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Everything posted by Jeepster

  1. Wayne, Already reserved a condo for WSIKF ... I'll let you try out my new Kymera this fall at the festival! Chears.
  2. I'd start with the companies first. A phone call to Lolly or Ben might be the first place to start. You left out Shani ... the owner usually answers the phone. Or, e-mail in the case of polo! As a side note ... it's hard to make a kite bag as good as the Rev bag for less money. Good luck, Tom
  3. Congrats Ken!!! Glad that it'll not be a hanger queen!!! Cheers, Tom
  4. Oh Pete, I know how much you like perfection. And, the scientific world does work so hard to get atomic time tuned to perfection. But truly, you understand that "kiting time" is the polar opposite. Kiting events with published time lines are advisory/suggestive only. So, yes today is the suggested day for the RNG to get busy, but ... Cheers, Tom
  5. All of us have gone through that "afraid to breath" stage when first flying with others. But, as was mentioned, you will learn SO MUCH MORE when flying with others! Don't miss any opportunity that comes up. Had been flying about a month by myself when I ended up in a group of three others at a club fly. The most important thing I learned was what I didn't know!!! There were a couple of moves where my brain simply didn't know what to do. Ended up flying straight into the ground on one move ... geez!!! One of the guys laughed and said "Thank You" ... he explained that he'd done the same thing when learning and it was fun to be reminded of the early days. And tangles? I've yet to see one that was not correctable. More importantly, I've yet to see anyone become upset because a tangle occurred ... we've all been the cause of a tangle at one time or another. Cheers, Tom
  6. You might send a PM to "Monkey" here on the forum. David Hathaway lives in Vancouver, BC, and might be able to give you better advise than the rest of us. iQuad is sponsored by LaserPro and The Kite Shoppe, so he'll have to think back a few years, but ... Cheers, Tom
  7. Sari, The simple answer is that if you're buying 120 foot lines, you're planning on flying with others ... buy Laser Pro gold lines and you won't be sorry. As to where to buy from: The Kite Shoppe is just across the boarder from you and a good supplier. A Wind of Change is the biggest seller of Rev kites in the USA ... can't do that without good service. Cheers, Tom
  8. Congrats. Grand kids are much more fun than Version One ever was!!! Our first born grand child (boy) is a carbon copy of his dad. He drives his dad up the wall just exactly like his dad drove me crazy. It's just like watching a rerun 25 years later ... only you've got a different part. Cheers, Tom
  9. Unfortunately, I missed the Keokuk festival this year ... we're out west. Attended last year though. The folks flying the Revs were IKE members ... the team was 180GO!. Any one of those guys would have shown you how to fly and then let you fly their kite. Be sure to tell us what you've finally settled on for a kite. Cheers, Tom
  10. It's time for the bear to go into hibernation ... geez, don't even kid about no more Revs. Even an EXP is a better choice than one of those two line floppy things. Can't tell a good flier from a poor flier with a two line thing ... they both just flop the kite around in the air.
  11. Keokuk might be a little more removed from the center of kite flying than my area. There are two clubs, that I know about, within driving distance from you. The Quad Cities Kite Club out of Davenport, IA, has some contact info on their web site. James Patten is the president and flys Revs ... along with SLK. The Gateways Kite Club out of St Louis, MO also has contact info on their web site. Donna Houchins is their secretary and flies Revs. Both individuals are good fliers, great kite builders and good folks to get to know. You might also look at the IKE club ... their membership comes mainly from all over Illinois and Wisconsin. Most of it's membership is centered around Chicago, but there are some stragglers who live further out. Cheers, Tom
  12. Hmmm ... you wouldn't have anything to do with the Keokuk Kite Festival would you? Cheers, Tom
  13. I'm not sure that enough time has elapsed since your surgery for you to be flying Revs yet. Being the helpful type of fellow, I'll be more than happy to break this kite in for you if, unfortunately for the group, your number comes up. Mind you, it does take quite awhile to properly break in a mid-vent ... Cheers, Tom
  14. Shell, I first saw a Rev kite sometime in the 1990's. Still had kids at home and couldn't quite bring myself to spend that much on a kite that might end up in the back of my closet. In hindsight, that was a mistake. Should have bought two and gotten my son interested at the same time. Don't let any of the input from the Rev forum discourage you from purchasing the EXP if that's what you can afford right now. The fun factor with an EXP is just as great as with a custom Bazzer made Pro. The friends you'll meet are the same! Just get a Rev today and get into the hobby. With the videos John has assembled, you can teach yourself to fly Revs. But, it's much faster and more fun to hook up with someone who already knows how to fly. Why don't you change your profile to tell us where you're located in Iowa? Iowa is not the center of kite flying, but you might scare up someone nearby who flies Revs. Cheers, Tom
  15. The hope part I can comprehend. Your "logic" behind the hope ... well, it made me smile this morning. Cheers, Tom
  16. Congratulations Jeryll. Hope you enjoy the kite. And thanks to John for the contest ... they're appreciated. As for the RNG ... I hope you can sleep with one eye open ... there are about 305 of us looking to do nasty things to you. Cheers, Tom
  17. Something you're not telling us John?? Curious, Tom
  18. Good on you Peter ... hope you enjoy the kite!!!! And, thanks to John for the contests ... Cheers, Tom
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