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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. Rev II's are one of the few Rev's that take those short handles. Makes all the difference in the world. The longer the handles the twitchier they become. Now a stack will take long throw handles ok. Much easier then trying to muscle them up. Don't you love the inch you gain in your arms length after flying a stack? lol BB Penny
  2. And I'll win boys. It was fun.. never talked so bad in my life. lol BB Penny
  3. Love that orange. It really stands out. You better keep that wife. BB Penny
  4. Never mind. I did it. Yeah, one less thing to stress about. BB Penny
  5. Kewl, Kewl, lucky you! Did your wife get anything 1/2 as good? BB Penny
  6. Are you excited or what John! lol I've seen them all over. Great gifts. I didn't get a kite for Christmas.. but no complaints. Hard golf case for kite travels, bundgee, for buggy, music editing program.. Gortex coat... I'm ready.. there's got to be a kite under all this stuff somewhere. BB Penny
  7. Ok, I received Sony ACID Music Studio editing program. Anyone know the pro's and cons of it? I've only about 29 days to have some edited music ready. BB Penny
  8. Ben, I spoke with Ken Conrad and he said he had been in touch with you about custom colors on their ink. Great looking stuff, light weight and I'm hoping less expensive then the limited custom editions. Any chance we'll see some of this in the future? if it's affordable it might be something that the public would want as a series rather then limited edition. It's quite beautiful. BB Penny BB Penny
  9. Rev II's are deserving kites. They can stay in the air longer then vented 1.5's when the wind gets to strong. The vented 1.5 can take less wind, but the Rev. II can be flown inside, too. Put one on your Christmas list Anthony. I can't believe you don't have a 6 pack already. BB Penny
  10. lol Been there done that!! Merry Christmas! Hope it's a warm safe one. BB Penny~ ready to get back to the gym after Christmas!
  11. Hey Gramps... just fly one rev and you'll feel better. BB Penny
  12. I believed I would win it. hehehe
  13. Congrats Paul! Now... what's his address? lol Yeah, Ant... I knew you weren't going to get it! Merry Christmas. BB Penny
  14. John should have put me in charge of that drawing. the only slightly crazy Revolutionary Kite flyer in here. *You all are crazy~ JOHN!!!! oh yeah... patience means wait nicely. :/ Shannon~ you can do the drawing! lol You boys behave, there's no need for noise. You don't see Wind of Change talking smack. Drum roll please.... and the winner is "Penny Lingenfelter!" Hey, it could still happen! Oh, Ben. Ben... Beach Ben D.... if you're reading this.... I spoke with Ken Conrad at our Christmas party. I'll take it to another thread. BB Penny
  15. Johnnn... OH Johhhhnnnnnn.... Johnnnny.Johnny.... wake up.... JoHN.. JoHN... JOHNNNNNN! Wake up.. Two weeks in Argentina without daily updates I might add, is no excuse... I need that Rev in the mail today! I have things to do you know. JOHNNNNNNN! WAKE UP!!!! **Hope you had a marvelous trip and your only tired and not sick. BB Penny~ holding back the crowd........ Wouldn't they be really ticked if I won it? lol Hey, it could happen.
