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Everything posted by mystainedskin

  1. It's for sure a challenge. The first day had me in a crappy location.Wind was up and down and choppy. Today was better. I managed some figure 8s,turning the inside kite first...and some large slow opposite direction circles. No Derooy.....but a start. Going to work on the standard U shape pattern recommended for one hand practice...and not jump in to deep from the get go...keep it simple. It is funny how you can do things one handed in both hands....but at the same time the brain tries to trick you. I am hoping by next time we meet...I may be able to bump elbows with the other Paul for a 4/2 some (or more if available). If the skills progress that is
  2. That's Steve Derooy. You should see multiples ....even better. Watched him, Bazzer and Paul Dugard fly once....wow! 6 revs , 3 people. Unfortunately, my session was no where near this
  3. I have wanted to do this for sometime now. Just never put forth the effort for some reason..I don't know why.I have practiced one handed flight in both hands, but never gathered 2 complete identical setups. My Rev flying has slacked due to pains and Kap play..So what better way to dive back in? Recently, I did a little short line flying on a friends midvent (Queen B was her name) and after a difficult Kap session I met a onlooker who was "sortof" into kites and was interested to see a quad. So I pulled out the B Pro still on 30s and handles ready to roll.With just enough area to do 360s over his head and the 1 close vehicle..an axel or 2 and some catch and toss action. I have to say.....it felt DAMN GOOD! But it left me thinking about that tandem flight that has been lurking in my mind..I watched this once again for the gajillionth time.. Gettin' it off my Chest - Steve de Rooy - Multip: Thats all it took...Tonight.... I set forth the time and patience to mend wounded warriors (2 Bs) and give them a thorough checking. I gathered 2 sets of everything. Handles, multiple frame sets, line sets......... it's on......let the journey begin!
  4. I have noticed in darker colored enviroments, the black tends to disappear and blend at higher elevations and anlged shots. But most of my runs are around evening time. Not as much glare on the line..I guess is what I was trying to say.
  5. I'll grab some other pics shortly. I was uploading last night and needed something to do in the process I got it for the black. Look better for longer. Although inspection of the line will be a little more tedious due to the dark color. I personally don't mind either color. One small fact to consider though. On a 1000' roll ....black is heavier by almost 3 ounces in this particular brand. Dye I assume. I have flown several times on it now and have no issues as of yet. Actually, people tend to notice the kite and line a bit more than when I was flykng white. Guess they can see it better. I got 160# and a friend did also, along with 250#. So I am sure I will get feedback on both weights. Sorry Bill, 12mp wide in these. I have been running 7mp wide and medium also.
  6. Today I rolled out 500' of new line. Of which another spool was available, as I got 1000'. So after watching my friend fly on 2 spools a few times....I figured why not. We joined some Emerald Coast Kite Club members at Anastasia State Park in St. Augustine. Some Slk, dual and Rev pilots flying between us....but alot of Kap. 4000 pics this evening alone for me Back on track..... So I carried both spools out with me today. I guess subconsciously telling myelf I was gonna do it! I strolled around with my wife and photographed lifeguards and other kiters....the normal beach stuff...at about 200' and below. Then I took a high run all the way out. I turned and smiled to my better half when I reached the end of the line. She asked.... what? I pulled the other spool out ..hooked it up...and let it run slack for about 250' over beach goers heads and then tensioned the line. Up the camera and kite soared to new heights. The highest I have ever flown with or without camera rig. At one point..2 full spools out...1000' feet! Although the kite was riding in about the 700' range. More story than pics this time....but here are 2 for "perspective" This is with about 750' of line out...maybe 675' in kite heighth. Gauged from a Rok flying next to me on a taught 500'.
  7. I had that exact same "feeling" once. It was really my second time on a line i think. i looked down through with a buffet of names....Berg,Comras,LaMasters,Dugard,Cory........gave me chills. Since then, i always take a moment to stop and admire the line and do exactly as you stated...look at the faces of each individual,their posture and stance....take mental copies AWESOME moments indeed
  8. Guess i should add the quote"unquote" ...direct from Mr. B and a recent Casual Clinic
  9. Just giving you a hard time Revs need the same in low to no wind. Slow graceful small movements at all the right points.. Easy to overpower and lose all sail pressure.
  10. Give it time young jedi . if you are only moving that much flying the dual..there is plenty of wind for that Zen or any Rev
  11. Oh rng...can't you see. A mid and me is a loners symphony. But alas, as you can see.. I have no eligibility. .. So I bow out . gracefully. .. And nominate this guy named Bailey
  12. I wonder how this would work out. Our recent casual clinic was directly across the river from the Naval base.Helicopters and jets coming and going. At one point...I know of someone wirh about 800' of line out ....d'oh.
  13. Ya...I didn't want it real long and first time using the gopro editing software. May play with it here soon and speed up, freeze frame some stuff. Etc..etc..
  14. 4 minutes of 1 second stills slideshow from yesterdays test run. BlueCypress:
  15. I find in certain situations the gopro does that...so far. Blurring the outer edges and focusing on a certain dominant point. But also having some rig issues. It is just super light and any line movement gets it wiggling. 1 run will be 500 pics of super clear...the next all blurred. ot is so light though, if the kite will fly, the rig is going up. Still having fun either way Working on building one now that is a little beefier and should hang and ride more stable in a larger window of conditions.
  16. Yes you do... How do you like kap from a sled rob? I have always been leary of it collapsing. ..tend to lean towards the framed kites gliding ability in those situations...not that they don't ever crash that is. I have a kap bag also ..minus the anchors. I made a belt type attachment around the waist with some attachment points. Allows me to be mobile and have both hands free when needed. On high pull days it serves as a belay? (Don't know if that is spelled correct...or even the right term)device
  17. On Revs ...there is a specific method used for stain cleaning. Folded napkins on each side with denatured alcohol and very light cleaning of the area. You are technically removing coating from the material...like removing wax from your cars paint. Be gentle.. If it is not a bad stain and does not bother you too much..I wouldn't mess with it. Some bleeds fade over time..to the point of barely being visible at all.
  18. I'm in ...but would suggest a secondary winner for my submission. This was an original Kitelife giveaway kite and only see it fair for it to continue it's journey....since it was offered.
  19. Mr. Boyton inspired me to do an evening run today....figure ya'll might like these kap photos Had some wiggle in the rig tonite...so not the clearest
  20. B2 full vent 3 wrap frame. Fully flyable...used of course caps a little round , bungees ok, bridle getting there, but usable..sail on pretty darn good shape considering.....fly it like ya stole it! Be sure to test drive it this weekend with Barton and JB
  21. I have a kitelife B2 Full vent. Needs bridle...3 wrap frame set I believe.
  22. From the Bilmar hotel beach cam.....the start to another clinic with John Barresi. Shared by our fellow forum member dashgee
  23. What an adventure. A great group of fliers...even some more forum members....always a bonus! My pics need size reduction too load...so keep an eye out.
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