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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Unobtainium is the word on the now defunct "B"pros. Maybe on the used market, but then no choice on color combos. Like JB said - fly what suits you. Myself, I went Phoenix. In fact my whole team did. On FB, look for Quad Squad North West - you'll see us.
  2. Bendial - get together with Joanna - she's good people! Can greatly help your journey!
  3. justification A way to square it with their conscience maybe?
  4. One of the common misconceptions is that a single kite satisfies all wind ranges. Many try flying the "wrong" sail in winds not suitable for it. Before buying I would suggest, if any way possible, try to meet up with others and get some of their thoughts on what might be appropriate for your area. Throw the stated wind ranges printed on company brochures out the window. Many overstate both the low end and top end of a sail's range. Will it fly in those conditions - depends on the skill of the flier. Most definitely the top end is almost always exaggerated. The question is" can I fly?" or "should I fly?". Once a sail gets stretched out, there is no returning to how it once was.
  5. Draw a diagonal on a "B" and you would get 8 panels not 2 as in the Phoenix. Remember the first set? They had Rev logos on them and nothing back from Rev. Printing? Isn't the act of printing taking art and "copying"it? Gee, why aren't there 8 Mona Lisa's hanging in museums?
  6. For those trying to burn frayed edges - put something steel or metal in the pocket to hold it open while melting the edge. Acts as a heat sink too. I have a piece of round, 1/2" thick stainless rod I use.Never use your spars!! Be sure all your bunjis or bridle legs are clear or have been removed first!!!
  7. Look close at the pic - how many twists are in the bunji? When assembling, that should come out clean with no twists and lay flat. The bridle attachment should come out clean from the cap. Spin the cap til that happens. John offers sewn wear strips. I did make my own from 1" insignia tape. Assembled the kite and carefully marked where the tape would go. Clamped the sail down smooth on a sheet of plywood. I then cut my tape to go even with the LE, down to the triangle reinforcement. Started it even with the LE and in short bits, laid it on, using my marks as a guide. Rolled it very well using a heavy, but small roller for formica. Rolled it WELL!!! Didn't need to sew, that tape is sticky stuff, but good rolling really helps it stay in place.
  8. But Sari - we know that at times you have to fly on different knots if you've got stretched lines and need to do a quick field equalizing, before doing a proper re-equalizing. Just did it this weekend on a relatively new set, during the grid practice. (Lucked out, it was a bottom line!)
  9. HMMM? 1st time I've heard of anyone needing to replace one, so not sure here. If they super gluedd the fitting, heat might work. Epoxy would be something else altogether. Might call Prism or email, and ask. They might send you that nose fitting for putting on a replacement spar. It is a special piece isn't it?
  10. Are they too long? You could shorten them to only include 1 or 2 extra knots that you might need? How many are hanging down?
  11. Several of Rev's replies were in the form of "private messages" and aren't public.
  12. My take is that Rev has misjudged loyalty to the maker and not the "logo". I personally feel that Bazzer is one of the finest makers out there, Anything made by him is quality and well thought out. Rev seems married to this new Reflex technology (it's on all their sail lines), and not everyone is on board with that as the solution. They stopped producing the kites we used, where do they expect us to find replacements if they don't make them? I turned to Phoenix as the solution, because I had several sails wearing out. Let me say this - Rev has all the respect i can give for all they have done. But they just aren't making what I need. If I don't like the Ford, I try the Chevy, or Dodge, or Toyota, or Honda, or etc, til I find what suits me.
  13. No problem. Report back on how it goes and if you need any other advice, just ask. One other piece of good info - If the kite is going to crash - LET IT! Step forward, take all the power out and just let it go down. Better to have to set it up again, than find broken parts. Pulling just drives it in harder. Learn to "Give to the Kite"! Your wallet will thank you!
  14. Hovers in all orientations. Be able to hold any position without the dreaded "surge" You're looking for a balance of having forward (on command) and backwards (again on command), to attain as close to a "neutral" as possible. Then you have control over how the sail reacts, not at the mercy of the winds.
  15. Outside last knot. We use the lower knots to equalize lines.
  16. I believe that to be Cuben fiber, extremely strong, light, but somewhat delicate too. Very nice stuff! Paul deBakker of Focus Designs (defunct) made just one Skate from it, because of cost. Presently I know of one maker of the "Birds of Prey" series, Doug Stout, that uses it.
  17. Discounts?? LOL!!! The town milks every penny out of the festival attendees. I have friends that found it cheaper to rent their RV space for the whole month of August, than the 2 weeks around WSIKF. Last year saw about 5 or 6 folks do the monthly thing. Won't be a bit surprised to see more this year.
  18. I have asked Bazzer to comment here. Not sure when, as he is halfway around the globe from us. Hope he can shed some light .... Would also be interested in any light that Revolution would/could shed.
  19. And I believe that artwork, as an intellectual property, is protected as long as the artist is alive. Correct me if I'm wrong...
  20. That isn't what I'm saying. I am saying that Rev is commercially selling a design from another source. Now if Rev can substantiate their claim to the artwork, great. If not, then they are guilty of doing to others, the very thing they so fiercely defended for themselves.
  21. If I remember correctly - Rev seldom had any issues with private use of their designs, only commercial. While not legally wrong - how about morally??
  22. So in the end is it their's or Bazzer's work? In the thread on FB, he asked them directly - and got no reply that was posted.
  23. Nothing new Sari, just a warning that there is a VERY SHARP flake of metal, where the holes were drilled for the ring. Be careful it doesn't cut you as you remove the vinyl cap. Use good pliers to open the ring and don't scar up the vinyl cap as you take everything apart. You'll reuse it. First set takes maybe an hour to do, after that, much less. Good, cheap, easy way to do snagless out of regular handles.
  24. There is a cream available for that itch ........js!!!
  25. Just remember - you can't get 2 quad sets of 120's out of 900'! Plan out ahead of time what lengths you will need - before cutting! You can get about 2 sets for the price of one doing it yourself, just time consuming to make it right. If you have time and patience ......
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