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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. Hi, for me it depends on what I need the routine for as to how much I choreograph it. Some of my routines every move is choregraphed on paper, stick practiced and practiced and video taped outside. That was usually the case with competition. When I wing a routine and just listen to it over and over and over and over and over again, I picture in my mind what I am doing, use my hands and arms to practice. This only works so far. I have to remember that my kite isn't always capapble of doing the moves at that speed. When I stick practice, I take my kite outside and see how many turns/pivots across the ground or sky I can do to a certain piece of music. Then when I stick practice at home it gives me a base of what I can really do. Example; four pivots with my stick across the tv screen is my limit. Some of my routines are written down with color coded Right and Left spins. Some people like to have every step choreographed and some like to leave it a little more freelance and only hit certain major points in the music. I've seen others listen to their music and scribble down what they want to do. Keeping a list of what moves you'd like to show, so you remember to try and put everything you can in them is a good idea too. One of my first routintes was choreograped in the hot tub the night before by my mom and I and it came a close 2nd to 1st. Sometimes routines are so practiced you don't feel the magic in them and wonder if free flying wouldn't show more soul. Once I asked head judge, Eric Forsburg, if it wouldn't be better to fly freefly and less per rote. He told me know, keep choreographing. Indoors, you not only choregraph your kite, but also the use of your floor. Another fun aspect of kiteflying. Best Breezes, Penny
  2. Thanks Anthony, It was a wonderful evening. We got home after 3am. Steve has 3 football games to Ref today, so he's sleeping in. I'm taking the dog to the vet, mailing my daughter a package to Italy, visiting my friend who's health still has her restricted to doing nothing and she's bored to pieces. She said she was going to the ocean when she got out of the hospital. I thought she wouldn't be in any shape to fly kites. Steve told me she would be ready to go anywhere after that long in the hospital, but she's not up for it, except maybe mentally. I'll just have to go to the gym and fly for her. I know she'll appreciate it. I'll check out those handles. Enjoy the day! BB Penny
  3. I've got most of them, but I'll have to put the IQuad on my xmas list. I highly recommend them all. lol My van would look plain with out them. BB Penny
  4. I should be able to get into the gym this weekend. The new handles are laced and ready to go. In the interest of indoor flying my husband is taking me dancing tonight. It's all relative. BB Penny
  5. John, it looks like you had a great time in Lincoln City. Wish I was there to join in. Hearing the crowd go crazy in the video is the best part. BB Penny
  6. Did you contact Revolution about a custom kite and give them a charge card #? People call and tell them they want a custom all the time, but till money is in hand.. it's just talk. I'm sure they are getting ready for the Christmas season too. One year we ordered 7 from them and they came on Christmas Eve. Now that's service! I'm not a part of the business, but I've head from some stores they have to order a minimum of Rev.'s at least for a lower price I'd guess. So not all stores budget will allow them to carry the best kite out there. Perhaps some order on credit and have a debt to pay back before ordering more. Why do you think they weren't much help out there? Glad you found your vented Rev. I. Enjoy it. BB Penny
  7. Kewl, Now I could do territory. T if you need any help, let me know. I am hoping to come to Camas, though I won't pre pay a room in case life gets in the way. Not much for me to do down there but watch and visit. Steve will probably have football so I'd be on my own. Sounds like the Lincoln City Fall festival was fun. Will we see pictures of it? Scott, thanks for the inspiration! You rock too. BB Penny ~tryin to do a "my space at penny_lingenfelter.
