other stuff, but, we're off to KiteParty this weekend (with an 8 person iQuad!) , Im sure there will be piles and stories from that.
  23. She sure works harder at it then I ever do, such dedication! Its great to see new people out flying.
  24. And what a great time it was, again! Thanks Alan!
  25. I saw the current Rev catalog this weekend, and it displayed the 2005 Rev 1 colours as well however I noticed that there was at least one in the KTAI updates that showed a new sail pattern, colour scheme.
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