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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Gotta laugh - what is the EXP doing under the "advanced" fliers heading?? SMH!!
  2. I looked and nothing has changed from last night. Just one big sales site. Bet that goes over big with the network of stores that have been supporting them! Still see no way into our forum. They said they would link the old into the new, but not sure how they will. Pity - huge loss of info if they can't get it back!
  3. Valuable info lost? I had close to 1500 posts alone!! They did say on their FB page something about trying to get some link to it, but the site went down as they tried fixing it. Back up but no link yet. I'll look to see if anything has changed.
  4. From what time I did have on it - a catch is not possible as it is setup! The springs reshape the top part of the sail, convexing it. No wind stays in the sail that way and the shape turns the thing into one big glider. You may find ways to make it do what you want it to do, but (I'm thinking you will have to mod it some way!
  5. Not sure of how many of you have tried to use it today, but it seems like a change is happening over there. I can't find any access to their forum! Looks like they have some history, tutorials, and one giant cart system setup. Many of their lines of kites either are missing or have been discontinued. If you have it bookmarked, it takes you to their site - but not the old revkites.com - but something new. I signed up just to check it out - IMHO - yuk!!
  6. Last Sunday at the Rockaway Beach Kite festival in Rockaway Oregon, I got a chance to finally put a Reflex through some tests. I had setup my SUL on 85' of 50# lines (low wind) and after flying a bit, a friend that owned the Reflex, said give it a try. So we swapped it out and put it on my lines and handles. It flew very well!! I really would have liked to setup my Zen on a duplicate setup and done a head to head comparison, but I only have a single set of those lines. Side note - since it wasn't mine, I didn't try flying it without the springs or doing a "dead launch". I was warned that it is not as nimble as a 1.5, and after flying it, have to agree. But with a little time with it, I'm sure you can coax a little quicker turn from it, I did! It was every bit as fun as my Zen, (with hybrid frame and magic sticks) in those lower winds. I also did the "glide". For those new to this - it's taking the kite directly overhead, pulling the top lines, and having the kite glide back down wind! Very much like some of the power kite series. But --- the springs also prevent you from doing a "catch"! With the springs on, the sail is shaped in such a way, as to take the catch completely out of of the equation. So that can be a plus or minus depending on what you want out of the kite. Other wise it does everything any other Rev will do - slides, inverts, side slide, etc, and does it pretty well. Rumor is Rev is phasing out the Zen and IMHO the Reflex would seem to be a very adequate replacement. The only negative would be that is it using a special frame designed for it, and all the 1.5 frames we have ,will not interchange. Still like to see how it flies without those springs ........!
  7. Da da dada da da dada - I hear it's your birthday!! And soon a little one too! A very auspicious month!!
  8. I tried sitting - drives me crazy!! I'm WAY too active to be locked into one place. Plus I control things like driving to the top or inverted glide down, a lot with my footwork, as much as I do with my hands! Worse - if I do get down is the getting up!! Try it blindfolded sometime and see how hard it is for someone after a stroke!!! Hell, I rarely even sit, even to eat lunch!! Never bring a chair, I don't use one!! That weight means more kites can be carried!!
  9. As a demo flier and not a competitor, I love doing "mystery ballets" when solo! At 64, there isn't a lot you could play that I haven't heard some of it! So I ask the DJ to pick something and go from there! In a duet, I do have a song to go with a routine, and as a team, we have a selection of songs that fit our routines. If our timing is spot on, we use one special song, if a bit off, we use a more relaxed song, so it really depends on our team and how we feel on any given day! That is one nice thing at most festivals - the music is more background if you are near, but not in it. But I fly alone a lot for practice and really go either way with or without music.
  10. Keeps my perfect record intact - 0 wins!! I think I'll manage to survive ............. somehow! Congrats and fly it like you stole it!!
  11. You're just sparing the RNG, I guess! Not sure where the "in" spout would be!! That WOULD be something to see - a drunk RNG!!!
  12. Nick - you know i'm a "teetotaler"!! LOL!!
  13. WHEW!! I was sensing some sort of bribe was being hinted at!!!
  14. WHAT - ya mean he's leaving the whip home??!!??
  15. Is that signs of the RNG starting to rumble into gear?? All Hail the Mighty RNG!
  16. I see other Revs - time to try team flying?? Everyone get some 80' or even better some 120' lines and learn to fly in control - together!! I know - dirty word that "control", but team flying will teach you that. Up for the challenge??
  17. Nice exercise in controlled flight!! LOL!
  18. Getting some experienced help for your first sessions out, is without doubt - one of the quickest ways to shave years off your learning curve! Hello Edmond, nice to see you over here!! Ask away - any questions! As an explanation: Edmond got his thread deleted because it wasn't a "real" Rev, over there. Completely understood, so I suggested coming over here where it is a bit less judgmental or biased. He didn't know any better and so now he's over here!
  19. Too late! Now - the RNG has the dirt on you!!! You are now an unsuspecting pawn in the game of random!
  20. Looks like all this banter is between KL subscribers - all of which are entered automatically into this drawing!! Continue the banter!!!
  21. Why is the sun bright and moon made of green cheese?? All the directions (inverted, upright, left, right) are taken from the relationship with the LE! That is the "so called" point of reference for all direction, (up, down, etc). (Wonder why it's called "the leading edge"?)
  22. Starting to feel like RNG fodder, just another number to crunch!! But you pays your money and you takes your chances!!
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