  8. There is a silver lining here. You can get a vented Rev. I and spar. I believe they were not in production for a while. Could have been just rumor. Hey, you know it's winter right? Where's your indoor? BB Penny
  9. I took my new single handle prototype to the gym.... then ran home, I knew the kite and old handle were in the van, but it kind of needed line. Then back to the gym, only to find the holes in the prototype were to small to put the line in. So I practiced with normal handles. Steve made the holes bigger for me and I'm ready to go try them. It's only a prototype and I'm trying to come up with a way to stabalize them. Bars to keep them from going only so far and to give me a better grip maybe? Or maybe I'll find out that the kite will help stabalize them, and I won't need anthing but a good grip added. I feel like when I first started flying kites inside and Era video taped me saying, "I think if I pull up this way, the kite will go up...... It's all guess work, till I try it. My friend got out of the hospital after almost 2 weeks. She's not out of the woods yet, but doing better, so I can rest (fly) easy. Have a great day! BB Penny
  10. Hello back at you and welcome. Glad you were brave enough to post and say hello. Sometimes it looks pretty dark in here. Hope to see you in here and in person... with a kite in hand. BB Penny
  11. Oh, Oh, and the beautiful and intelligent "The Resa" is single. BB Penny ~Looking forward to pictures of the garden.
  12. Sorry Carl, I won't be there. I'll miss you, but two festivals a year there is fine with me. It's going to be a fantastic festival with the line up. Wish I could have come down just to focus on giving lessons though. Sorry to hear your hurt. Get strong. Massage.. get a massage... oh Lissssaaaaaa.... rub the man. Wish I was there with you all, but I plan on making them laugh with my new routines when I get down there and I'll need your help with them. be afraid.. be very afraid. Tell everyone I send a hug. BB Penny
  13. Buggying sounds like fun too. Sorry, I invite you in and then I'm to busy to get back here. Busy week. I have a friend in the hospital w/complications so been spending some time there. I'll be back soon. BB Penny
  14. You all will put on a magnificent show. If the river is going south the kitefliers may need a spotter. Not for their kites, but for their bodys. Steve spotted the fliers the year before and still lost a few fliers over the edge of the drop off that the river cuts in it's turns. Enjoy and stay on your feet! BB Penny
  15. You know I was in an elevator and a man said,"I read your stuff"... kinda funny, kind of scarry because I didn't know who he was. It's amazing what people tell you that. Some one you don't know from the audience. This has become sort of a blog spot for me.I keep writing in here, but you are welcome to write in here too. Don't be shy. Now I want to talk a little about Ann Arbors, Michigan but this isn't really the place. They did bring in indoor flyers because of the wind spot... and there was no wind during some of the shows.. I have got to go do some chores though.. .so I'll wait. Do you think I should post it under events? I have pictures. Guess I better contact the Parks to make sure I play within the rules. BB Penny
  16. We're in Ann Arbors Michigan tonight. I'm posting in the indoor because Aerial Experience, Lee and Debbie Parker, pulled indoor kitefliers together for this event. We're outside on a patch of grass with trees and buildings all around. The wind is everybit as challenging as we thought it might be. We're still doing excellent and what a show we will put on tomorrow. Lee said the important thing for this show is to keep the kites in the air. He didn't say anthing about us. I found a hole and came down on my bottom. I kept the kite in the air and just sat and flew it standing up at the end. they thought I did it on purpose. lol Reminds me of my son, "Mom, I never lost the kite." Tomorrow should be awesome. We've got Lam H. Andy Becker, Scott Weider is coming in tonight. A wonderful rytham gymnastic group. Paul DeBaker, team Wind Jammers, and of course the Parks. I get to play with a UFO. Ever see 5 fliers in a 40 x 40 grass patch? Yeah! challenging, but so much fun. What a neat group of people. They've kept me laughing all day. Now I need to find a t-shirt that says North of Canada. Oh, the ribbon gymnist... I see kites in their future. It could happen. They have the grace and the balance and their young ladies. I"m always trying to get more females in this sport. Ever notice the majority of kitefliers are men? That and indoor gymnist flying kites inside would be unique entertainment. A few of the girls seem interested, so I am hoping. Oh, We saw Ann Ritter today! John Trenapahl (sp) and Aaron and Troy Thanks Troy! (He's my crew) Bill and I'm not sure of another's name, but it was nice meeting and regreeting everyone today. Lam is tired and I think he gets the giggles when he's tired and they might be contagious. Hope eveyone at Convention is having a good time. I'll have to catch up on the daily's later. Well, off to bed.. We'll need all of our strength tomorrow. Wish us luck! 10,000 kites to give away. BB Penny without spell check and itty bitty font I can't see.
