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Everything posted by mystainedskin

  1. I have been eyeballing this one at work. Almost bought it for the Colombia trip.Mystic Golf.... tons of space.. tarp like moisture liner and a sort of seperated section in the bottom.
  2. You can fly reliably over 30mph with proper care and setup. 170 degree view will "push" things away. I have Kap'tured pics of large masted boats where the camera is right up on it and looks many feet away. I use a GoPro on and automatic rig. Your rig can be set up however you desire. More options generaly means more weight..which equals more kite/wind to carry the load. Lenses can be changed in most cameras these days to aquire what you are looking for. P.s. I usually shut down around 25mph....just doesn't become much fun for me, as I Kap mobile with kite in hand walking about.
  3. Thanks for the history! Scott Weider really enjoyed it
  4. I will upload it somewhere viewable. Post it up once done.
  5. On the plus side...he fits right in the kite bag. No extra tickets needed for travel
  6. It is now flying happily in some well deserving hands in Medillin,Colombia after 1 short urban flight and some festival time. I should have left all 3. Well worth the delay in obtaining a new 1
  7. My preference....but looking forward to good wind for a hands right in front ...nice and smooth. Also...1 or 2 on a tripod would really set it off. I dig those situations..hard too believe, but no standard at the moment.Mid it was You can really get a feel for what hand movements and "cheats" do in underpowered situations. Really have to manually make the kite do everything.Could have spun some 360s and stuff but I am out of practice.Baby steps Alot of Slk lately
  8. Getting back in the groove of things....
  9. I have been quite busy....and embarrassed I have not done more than basic shares with this yet. Stay tuned. I had 3 short runs while there. A few really challenging moments with soooooooooo many kites in the air. Big lifters...a gajillion homemade kites flying on anything that could be used for flying line. Quite an experience... Even met some kite fliers from KiteLife that I didn't know about...from the Caribbean. Do the search.....you will be very impressed at some kite flying in different parts of the world...the competition and goals of competing are very different from what we see The clear box kite and crew are the ones I am referring to..they made this kite, along with some of the night kites in the hotel lobby. no test...launch it baby...let's see what it does! Awesome! I was so stoked to have a camera in the air Until then..... Enjoy some KAP photos from Cartagena, Colombia https://flic.kr/s/aHskiH8SfQ
  10. Likewise... I have one also. You can also share them with the apps... it will show an onsite reading from you on them all.
  11. I hate to say this....but I don't think I will be able to attend. Due to some last minute pressing circumstances I am not a liberty to blabber about right yet Nothing bad...only awesome things as to why. I hope that you all can forgive me. I wanted more than anything to be a part of a beach full of Revs. If there is any way I can make it happen...trust me...I will.
  12. A new venture. Stop in for a read if the urge arises. https://kitebumbychoice.wordpress.com/

    1. Nick Russell

      Nick Russell

      Nice. I've been blogging for 8 or 9 years now and it has become part of our income stream.

  13. I really like them...quick and easy with not too much pull. Still nice to have an 81 around for the big displays, but the 36 can carrry a good bit also without so much of a fight. Here is mine with a 4'x2,banner and the spikey ball set. May have even been an Isopod on the bottom. It was the only thing that would lift reliably on a west wind day.
  14. Geez...I had to stop at the very first kite.......
  15. Good ole Scotty That slide will help. You are shedding air off the sail. The less pressure in the sail will make it easier to initiate the move. Also...his kite is on Magic Sticks...effects the flight different than without. More "float"
  16. Only briefly looked at hotels in the area. As with all my adventures. ...the car is always an option
  17. The large tpee style mentioed are great...but large. I have used the style John mentioned. The floor comes in handy. You can pull sand in for high wind stability on the floor section. But alas...those are not Rev rods in there. Don't push your luck p.s. I can see if stealing the large R sky type tpee from work is possible for N.C. clinic
  18. Most don't like fiddling with bridles all the time. I have found the a.o.a on sleds and foils lends to less height and more distance between you and the kite. Say your target is across the river on the opposit bank. Wind is in your favor..a foil or sled may be the correct choice. If it lifts the load securely..it could ride its way across the river without massive height gain. Where a delta or Dc would fly higher and more directly over head. This is not bad either. Maybe you want to KAP in an urban environment. ..say between 2 large buildings. Learn your kites and what they are capable of with your equiptment and conditions available. I basically try suiting my wind speed with a favorable performing kite...and go from there.My Gopro rig is light and get great performance out of a 3 kite selection.. genki,delta,dc.
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