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Everything posted by mystainedskin

  1. It's flat out phenomenal! The weight was not an issue...to the point of they could be flown all the time with little ill effect. All slack line moves had an extra bonus of crab eyes looking at you. I have some good pics and short videos of the testing on a full sail and the mesh. There are some photos in the Fb dropbox link post. I actually have a set being made...before this. Using the same idea. This was a classic....check this out moment.
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/sc/inokoy8mjz0ditj/AAD0I1NV7DwShseCQwp0irp6a Mass upload of my 2 days. Video and pics. Some good some bad.
  3. Loving my life as a kite bum.....

  4. A couple to get the juices flowing. Took about 300 pics and several videos.
  5. Today was sweet. I took on my first foils. A 5 meter Flexifoil (quad) and a Ozone Frenzy 5or6 meter ...not sure..on a bar and harness. The Flexi was a bit much..but bareable. The Ozone was fun..would have been more fun in more wind...but flew it the most. Had a short run with the Ozone and the tandem buggy...good one way and struggled getting back for a good while. Our forum member Oats joined in today. He spent quite a bit of time on the Flexi and got into buggying for a good while...great job! Scatter brained from 2 days on the beach..typed this and realized the pics are on another device....d'oh!
  6. Bad wind for buggies today...only a few ventured out for the fight. But my friend and I flew revs and kites all day until dark ...and it was awesome weather!
  7. I just uploaded over 650 photos and a but load of short video in the time it took to make dinner. My first mass upload...so I kept an eye on it....via samsung phone
  8. Off to taste a new flavor tomorrow and throughout the weekend. Beautiful weather forecasted after today.Hopefully many pics too share. Maybe even a chance to catch a ride..quad style of course Either way some Revs will be in the air.... STACKS! http://www.coastalwindsports.com/JIBE.html
  9. Amen to that! You could be the porta potty man....
  10. Night time is difficult all around. If filming, I have found that a full view of everything...you and the kite tends to work a bit better...for the reasons you mentioned. If the kite becomes dark, you can usually see the pilot still and gather what is happening in that moment. Or find well lit parking lots..always nice
  11. That's so cool. The picture AND the whole family involved. I missed looking up on some of your others..I need to revisit. Ty for the tip.
  12. I use an 80# hollow core dacron fishing line. The 80 comes in lime and black..but other colors available in other weight line. I don't like the heavy,bulky stuff that comes on rev lines and what most people use. This is small and thin...purchaced by the yard..
  13. Wow! Great turnout and weather it looks like... smiles all around
  14. Rev 1 $ 125 plus shipping U.S. only 4 wrap w/ extra center L.E. rod Generic sleeve No lines...no handles Pictures included of decribed items: Small hole...tape repair No L.E. or mesh tears Sail shows use but in overall good condition. Bridle wingtip sleeving wore..but many hours left on it ... updated (new style ) bridle Bungees could use replacing..but same as bridle..many hours left.
  15. Used..no rips , tears, or repairs. Prices O.B.O plus shipping Slight color bleed on center white panels..pics included but hard too see. A little dirty...good cleaning will solve. Bridle sleeve torn...but line in excellent shape...no snags (like that when I got it) Sail/3 wrap frame w/ extra l.e.rod/bag $275+ shipping (checking on cost due to size) Above listed with lines $ 325+shipping Handles and lines $375+shipping Really would like to keep the handles and lines...mostly the handles..so price reflects that. Handles have been converted to no snag style. 2 open offers on this kite...so first interested party is 3rd in line.
  16. New unopened RTF package $160 Also, an opened but never flown or assembled Exp. $100 no lines or handles. Both kites Lime/Blue in color U.S. only. A couple of used kites coming soon.. Both kites ...... ★SOLD★
  17. Seems lately. .things are taken the wrong direction when I express myself. To dive deeper... The same as your original sticks post.. This info will be here as long as Kitelife is around...even then ..it maybe archived somewhere. EVERY piece of info regardless how small or insignificant could be helpful to someone. Since there are so many interested in sticks right now...what better time to document a journey of experimentation. LaMasters has inspired me through stories of their club doing these exact same steps in every manner you could imagine. Maybe that's why they all fly so well?...and have a VAST amount of knowledge. They will set up multiple kites...small changes made to each one...and fly them...for an afternoon,a week,a month,etc...then swap to the next one. Feedback along the whole journey from everyone. With everyone's flavor being different. It seems like a great way too learn and maybe find a benefit that works for you and makes the bell go "ding" and the light come on. I am a firm believer in you must do it too truly grasp and learn from your mistakes. I myself have grown leaps and bounds from being associated and flying with such people. From Mr. B himself to my good friend Chuck...whom I fly with and learn with..sharing all the time our steps and the outcome of what was done. No matter what is said or described. Never discredit it...keep it in the back of your mind. There WILL come a time in your kiting adventure that it will become relevant, regardless of what you feel now.
  18. As previously mentioned in the first post..the flight characteristics ARE different. The point is the effort to shoot for bigger and better..not just mac and cheese out of the box....add some seasoning and it's a different dish. Really go all out and make pasta and a block of cheese...waste of time? No...much better. Flying Smiles sells a great kit and I applaud you for promoting the Shooks...great people! But the original sticks were heavier and made of what was there. Heavier rods..gas line..etc..Passed along first hand by Scott Weider. Too be perfectly honest..even with a Rev Rider kite..more specific. .Scott Weiders personal shook or the Pauls....I fly and perform better more precise without them . especially in the low end range. BUT. .. I am willing to take the journey and play along the way...you never know unless you try. You could do this same experiment with your store bought kit by adding pigtails to the end caps of your sticks. This will allow you to move the rods up and down and compensate for bridle changes. Paul, thanks for the suggestion..I will give ot a shot for sure. It sounds as if this may suit me a bit more. The independence of each side sounds more appealing. I love to learn and it only makes me that much better in the end for trying. What it boils down too...I don't read directions and take things as they are.. I try it, modify it, and learn from it. If it doesn't work or no benefits are gained..no harm no foul...put it back to original. Bridles are next... I know Paul will enjoy this subject also and the stick journey continues.....
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