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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. lol Been there, didn't have that. Except mine was on a very rocky beach with high winds. I would have been in a world of hurts if friends hadn't been there to help. That's the day I learned the importance of always having a kite stake on you. Just be careful not to put it in a place that will pierce you should you fall. That would put a damper on your fly time. BB Penny
  2. We had the most fantastic time at Lincoln City. I even met Deanne from my home town there. she and her husband are tako kichi and did very well on the indoor rev. on short lines. Just imagine beginners on a short lined very speedy Rev. It is challenging. Rachel from Bothel can now do an overhead, 360, overhead and reverse down with no problem. She'll be working on her transitions and then you guys better look out! Our Beatles Extravaganza was awesome. If anyone has a picture to share, that would be great. John said he'd get video up later in here. I jumped my kite and did the Alexandria during every show and made it every time. Wish I could say my ending was as good. Still we all gave the crowd something to clap about and the feed back was fantastic. Our backdrop was black with large and small florescent colored spots. on it. The cat and the hat routine had at least 10 people involved and the kids and their parents enjoyed being a part of it. Monk had his new monkey kite and Amy looked prescious in a black tux and top hat for her competition. Todd, Scott Davis, Andy Becker, Lam Hoc, John B. Scott W., The Parks, Allen Cunningham and I can't think of who else right now, but they all flew marveous. We're looking forward to next year. Wait and see the video, you'll love it. BB Penny
  3. That's one thing about being older we have more history. Balloo..? bump. buMP.. BuMp... your an off road driving teacher? with a bad disc? hmmmm does the disc keep you from doing much? You do buggy right? We just had a speech given by a surgon who shared some stories of what could go wrong in an operating room. He told some great stories. Generators don't always work and it's so black they couldn't see their hands in front of their face. At the end of this story a fireman rushes in with a great big bazzoka light holloring.. Doc, I brought you light! and the Surgon said he never knew there was a door outside of his operating room door that led to the outside, which he could see now because of the light coming from the outside into the room. All he thought about was, You brought me Germs! He told it very well. It was cute. Good contest. BB Penny
  4. Yes, but if you hadn't flown a kite in a while I totally understand you will be grumpy. Or is that just me? A Spirit would be a great quad too. Penny ~ Rev flyer through and through~ tip toe, tip toe
  5. How fun.. tape it or something for us that don't get the channel. BB Penny
  6. That is so awesome. I don't remember my very first kite, only bits and pieces of kites as a young child. I remember rags for tails before I was in school. We only flew in March.You know -- March wind, April Showers. Daddy always made a kite in March. I'm sure the wind had to be at least 10-12 mph for us to fly. Butcher paper, or brown paper bag. He usually made a box kite. We flew for a few days and it usually ended up in pieces. Funny thing is people weren't flying kites on the beach in the summer months. I guess with those heavy paper/stick kites we needed the heavy winds. We sure looked forward to every March. A Skynasaur (sp) was my first "modern" dual line kite. That poor kite would pull like crazy in a high wind, but nothing under 12mph. Every kite store in the area tried adjusting it, but it never flew well. I bought the $30 dollar kite to play with while I waited on my first Rev. to arrive. I couldn't sleep at night I was so afraid that I would not be able to learn how to control the Rev. When it arrived I took it out the first two times at night, in the dark, in the rain.. no wind.. etc. Hey, it was the only time I wasn't working. First few trips to the beach were no better... Murphy's law says when you bring a newbie to the beach, there will be NO wind. Rev. on the beach and no wind as a beginner. Yup, that's what we got. Through sleet, rain, and snow we flew or tried to fly that Rev. I'm just glad there's indoor flying so I don't have to be in the snow to fly in the winter. For me my first kite is synonymous with Daddy. BB Penny
  7. You ever seen what a grumpy old bear fresh out of hibernation is like QK. Dont annoy me too much, I might eat things like Monkeys and even maybe even Ants!!! Dont know if I might evn take a lump out of a Wolf, would have to watch out for that hunter though. I'm not saying nothing. BB Penny~ staying away from grumpy bears.
