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Everything posted by --Pete

  1. The Skynasaur makes an excellent high-wind kite. In fact you can't get them off the ground in less than about 15 mph. The smallest one needs even more than that and flies like a bullet in a good stiff wind. You gotta be fast, though; it goes from one edge of the window to the other in just a few seconds. I'm not sure it is possible to break one by wind power alone. They seem to be made from heavy canvas and re-rod (exaggerating, but only a little bit). I don't know if these are still being made.
  2. Yep, the WindTronic is the one I ended up with after buying a couple of others first. The "directionless" aspect really appealed to me. Now in the low wind range, there is nothing quite like a bit of down glued to the end of a length of very fine thread. If it stirs, you have a wind that you can't even feel on your face (but may be able to feel if you wet a finger and hold it up). Beaufort uses smoke (rises vertically) to indicate zero wind or "dead calm".
  3. Get good (fast) at setting up and repacking your kites. After all, it is which kites will fly enjoyably under present conditions that you are interested in, not some number. OTOH gadget junkies like me can't seem to get along without them. If you do decide to get one, get a good one. They are much more accurate in lighter winds. I have owned three of increasing quality, and have liked every improvement. The wind at ground level is not where you will be flying your kite unless you are flying a quad on 20' lines. A useful meter might be one with a radio telemetry sensor that you could send up with your kite. Lastly, every minute spent watching a meter is a minute spent not flying a kite.
  4. Yowza! #833, #259 AND #461!!! I can't lose (unless, of course, one of the other numbers gets drawn). Thank you both for this. (Pictures of the party {but unfortunately no kites) at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.628673203810443.1073741828.100000033070707&type=1&l=18ace79c56 )
  5. That makes sense (sort of).
  6. Have a fun (and safe) Fourth of July to all USAers. If you are elsewhere in the world, celebrate with us. If you are English, no hard feelings - can we still be friends? After all, it's been years since we had that tiff.
  7. I think it's the other way round. In dog years, I'd be 490!! And I would LOVE to get a kite signed by everyone at KiteLife. I would be willing to wait a long time for delivery. Rooting even harder for #833 and #259.
  8. Is there any objection to having more than one drawing going on at the same time? Should there be a limit on the number of simultaneous drawings (to avoid confusion)?
  9. I actually find launching a train of diamonds (Rainbows) to be easier if the train is parked nose down and into the wind at the edge of the window. A hard pull on the upper line will usually launch the whole train. My first tries with someone holding the train straight down-wind and off the ground - while it seemed better - usually ended with a failed take off and a big tangle. It also nearly wrecked my marriage. There is something that ends up making both parties angry when you stand 200 feet apart and shout at each other*. I think the side launch, out at the edge of the window, gets a good sail full of wind on every kite in the train, which is almost impossible with a straight down-wind launch. --- *(Did you know that forcing yourself to frown or grimace will make you angry? Also shouting. Conversely, forcing yourself to smile will relax you and make you feel good, especially if you can contract the little muscles that make the eyes "smile". Human physiology is a strange thing. Those little muscles in your face tell your body how it should feel. Try each expression for 30 seconds at a time; you will be amazed. So, everybody try to smile a little more. Happy father's day folks.)
  10. Do you think you've got enough wine, for the entire "Right Coast" bunch ? :plane: :plane: :plane: :plane: Let's see, there may be more.... ?? Happy B-day Pete ! I certainly will if I know you're coming. I already do have an 18 liter bottle of good Italian red, and just went out and bought 58 more (normal-sized) bottles as backup. I can get more.
  11. It's like having two numbers in the pot. #259 AND #833! Don't forget, you are all invited to my 70th if you are in SE Michigan on July 6th (party day). Just let me know so I can have enough food and drink on hand.
  12. Why else would we support the right to arm bears?
  13. Never had a self-launch of these http://kitelife.com/forum/gallery/image/3817-/ ...but I could imagine such a thing if the wind caught them just right parked out near the edge of the window. And I really doubt that the train would self-fly if it did self-launch. These things required all my weight (substantial) to keep them from departing for points unknown.
  14. Y'know, my 70th birthday is coming up on July 5th (observed on Sat., July 6) and this would make a nice belated present. BTW, any kiter who will be around Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti on July 6th is invited. Just let me know so I can order enough food (and give you directions) . Plenty of wine (including an 18 Liter bottle); if you have exotic needs in the way of booze you are on your own. Two bands (country and Italian) playing alternately. (No gifts - unless you have some old kite that you just can't stand any more. Unfortunately, we don't have much in the way of flying space.)
  15. Oh, and Happy Birthday John
  16. Congrats to StarDragon!!! Fly it well.
  17. Nice to see those numbers rising (even if it does reduce my own chances a bit).
  18. Gonna have to get out the Zero-G I got at Grand Haven (it was too windy for it there). I'm thinking a nice long wand would be nice to avoid too much running around.
  19. This may be why I have boxes and boxes of spares. I tend to buy extras (like RobB), and this seems to cure me of breaking those particular parts.
  20. +1 I went 20 years before getting anything else in the way of /Revs.
  21. Plus, if it DOES go to a DownUnder, you CAN pack it along. Save on shipping. (However, I'm still rooting for #833 and could cheerfully wait for your return for the shipping.)
  22. Must86, I wonder if you are winding the lines on too tightly or too loosely, so that one or more lines gets pulled under a previous wrap. This could happen with either a straight or figure-8 wind and with 2 or 4 lines on the winder. Take some time to walk the lines out very slowly watching carefully as each wrap comes off the winder. You may be able to see what is causing the snag if you unwind with a light enough touch. Then you will be able to decide what to adjust in the way you wind them on.
  23. Thus proving that the RNG can deal with 4-digit numbers. (If anyone was worried.)
  24. Maybe they were out of the red option last time I looked. Whatever... #833!!!
  25. Hey Pete...........Where you been hiding ? I've been here; just not posting much. Re: colors. I'm pretty sure that last time I looked, only the lime and blue colors were available. Maybe the red is a more recent addition? Now if they would just add a really strong yellow I would be happy.
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