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Everything posted by mystainedskin

  1. ya..it's all I jave. I would like to get a frame combo or 2 ...just can't swing it right now.
  2. Some quick clips and snapshots of some Rev 1 gliding today
  3. T.I. really hammered it home for me. I met so many forum members. Learned ..Passed on..learned more. Had forum member actually seek me out over the Wala videos for help and just some fun. Unfortunately , wind and a Rev glued to my hands...in which I apologize. You know who you are, and check the mail box soon It's a great feeling to share what you love and get to see someone grasp and grow...whatever the age! Kudos sir!
  4. Nice...looks familiar I got some no wind Rev 1 gliding through out the day. Have some video too load and splice..until then a slack line teaser
  5. An offering..or victim for my past days ... Barton playing with the Iflite in T.I.
  6. ....and yes 48 degrees was the high... and yes i was outside all day flying I knew it was bound to come up.
  7. A little news clip from Friday. Mr. Boyton stopped in town. Jacksonville, Florida and we did some kiting. Started out geared as a K.A.P. run but the wind was non cooperative....so Rev play indeed This is right next to Everbank Field..Home of the Jaguars...also right on the banks of the St. Johns River... Downtown Jacksonville
  8. Awesome Love the outdoor "urban" gliding
  9. Some very rusty Wala Xl play while the wind died down
  10. I think mine was 90 or 100#x100' ..been awhile though..
  11. I am happy with what I have. Pros would be nice. But kites come and go throughout time. I use them and they become memories of good times gone by. ...
  12. Some video later...sorry I have been ill. Back in full force
  13. I must admit I toured and lurked for a year before becoming a "paid" subscriber ...and even longer to join the A.K.A....for my own personal reasons, they were done at different times. I became a subscriber as soon as I finally got a kite. I learned soooooo much through this site and this site alone...it is pretty much the only one I frequent. I felt the need to share and pay it forward in every way possible. If you look at my post history..you will see loads of quad related post..but only because financially , that's what I have right now. I want some of everything! Kitelife is the place for that and the knowledge here is endless... slk,duals,quads,gliders....you name it..someone here is into it and would love to help you on your journey! We can only hope through sharing your thoughts in places like this that you also can take the same journey...feel the same need and joy.. Also, along with the A.K.a discount...don't forget the awesome drawings that Kitelife host.. User or site based. Keep up the good work! Shout it from the roof tops every chance you get!
  14. When I was learning or starting, 3 wraps were my best friend. Then I got a set of black race..my low wind, standard sail flying immediately saw improvement. As recently as December, I was saying how I liked a stiffer sail..and flying JBs kites recently, commenting how much flex was there and didn't realky like it. As things progress, your flavors will change. I now run diamonds in low/no wind and black race in my full vent... the 3 wrap will only go in when the strong stuff is around. Even then...usually go to the B2 when it gets like that. Go with what works for you at the time..just don't forget to try it again later.. your views may have changed and it be the hottest set up since........
  15. An old one to appease the gliding gods...as the wind is blowing and have not been anywhere for some new pics
  16. Welcome! I have a friend that flies with Tulsa Wind Riders. Don't have a link at the moment.
  17. Might I suggest a continuous camera shot option. This is what I do. Within the shot bursts..you usually get a couple that are worthy of sharing
  18. I see you are using a full tripod also in the shadow. I use a small "Joby" portable hand sized unit. Alit less space and easier to carry. It will also twist and grab onto just about anything.
  19. Mid 60s NE @8 blue sky amd the sun is warm. I may just have to do some casual flying
  20. I have used dacron based patch or tape found at local "hobby/crafts". It works well for small repairs and several colors available for like 4 bucks. 5 or 6 2"x6" pieces in the pack. It does come loose overtime in sandy (beach) environments. I have used it 4 times..3 of which are still there.
  21. Scott, That's the set I was telling you about the other night, in chat ! You'd look good, on the other end of the line I wish...someone feeling generous? I owe. .I owe.. so off to kite fly I go!
  22. Actually the best way to describe vaping....fog machine. Pretty much the same.. so whats the hubbub with the sub ohm stuff? I pretty much found a tank that I liked and have not gone product venturing since..
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