  8. t-shirt and jeans? lol Yah man.. that works.. What's the T going to say? I put my red pants and tie dye shirt somewhere special so it would be ready. I bought the cutest little red rectangle shaped beatles sunglasses.... Now.... where is that specail place I put the clothes? I took tomorrow off so I could pack in leisure. I can't believe I'm using one of my vacation days for personal reasons. I'll be flying indoor at the Kids Expo at the Kitsap Pavilion in Bremerton in a few weeks. Last year was so much fun I'm looking forward to doing it again. It's a great place for kids to get their hands on some indoor kite flying. Rev, and UFO... if a dual liner is interested in sharing time and kite, just let me know. We can schedule several kite demo's through out the day. Well, I'm going to go relax. REV ON~ BB Penny
  9. Hey John, I rented Austin Powers and zipped fast forward though to check out the costumes. Now I know where your crushed velvet suit is coming from. not pimping at all.. Hey,you find the suit, and I'll bring the ruffled shirt for it. lol BB Penny
  10. OK, we'll keep looking. You're right, most people can tell on the first listen. It's great when that happens... and you find the one. Wow John, you're looking for music in a certain pattern? Maybe we need to find a good music forum for you and see if they have something to offer? I'm still curious as to what Beatles music you have to fly that calls for a blue velvet 60's pimp outfit. BB Penny
  11. Ahh, you mean you are looking for music for the judges. Slow, fast, lots of opportunities. Or just fast, tricks and blow them away. Seriously John, if you have a wharehouse music store or another store that lets you listen to music, it's a great way to find some. I've asked for music help over the years and once in a while someone offers up something that will work. Most of the time, it's such a personal choice. People have put together cd's and tapes for me and they are wonderful to play to, but seldom have that song you KNOW will win it for you. Or maybe someone will say "Use this." and you can win with it. The easiest music that fits the bill is Movie Sound Tracks. They were created for the masses. Good luck. BB Penny
  12. Indoor Practice has been on short lines. Rev. Indoor 1.5 and the line close to 8ft. I think. Perhaps, shorter. I can jump rope it and fly it out... walk across it, pull it underme and jump, as it fly's up in front of me then fly it behind me and spin. It only takes a split second. Tomorrow I hope to take the camcorder and record it. I've got to see it on video, because the view when your flying it is so different then viewing it as a spectator. Completely different and the flyer has the best view. (except when the kite is behind you) I'm hoping I'm not making a mistake flying on such short lines, but it is something fun and different. We'll see. We leave for Lincoln City Thursday. Everyone's getting excited. The flyers will be fantastic to watch!! Everyone has such a different style. Rev On! The most fantastic Indoor Kite Show in the U.S. See you there. BB Penny
  13. I'd suggest going to the Music Wharehouse and chekcing out ther used CD's. Take 5 at a time up to the counter and zip through them quickly. Other choices: A song dedicated to Shannon would have lots of feeling. A song that tells a story of success or travel that resembles what is going on in your life would work great for you. Paint yourself green and fly to "It ain't easy being green" even though it's even harder to find music. Good luck~ BB Penny
  14. This kid has got 2 weeks of indoor practice left and then it's outdoors. This weekend the goal is to pick up the one handed handle. Ralph cut the washer off of them. Find Steve some 60's clothes for the Indoor Kite Show at Lincoln City. Even the crew should dress 60's right? If anyone feels otherwise, don't tell Steve. Andrew Becker is coming to Lincoln City. He's jazzed, too. It's been great flying indoors. Every year there's something new. Next year I'll get good. I still have a Jester Cotume to work with. I'm certain I'll need a professional choreographer for it. Well, got to fly. ~ Glenn, If you read this, would you mind if we sent John a copy of the Arlington Cd? I wouldn't mind the mystery ballet on the web site. BB Penny~~heading to the gym.
  15. Hello Jim.. I thought Jim F was Jim Foster in here. It's you! It was nice meeting you and Diana. I mentioned you to a few people. lol Anyone who drives an hour to stand through a kite lesson in no wind but with plenty of rain on a goose pooped field and doesn't quit is worth mentioning. Like I told you, a heavy wet kite is a lesson in frustration, but evey time you go back (especially with wind) it will be easier. You did great under the circumstances. I can't wait to see you playing with some wind.. or short lines. Oh, the costume worked too! I won $32 at the casino.. Lucky leprechaun that I was. Have a great week. BB Penny
  16. Hey Baloo, you get comfy and I'll tell you a good story..... One Christmas Eve many years ago there was enough of a snow storm to keep people home, but Santa sent 6 matching Rev I's and II's to us that night..no not reindeer, (bless the UPS) One year Elizabeth, Sharon and I could not decide on the colors of our matching kites so we didn't expect them for a month or so... Bless the Kite Fairy... she surprised us at Long Beach WSIKF one year with beautiful kites that pleased all of us. The kite fairy was in the form of no other then Lolly herself, who decided on the colors for us and surprised us. We loved them! See, so there must be someone up there in charge of kites and if you've been a very good, kiteflyer, well there's hope... you never know.. your kites could show up somewhere... It could happen. Now kiss your wife good night.. say your prayers and dream good kite dreams.. BB Penny ~who's jazzed because she just got rid of dial up. Now`````where's that chat room?
