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Everything posted by Jynx

  1. Boy, does that take me back! We did the same and even added old-style clothes pins hanging from the chutes and we painted eyes, mouth, hair (etc.) on them. Even made some of those chutes from my dad's handkerchiefs. The simplier Good-Ol'-Days hey?
  2. Best lines and NICEST person ever is Theresa at The Kite Shoppe! A super local kite shop, and host of our Milwaukee Kite Festivals, is Scott Fisher of Gifts of Wings! He's always ready to help us out and do everything in his power to make kiting in the Milwaukee area WINDerful! Then there's Dave at Kite Connection who puts on the BEST Kite Party in the world, Lyn and Rich from Midwest Kites who are always ready to help answer questions, and also Corey from Windpower sports. If price is #1 consideration... I have shopped that way too BUT it's nice to support the people who have helped bring me here and have become friends as well!
  3. Attending one of Milwaukee's Kite Festivals in 2007, I saw Chicago Fire perform (they were awesome) and watched another team flying kites that looked like bow ties, their names escaped me (at the time) something about Quads or something!? They were pretty good too! Told my son I'd like to try that sometime... so he gifted me a dual-line Aerie for my birthday! (My first non-kiddie kite). A year later, and after seeing iQuad perform, I said the Revs were really cool and I received a gift certificate for Gifts of Wings Kite Shop, for that birthday, and used it to buy my first Rev. That was 2 years ago... the rest is REV-Obsessionary! The only regret is not getting into flying MUCH sooner! (Not-to-mention a bag full of dualies that I no longer fly)
  4. Unable to log on AND it staes that it's offline but shows the 7 tubie-lookin'thingys... Me or the Rev site? and my avatar photo (here) is now gone!?
  5. Thank goodness I'm one of the Fliers and not one of the Wives!
  6. Barb's BF? What a great statement..."you don't need to know the language" to fly with kiters in other countries. Great piece!
  7. Mike ~ TOLD YOU SO! Great Job!...and for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of seeing Mike's Red-Bull up close, It looks even more awesome in person! and displayed, up-there, where it belongs!
  8. I prefer winding straight... but then again.... I am!
  9. Happy Happy ~ Joy Joy! GREAT News! Need a flower-girl ????????????
  10. Available/open for girls to share too? Let me know...
  11. Jynx


    OK, you got me... What is a figure "9"? Is that a circle and a crash? Or some fancy-pansy move I've never heard of?
  12. Sure would look nice at our Veterans Park at the Milwaukee Lakefront! Wishing and hoping and hoping and wishing..... ...(in suspense)
  13. Dan ~ Seeing we share the same general concerns (PAIN!)... I would suggest a: REVOLUTION 1.5 QUAD! You won't be sorry!
  14. Yeah... I'll buy you a Birthday drink too! Just Stop By! Happy Happy Joy Joy... to JB the Birthday Boy! Hope your flying today was... WINDerful!
  15. Happy Birthday to ya all the way from Wisconsin! Sounds like you had a good one... including a set of stacks... Hummm, just what you needed! You didn't have any stacks... did ya????? Here's a Special Birthday SIX PACK for you!
  16. You're a Good Boy too!
  17. Good Boy!
  18. Mario ~ May I suggest you add this to the "Calendar" so everyone will see it. Can't help but boost the attendance.
  19. Penny ~ Totally agree! Last year I tried my dang-est to encourage the use of the forum calendar, asking forum members to post events they were aware. BUT few have taken the time and effort to do it. I guess those who have been around for a longer time don't realize that those of us with lesser experience are not privy to all the fests (etc.) Thanks for your efforts!
  20. DENIED! You DO NOT have permission to stop! As soon as you get another crazy indoor move... I know you'll be back! But I agree... the weather suggests some "Windy" stuff... keep those coming! Great as usual! (Not that I'd try it!) WOW! You're human! Thanx for the laughs!
  21. Oh my, oh my! Walt, I'm so totally jealous! I know I'm supposed to say envious... I'm BOTH! Congrats!
  22. Same time as our local Milwaukee Time Warner Kite Festival... Wish I could attend both... but dedication to the home field and events (not to mention miles and $$$$) will keep me here. Wishing all you Wildwood pilots a WINDerful time... for those a little closer to Milwaukee WI... Come-on-over!
  23. Everything you produce helps us understand a little more about how to fly, and execute more new moves. Whether we accomplish the move or not, any and all learning is valuable toward personal improvement. I appreciate all your hard work on these videos. You have personally helped me further understand "how to" handle my Rev. Few people have spent as much time and effort as you, giving so much valuable information and never expecting anything in return! Keep 'em coming! I think you're Winderful!
  24. I agree... great and appropriate name... Perfect!
  25. Marvelous! BUT.. there were two words in your explanation that worry me... "strain" (to injure, damage, hurt) and "stroke" (and I don't have to define that one!) So, for now, for me, No Whip-Lash, though hopefully someday! Great filming, music, your detailed explanations, and of course your skillful flying! Congrats again!
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