  16. I've never seen it but they say there is so much salt in the Salt Lakes in Utah that it's almost inpossible to drown. Everything floats. I've been out on the kite field with a high pressure system when it's akin to the Salt Lakes. No wind, and yet it was like my kite was being held up in the air effortlessly. Seriously, you could feel the still air lifting it. I believe in our wind storm last night we had a low pressure system.. I really should go and check. The boss says in some areas they call it a hurricane, some areas call it a typhoon and here we call it a wind storm. My thoughts were that a typhoon and hurrican have the winds traveling mostly in one direction in a specific area. I've never been in a typhoon but in all the videos I've seen the trees appear to be leaning the same way. Last night it was interesting. I walked out to the middle of our yard during the biggest wind storm in over 10 years. I have a large enough yard, not surrounded by trees and buildings and the wind always blows though it. I could see the tops of the trees bending and hear the wind blowing furiously, but my banner hanging on the house was being blown flat in the opposit direction, only to blow a 180 in the opposite direction. Still , standing in the middle, front or back of my yard was not a trace of wind!!! OK, No wind in the middle of a wind storm.. pretty strange huh? Then when I went into the house and tried to close my door, we couldn't close it without several attempts. It felt like we were closing it againt hurricane winds...yet there was still NO wind!!! Just pressure. That barometric pressure is interesting stuff. It was pretty amazing to me. BB Penny
  17. Hey, thanks Anthony. I've been kind of quiet. Colds and flu's at work have been trying to get me, so I have the week off. Now, I think I"m more sore from not flying in a week. Tell everyone in the chat room hello for me. BB Penny
  18. hahaha.... Quad T I have it under good advice from a coin collector, that that is almost a compliment and certainly worth and worthy of a new Rev. Thank you ... thank you very much.... BB Penny~doing her best Elvis Presley impersonation as she accepts her new Rev.
  19. It's safe to say it won't be in your safe Quad Kit. And the nerve of Wind of Change sneaking in here thinking he's going to win! Whatever! Yeah, you all talk football to fill your time till you hear I've won this pretty Rev! BB Penny ~ the new owner to be of the Revolution kite ----- REV on!
  20. OH.. Ahh Staeli, Congrats! Just think if you are a member of Kitelife you might win an outdoor one! Wait... never mind.. If you ask Bud real nicely, he'd probably find a way to make a single handle. Let me know if you need any help. You did good girl! BB Penny
  21. Ouch, Well, I didn't make the talent show. It's about a dozen of the county's best talent. Singing, dancing and instrumental from the looks of it. Oh, well.... more tap and piano and no kiteflier. Some people don't think kiteflying is art, some don't think it's a sport. We know it's both. I like to remember a kite judge coming up and apologizing to me a few years after he had judged one of my first competitions. He said he didn't realize how difficult Rev's were till he tried it. That was outside.. Balancing the kite on strings inside is an even greater challenge. There are more venues out there. No biggie. I ate to much chocolate and begged Era to send me pictures. of the kids... heheh I don't feel that bad... It's just excuse to get more pictures.. and it better work. Time to get indoors again. I've had something every evening this week. Oh, and we're working on our ideas for the cat/hat set. There's enough to keep me busy for a month. Now I'm excited all over again thinking of that one handed handle. Have a great evening. BB Penny~wandering away to find more chocolate.
  22. Now Grandpa, Who would have thought it.. That's a nasty habit... waiting on a Rev you're not going to win.
  23. Winter gave us release knots. What didn't seem so important in the summer became extremely important in the winter. Cold frozen hand's trying to loosen hard, cold swivels before we changed to loops larks headed on. Then it was cold frozen fingers trying to loosen tightly 1/2 frozen line or resorting to using our teeth to loosen them. Adding release knots to the larks head meant one tug and your lines slid off. I'm tired... but I'm sure winter added more to my kiteflying. BB Penny
  24. I thought I was suppose to hear from the Theatre today. They call whoever is in it and post them on the net. I may not make it, only 1/3 make it. They hadn't called, but they hadn't posted on the net either. Steve told me he thought he read it was Tue. or Wed. None of our paperwork has that infomation. Maybe it's tomorrow. Now, I'm on pins and needles since I thought it was suppose to be today. aughhh! I wish I had gone and flown tonight. BB Penny~ thinking... you can't keep a good kiteflier down~ You know we're always looking up.
  25. Hey Don, There's always good stuff for kites all over. I like belonging to a few of the mailing list from the different regions. It's a big world out there with lots of places to fly. Keeping up with it all can be difficult. It's probably great for Seattle's Celebration of Kites to be moving back to Father's Day. Not so good for me. I never seem to be able to make that festival. Can't seem to talk the dad's into coming over there. Hey, did you stay on topic? lol No Don, No! You can't sneak in here and win that Rev! I'd let Mary fly it, though. Penny~ getting back on topic. 9 more days to the drawing ~ ~
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