  17. Aren't all kite flyers young at heart? What about this? John likes to not wear a shirt sometimes. (Look out Ray) It might help if we had your music John. What Beatles Songs do you think he's flying to? Shannon... I am such a computer illiterit- I accidently deleted your message. I got it though. Blue Pimp Costume.. what will the man be flying to? Oh, does Lam need any help finding his 60's clothes? lol BB Penny
  18. That's awesome Shannon! lol Do you thnk it's out of John's comfort zone? lol What little bit of searching I've done looked more 70's. John, you better hurry and get a costume or Shannon might dress you. I could see lam in one of those dark suits the beatles wore. Wouldn't he look cute? On an inside fly note.. I went to the gym and switched to a 1.5 exp. I might need a heavier kite then the indoor in the St. Patty's Day Parade. It felt so heavy after playing with the indoors so long. Remember the saying, "It's only fun till it pokes somebody's eye out"? Well, I finally did it. I was checking out the possibility of jump roping the Rev EXP. The lines are just a little to long at about 10 ft. but I came up with some fun stuff. I thought I'd try figure 8 ing it around my body before I jumped it. Ouch.. caught myself in the eye!! I was goijng to try it agian, but the clock on the wall said it was time to get to work. So I'll have to try it again later.
  19. What topic Anthony? lol It's become a blog spot for me. lol I like it. have you seenanypimp suits?
  20. Ok, where is that can of crickets? Penny shakes can to get their attention.... We have our biggest indoor show in Lincoln City at the ned of the month and as most of you know John B. and Lam H. are inLondon practicing for their big Red Bull Show.. OH, Dear!!! They may not have time to find 60's outfits for the Beatle Extravaganza! Help!!!! If any of you have any time to cruise on the computer, could you look for cheap 60's clothes. You can see John's shopping list above. lol Send pictures.. Post them here. It is an indoor. I haven't had any time to look yet. Please don't purchase, just suggest. lol If you know John, you know costumes are not his thing... but he's a good sport so I'm expecing bell bottoms and a head band at least. Share it in the chat room. Indoor.. fun week at the gym~ BB Penny
  21. Anthony, do you milk your lines? Squeeze the twist out of them like you have to do on a long phone cord. You shouldn't experience any unusual knots. No unusual tangles unless it's "Fraiser knots". Those psychologically impaired knots that have no knots.. It's just gone over itself and made a mess. Milking your lines will help you avoid this. BB Penny
  22. Shannon I messaged you. BB Penny
  23. Hi Moderate winds huh? Here again, gone again, ugly winds? Over 10 mph? If they are not over 10 mph you might want to stick with the 1.5 B and slow it down other ways till you get a vented out there. 90 lb Laser Pro Gold is every bit as good as 80 lb of anything else. (Now I better go see if they still manufactor it) Tightly braided, it's great for indoor quad flying and outdoor. Though I can tell you from experience it will NOT hold up on a Rev. Super Blast. Of course, it wasn't meant to. You will probably get more of a wind range out of the 1.5 B then the Rev. I, or the vented, especially as a new person. that means more fly time for you. Enjoy the wind.... then take it inside. Or Just cut some lines to 10 ft. and practice in no wind. It really doesn't help to know how to fly outdoors already, so just go for it. Enjoy the day. BB Penny
  24. Hi~ Your in a great spot to fly Rev's. Of course any spot is a great spot to fly Rev's. The NorthWest is booming with Kitefliers and Kitemakers of all kinds. Hope you make it to Lincoln City and pick up an Indoor Rev. Come try it.. BB Penny
  25. How kewl. Sounds like it's going as it should go. Wish I could come on a field trip to the shop. I've only been in town when you're not. Have a great time ~ andmaybe take a nap after this am ride to the airport. BB Penny
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