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About Guru4tru

  • Birthday 09/20/1948

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Gomberg SKYFORM60, Nirvana UL&STD, STD, MID & FULL Vent Revs.
  • Flying Since
    In Spirit--since 1983, Kites since 2008
  • Location
    Royal Palm Beach, FL.
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Anything that flys...including the Spirit!
  • Gender

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Kite Romantic

Kite Romantic (7/7)



  1. Hey Tucson Bill, Welcome on board!! But have you ever heard of the term, "A day late and a dollar short!"?? Well, you might not be a "dollar short" but you are a "day late"! "RAZOR" picked up my numbers and beat you out by a post or two! Sorry Bill, but now your odds are about the same as every one else! I do wish you the best of luck though! Well, the best of luck just behind the "best of luck" is wished RAZOR...heehee! "Lady LUCK"...is our master!! heehee! Keep It Up! Duane
  2. Hi "kjm", I agree with what you are saying and I know that most of the things that have offended you probably came from me! I am sorry for that. But, don't run off!! You, and others like you, are the future of Kitelife and of Kiting as a Whole. As I have been here in this forum for awhile I seem to be running out of entertaining things to say and that I believe is somewhat the cause for MY degeneration. So, it's certainly not you who should leave, but me! I'll be with you all in Spirit! (My Spirit is much nicer then Duane anyway! heehee!) So...Good-Bye! Keep It Up! Duane EDIT: Photomom...Remember: "Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it." You know as well as I that you are here for a purpose! I was good for Kitelife...but "GOOD" is the enemy of the "BEST"! When the wind is just "hot air", you don't run away from it...you accept the responsibility to "Rise Higher" and change it...and as you also know...you are not alone! You have my deepest respect!
  3. OK!! Way To Go RAZOR! heehee! Welcome aboard and you are now the owner of two other numbers, besides your own, ......let's see...I forgot what they were...heehee!...I'll be right back! EDIT: Your extra 2 numbers are 476 & 837! And I wish you the best of luck!! Keep It Up! Duane
  4. That is Freaking AWESOME!!! I LOVE it!!! Guess I'll be breaking out my box fans!! You know what you need to do know right?? Find a way to market a fan setup, and make millions selling in home kite flying fan kits. Hey "Exile", That's a "GREAT IDEA"!!...(just don't forget the monofilament lines going to the ceiling!!) heehee!! Keep It Up! Duane EDIT: I know! I know! "It's NOT nice to fool Mother Nature!"
  5. You Are Right!....This is "hurricane season"!! Keep It Up! Duane
  6. Good Video Rob, Thanks for sharing it...I need all the inspiration I can to put in some dual line time...the Rev. seems to have taken over my mind! If that video was with the heavier spars...I see nothing wrong with that action. But, then like I said, I'm no expert here! I'd love to fly as well as you can! heehee! Keep It Up! Duane
  7. Hi Razor, Check out the "CURRENT DRAWINGS" posts about the "Crossfire"...If you qualify, you can have my numbers for this next drawing! Keep It Up! Duane
  8. Yes!! A new dimension in indoor kite flying!! Stick this up your nose Mother Nature...with your South Florida Summers!! You thought you had me beat!! HA!! Keep It Up! Duane
  9. Ahhh Wow! That was my fault...I'm sorry...I forgot all about "imagining"! Keep It Up! Duane
  10. The sand bag is coming along great! Here is a picture of all the webbed straps that I tacked in place. It’s ready for sewing. (I found that I had way too much webbing, so I went around the bag twice in the center instead of once.) As Nick mentioned, there is a far easier way to bag sand! heehee! And that’s really good to know for anyone that is just looking for a sand bag and doesn’t like the stuff sold at the kite shops, which I don’t care for any I’ve seen. But for those of you that are looking out your window right now, as I am, and are watching the lightening storm with temps in the mid nineties and no wind...OR...those of you that may find 3 feet of snow against you front door sometime and you can't escape...this is the bag for you (or something like it). And also when it is finished I can hang it on the wall over my beautifully crafted kite boxes and say, “What a beautiful sand bag that is!” and I can feel a sense of accomplishment for all the time and work that went into it! Seeing how the above picture will look about the same as the finished project...I’ll save you the final picture! heehee! Keep It Up! Duane
  11. Nick...I agree with you, but it sure doesn't look like a 2200 lb. cap. bag. Are you sure about that...and if so where do you buy it? I'd have do "some" work on it, like cutting it in half and re sewing it. I can get 2 bags out of it. Keep It Up! Duane
  12. Hey Baloo, That's sounds really GOOD! A nice quiet day of flying with others...Heaven on Earth! (I'll imagine Sunshine and Wind!) Keep It Up! Duane
  13. OK!! I’m Ready!! What could be “soooo” hard about Sewing?!?! So, here’s my “Plan A”: (Just laying out what I plan on doing.) I’m going to have webbing strips (or whatever they call the stuff) running from about a foot above the top of the bag down and around the bottom of the bag and sewn to the bottom and sides at 4 places equal distance on the sides of the bag. With an extra strap sewn around the center of the bag (the center piece is because I bought too much webbing and felt I had to do something with the extra stuff.) The strapping will be of one piece (except for the center circle) with the 2 ends overlapping on the bottom and all sewn in place everywhere. That will leave 2 loops coming off the top which will have 2 rings (wielded-400# combined cap.) that the webbing straps will go through. Make sure not to forget to put the rings on before sewing...(this note I added so “I” remember). This way the strapping will be able to slide through the rings to equalize the tension on the straps and bag. Then the rings will go on this “gismo” (750# cap.) I could skip this “gizmo” thing, but I think it’s sort of neat and it will help to keep things orderly when not attached to the carabiner. And then the “gizmo” goes on a carabiner (5000#cap. from “Into The Wind”...overkill for sure, but it’s light and very easy to handle) which I will then attach the kite line to the carabiner. “What’s the best knot to use to attach the kite line to the carabiner???” So, the overall capacity is the weakest link, which is the 400# cap. rings (200# cap. each)...which is plenty for my "Sundancer" SKYFORM60. I usually fly with 300# line and 500# for heavy wind, but the pull doesn’t get any where near 500#, it’s just easier to handle the heaver line in a strong wind. The needles, thread, webbing stuff, rings and “gizmo” thing cost more then the bag itself, but then what’s another 20 bucks in this game! heehee! ============= So there it is! If anyone “sees or thinks” anything that might need “re-thinking” or added... Please, tell me about it!! (And the kite line to carabiner “knot” is needed.) Thanks! And don’t suggest using a “sewing machine”! With a sewing machine I’d finish this in an hour or 2 and then I’d just be back starring at that damn wall again waiting to this lousy So. Fla. summer to pass! Keep It Up! Duane PS “A Helpful Hint To Remember”: You may have wondered “Why?” the needle and thread are hanging out of my nose and the carabiner is in my left ear! Well, for some strange reason, as I grow older, my nose and ears seem to keep growing larger...(which is beyond me, because I still can’t hear anything and, according to my wife, I don’t smell any better either)...but I have found that they have become really great for hold things in! heehee!
  14. No...I can't remember...but my wife says she's happy about it! Keep It Up! Duane (My "Plan A" bag reinforcing stuff is coming up in a few hours.)
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