  17. Way to go Tristan and way to share it with others. Keep going! Hey, if you guys come to any of the events this summer that I go to, would you and the whole family be part of my "do wop" dancers? Your brother could fly the UFO and you could fly short line. The song is "I do not like green eggs and ham." Your folks could do what ever they wanted to.. Kite, dance, etc. I've got a few swing couples to help out up north. Keep sharing what you learn with us Tristan. We can learn with you. (At least in spirit) Enjoy the weekend. BB Penny
  18. You get to be a field director? How kewl. I love field directing. You'll be a good one. The field directior is the last person the kiteflier speaks to before the comp and can help make them feel so much better. I won't be there this year T, but next year at Ocean Shores even if it's just to watch I'll be there. Hot tub!! You all have safe trips and I'm looking forward to those daily updates. You are taking Geezer for pictures right? BB Penny
  19. I am going to try and be there. It sounds like a great opportunity to see everyone in November. We heard quite a few comments this weekend at Whidbey Island about how much all the indoor fliers have improved. Kudos! BB Penny~ trying to pick up her new indoor single handle to test.
  20. It sounds like your referring to a Rev. I consider my adjustments on the top of my handles to be my gears. If I move the lines to a knot further away from the handles, I'm laying the top of the kite back. More air dumps out of it, so in higher winds, I lay my kite back to slow it down making it more controllable. In lighter wind, you can pull the line up a knot towards the handles; this will tilt the kite forward helping to give it more lift. Some people put them on the top; some put them on the bottom. I think just top or bottom, but both should not be necessary. If you have a large loop on the top of your handles, you can turn that into a type of slide knot that you hook on to instead. There will be fewer knots for your line to be caught on. It's not necessary to fly the kite. A few people don't use adjustments, but those that try their kite with them love them. Giving it less pull in high winds is nice. Lowering your hands up and down on the Rev. handles for light and high winds can also improve your speed control. Again every one has their own style and preference of how they fly their own kites. )We love the diversity.
  21. Kewl~~ I hope it's the teal/blue/pink one. I could use that right now for Michigan. I'm going to be a wood nymph.. flying with the ribbon dancers.. My music is a finnish poem about a world wanderer who would like to find a place to settle down. We are not using longer then 15 feet of line. That's still short line. Thanks for letting me know John. They said someone had picked them up to give to me. I figured it was Bob Wendt. Linda and I are playing phone tag, so now I'm not sure if she has them or someone else. I've got a few emails out there. Kewl... Kewl..... BB Penny
  22. All right Shannon, I heard you were flying Revs. This was your first post.. John... I think she missed you. Have a great week. BB Penny
  23. I know what you mean. I love indoor flying. They had a competition at Whidbey Island. John B won. Congrats John. Who took 2nd and 3rd? I'd guess Egan and Bud, but I way to tired to remember if it was Egan now. Good job! Steve and John and I night flew on Sat. The boys flew Rev's and I flew the UFO. Steve flew my UFO with lights on it. It was the first time I was able to see it fly with lights on it. It looked awesome. I'm not even exaggerating. It was super fun. Wait till you see it. John came on the field and said something about he thought he might have trouble finding me in the dark, but I glowed. (lets talk lights later on the forum) Theresa, that sail is all stretched out, but that's as it should be with a well used kite. It still flies, even with 4-5 lights on it. I have to clean up the bundgees though. Ewwww that's not kiteflying, that's work. I'll keep them going though. Thanks for the advice. I'm hoping to find out a won a UFO from the raffle. Yup, I am a UFO hog. (lets use the word fanatic) Good night everybody. I enjoyed Whidby and all the wonderful fun people we played with. Thank you everyone. BB Penny
  24. You grew up in Michigan? It will be my first trip there. I'm pictureing cold weather, but so far it looks the same as here. I'm taking long johns just in case. Tks! I will give them a hug for you. Now what is this site? I better go check it out. BB Penny
  25. Great Dan, I highly recommend it. Sorry, I overlooked your post asking for pics. The kite line larks headed on to the knot in Dorsal's pic will hold the slide knot in place. I like it. REV on! BB Penny
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