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Everything posted by riffclown

  1. riffclown


    From the album: Rilfflown Flight pics

    Flight Day with Ejay and John P.. GREAT day to fly. The flutter is officially fixed on NIKA.. I know exactly what caused it and how to avoid it next time.
  2. @JWharton I'm sorry. I really was not trying to hijack the topic.
  3. Actually "axel" is the proper term. Axle would be the common alternate. Same goes for "Bridles" commonly mistaken as "Bridals".. Bridles is the correct term. Spelling of these terms also seems to vary regionally.
  4. Starting a new path once I finish 87 & 88
  5. That was an intentional omission. Like the HQ Mojo, I don't consider the Fulcrum a beginner quad. If you already know quads then it is an easy learning step. If you don't know quads it might not be the best platform to learn on. When recommending beginner quads, I tend to stick to Hadzicki style sails..
  6. 1st Welcome to KiteLife. Tip 1.. Try before you buy I have owned Revs, Freileins, Phoenix, and a wide range of quads.I still own most of those and what I've sold was only because of overlap and not because of issues. Most of the quads made right now are of at least decent quality. A few like the Djinn really stand out. The most common stick point with Revs is Where they added Springs to everything, Some like them some do not. (I'm of the latter opinion) The best advice available will be find some local fliers and try what they have. It would be worth your time and money to fly WITH someone. You would not only get to try before you buy, you'd also most likely get some solid baseline pointers. The only absolute advice is that no one's advice is absolute. What works for me may not work for you. You are only about 100 miles or so from OSK. A Day trip might be in your best interest. When you do purchase "A" kite, start with what would be appropriate for most of your regular wind conditions. While no single kite can do it all. Limiting yourself to a kite that you can only fly a few days a year kind of sucks the fun out of the hobby. NOTE, Do invest in a good set of Handles and lines. They will be your common control as you move between kites.
  7. Kite found its new home today.
  8. Kite found its new home today.
  9. Now here is an unexpected source you might like. Old MiniBlind cord will often have a core that can be removed and make a nice while sleeve for your coloring preferences..
  10. Actually it does not have a core but has a nice weave and works with a sleeving tool very well.. (I also use it when converting Symphony kites to 4 lines.) I will also repeat that this is a bit thicker than normal sleeving and works great for power kites but might be too much for Stunt kite preferences..
  11. From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    Just showing the common pattern that these two kites have.
  12. Personally I DO use sleeving, but I like for it to be pretty tight. Removing the core from white Bridle line works best for me. I then color code as needed with marker.. I've also used Muzzy extreme bowfishing line with good results but it's a bit thicker than I like for this use.
  13. From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    #90 Bridle Test
  14. From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    #90 Bridle Test
  15. #90 Bridle Test
  16. Needs wind but this will be a fun kite. 72" P300/P200 Framing
  17. Decided to just add a small strip to the Edges to get my dimensions.. Just need to do the trailing edge and the sewing will be done. With Framing and Bridling remaining, this kite will likely be finished today..
  18. riffclown


    Congratulations @John Barresi
  19. riffclown


    Just noticed that this will be Topic 9000 for KiteLife. Yet another milestone has been reached.
  20. Kite is very stable in 20mph+
  21. In the wind and in the wild
  22. OK can share now..
  23. Finished up the bag today.. This kite is ready for you.
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