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Everything posted by SteveA

  1. Yeah, connect with us IKE people. I have a broken arm (4 places) right now so I'm not much good at showing anything, but maybe next month I'll be able to fly again. Festival season will start up again soon enough. . . . . . . typing with one hand is tiring . . .
  2. I'm in . . . if not too late
  3. Hope you are getting your consensus . . . here's my two cents. I don't own a wind meter, and I just don't feel like I need one. I'd rather spend money on kites than a meter. I think Jeepster is right - wind meters mostly get used to prove to other kiters that the wind is a lot less than what someone is claiming. When there's enough wind to fly, I think many people (myself included) overestimate the wind speed. IMHO, there's either enough wind for you to fly, or there isn't, and as your flying skills improve, the amount of wind needed to fly a sport kite goes down on just about any sail & frame (full or vented). The actual wind speed doesn't really matter as long as you can select the right sail for your skill level based on feeling the wind. There are times I've struggled to keep a full sail in the air in light evening wind while the guy next to me was flying a mesh rev with no problem at all - skill made a huge difference. For big show kites, a wind meter makes sense because there are going to be upper limits you don't want to exceed due to the size & power of those kites. Off to find video of kites dragging trucks down the beach . . . .
  4. I wish I could get out to fly at least a couple times a week, but between work & kids, it just doesn't seem to happen. I agree that focusing on one or two goals gives me something specific to work on when I'm out flying, and helps motivate. I still have lots to learn & need more handle time. I don't find myself flying with my eyes closed (let alone looking away from the kite). If you travel to the Chicago area, PM me and perhaps we can connect.
  5. My suggestion would be a sled kite. My cub scout den made sled kites one year & we took them to the local kite festival. I bought the kits (with string included) from a store, but for 50 scouts you might want to look into a roll or sheets of tyvek - assuming you have the time to cut it & assemble the kits. If so, make a durable template so you can cut the kite shapes out quickly. Ideally you want a material they can decorate / paint etc. to make their own. For tails, I picked up a roll of the plastic tape used to mark off construction sites for maybe $5 at the hardware store - and it was probably 500 feet of the stuff. You might want to get a couple rolls so each kid can have a couple 10 foot tails to stabilize the sled kites. Don't forget - you'll need 50 rolls of line as well . . . .
  6. Happy Kite Month! I just started playing with a friend's Gopro on my (home made) picavet KAP rig. It does seem to be a good choice for KAP. Mt. Sinai harbor? I lived in Pt. Jeff for 5 years when I was a kid. Learned to fly a rainbow stunt kite over on the Pt Jeff beach just across the entrance to that harbor, if I have your location right.
  7. SteveA

    for sale

    . . . tempted by the matched set . . . please PM me a price for the three matched B-series (or post it here).
  8. SteveA

    for sale

    I sent you a PM . . . please send me the list as well. Thanks.
  9. What if you drop it a few times pointy-end-down onto concrete from four or five feet high? Some of the epoxies and super glues hold great when they are not under stress, but do not hold up well to impacts and lateral shear forces. Some engineering types will tell you the exact proper terms and reasons for this . . . I just know it worked to get a busted ferrule out of a Rev spar. I simply dropped the spar (broken ferrule end down) onto the concrete, and the epoxy let loose. I was able to pull the ferrule out, no problem, and epoxy a new one into place. I think Jeepster might be the one who taught me this trick . . .. .
  10. Go. Just go! I haven't been there myself (yet), but TI will have lots of Rev pilots there. Don't be shy, don't worry about your flying, come up and introduce yourself. Worst case scenario, you'll get lots of free advice and someone to fly with while you're there. Better - you'll get to fly in groups, and learn some new techniques. Most likely, you're going to make friends that you'll see at kite festivals all over the US. . . . and for a lucky few, other parts of the globe. I'll be there at least one day. I'll be the guy flying the rev . . .
  11. Congratulations!!! Um, simple answer actually. I don't even have to say what brand of kite, I think you already know it's the dark side . . . . Hmm . . . . the only question is colors and venting. Personally, I like standard sail with 3 wrap spars as the first rev (oops, said the name). I'd go ahead and get 120 foot lines to start, because you're going to need them for group flying anyway. Plus the larger wind window will give you more time to react when you are learning. See you at the next IKE club fly - we'll bring cookies for the dark side initiation!
  12. . . . back on the light winds topic . . . Light winds also give you and excuse to try a 360 - you'll gain ground along the way as you have to "run like crazy" (at least I do) to keep the kite in the air when it's on the back side of the wind window . . .
  13. Awesome video, thanks for posting. It was a great weekend. Now Jynx . . . . you know you can't complain about missing this one when you've been flying on the beach all winter while we had snow and rain . . . . maybe next year, you'll come north a little bit earlier!
  14. We talked Sunday morning (and I flew your extra vent for a few minutes). I think I was wearing my red shirt . . . perhaps it was pre-coffee for you (and something like 7 am PST). Thanks for the pointers, BTW. You are correct - IKE attendance not prolific, and I think David and I were the only ones wearing the red shirts. I was a bit bummed that we didn't have a greater contingent at Grand Haven. It was my first time there, and I thought it was great. There were several other festivals the same weekend - (including Chicago and Valporaiso) that competed for IKE attendance. Al Sparling was another IKEr in attendance. He was the field director for the big show kites field, and we spent most of our time over there as I brought a big delta. Great routines, BTW, as always.
  15. I originally travelled with a poster tube to carry the spars (with a small hole punched in the lid for a spar that didn't fit), and sails in my suitcase. I've also used a larger blueprint / document tube that fits about 3 kites. No questions from the airlines or security. While in Europe and the UK last year, I traveled with two Revs in a single sleeve, and the handles in my rollaboard suitcase. I didn't bring any ground stakes, so I didn't have to deal with checking luggage. No problems other than one security screener asking what was in the bag, and then waving me through. However, after a few trips . . . I wanted to bring more than a few kites. I traveled several times last year with my main kite bag as a carryon - it's probably about 42" long and maybe 10-12 inches wide / diameter at the widest point. I have only had one comment about it from a flight attendant, and it's always fit in the overhead (at least on Southwest 737s and AA regional jets). No issues so far. My only worry is if they make me check it - then I'd be a bit concerned about luggage handling. Therefore, I always try to get on as early as possible so I can get space at the back of the overhead compartment and pack my regular suitcase in front of the kite bag.
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