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Everything posted by tkrinor

  1. We will be heading the LC festival on Fri night that weekend. We have reservations for Fri and Sat evening. So we should be there all day Sat and Sun. My reply to John was not to clear. Heading over this Sat also after a bit of work in the morning.
  2. You are now my official wind forecaster. Sat was beautiful with zero wind, but I was hobbled with a bad back day anyway, so we did not kayak, just a stroll on the beach. Good for Sandy though as later she found a new pair of sandals. The back recovered pretty good for Sunday. South wind at 22 tops according to NOAA, but gusty, it seemed to just stop at times. (a little east flow to it at times) Sandy is a little cold blooded even though she has Scottish roots. It was mostly cloudy around 60ish on Sunday. With the higher wind it was a bit chilly. As for recording, I wish i could say I was working on my one handed flying..but was not. We got a new toy, the recording was done with a gopro on my forehead. I am about as techyless as they come, so even trying to load the video is a challenge let alone trying to edit it........but learning. I wish I had more time to learn new things...but... self employed.... i have 2 work appts Sat morning. Hoping to get to the LC beach by 1:30 ish. Hopefully we will see you guys in 2 weeks. BTW: Sandy has 3 new baby squirrels at home she feeds with a syringe, not as fanatic as the baby chipmunks a while back. The chipmunks would run away, and the squirrels crawl all over her during feeding. T
  3. Name: LC Sep 2014 Category: Quad Line - Pairs Date Added: 23 September 2014 - 07:32 PM Submitter: tkrinor Short Description: Our 1st vid attempt. Sandy and I on Xtras. The winds were around 22 mph. Sandy has only been flying about 8 months and doing GREAT! This is our first attempt with recording, editing etc. View Video == NOTE: This is an embedded video from one of the video sharing web sites (i.e. YouTube) and may not be the submitter's original creation, as videos are often shared or posted (embedded) due to popularity... To see the original uploader of the video, just click the logo (i.e. YouTube) in the corner of the video while it's playing.
  4. tkrinor


    From the album: so far

  5. tkrinor


    From the album: so far

  6. tkrinor


    From the album: so far

  7. tkrinor


    From the album: so far

  8. tkrinor


    From the album: so far

  9. May the cool breeze be with you. I have been in Colby a few times as my mom lived there a while. Never thought there would be a kite festival in that neck of the woods....oops plains. Good on you. If it was 1300 miles closer I would be there. Have a great time. T
  10. 1550 miles for me..been through Colby a few times. Hope you have a great fest...may the wind be with you T
  11. I flew with three folks on Sat. We were just having some fun and testing Reved's wiring harness, I have never called before and have only flown with a team 3 times. The other folks are at varying skill levels and had never flown team. We were feeling a bit restricted on what we thought we could do. Our average time on line is probably a year or less. We had a lot of fun and stepped way out of our self imposed comfort zone. ..We had a ball with a burst etc. When we were down and I was trying to figure our next move. I paused and looked left. Sandy, John and Karen were all poised in launch position, intensely focused and all with huge smiles pasted on their faces. I just had take a breath and enjoy that image for a few seconds...that was so cool. I don't know if they noticed the extended pause. I have already enjoyed that memory a dozen times already since Sat. Reved's wiring harness helped us achieve a beautiful day of flying. A few crashes and few crossed lines and as J&K say...Big Fun!! We met at a JB clinic and have hooked up a couple of times since then. Karen stated "JB would be proud" I think she would be right. If you have a chance to catch a JB clinic don't miss it. We can't wait till he gets back to the NW. T
  12. Ed, We used your harness setup last weekend. We had four flyers and in my book you hit a home run with your set up. We used the Midland radios paired with JB's suggested Plantronic head set, and an Ipod mini. I added a wind screen that my have not been necessary. The harness I used was your 2.5 set up with shorter cords. ** I like the red shrink tape..just nice having a distinctive color to pluck out of the bag ** I liked the shorter length of the cables, however I can see that some setups may like an extra few inches to work with. I had the radio on my belt on my left hip with the Ipod (mini) in my front pocket. Back or front pocket would have worked just fine. My left ear gets worn out with a headset during the week so I wore the head set on my right ear. No cable problems at all. **Color coded wires...I don't see a need. There is only one way to put the setup together and after you have done it once it is a no brainer. I would have a much harder time remembering color coding. **music volume adjusted with the ipod (mini)..a non issue **receiving radios adjusted the combined voice / music volume. We did not test the mic volume settings..I used the high setting the whole time. ** I have had no experience calling and only flown team 3 times (once at a clinic) I felt the harness worked perfectly ** The other flyers had virtually no experience flying as a team. (they did GREAT!!)... the feedback from the flyers was all positive. 2 were with earphones and 1 hung the radio around her neck. They all thought the harness setup worked perfectly. . ** It is mono, stereo could be nice but has a tool/aid etc. it is not necessary .. I think a team learning a routine, this could be fantastic. ** We had a bit of battery life concern as the transmitting radio is on transmit mode the whole time. I had not adjusted the transmit strength etc. I don't see this really being an issue at all. I bought some rechargeable batteries and adjusted the transmit strength. I think that will take care of the battery life issue (if it was an issue). I suspect we were at about 1 1/2 hours when the transmitting radio died. ** the headset was perfect ( as mentioned a windscreen was added but may not have been needed) **What I would do different.. I should have sent you the components to start with. I assumed a smartphone would be the same as an Ipod...not. I assumed all plugs were the same...not. Those issues were my fault. **We did not have volume problems, we did not have static issues.. overall your finished product is perfect relative to what I was looking for. Bottom line, I met with friends. I plugged the components together. We flew all afternoon pretending we were a team. No issues what- so- ever. There were smiles on the lines, no technical issues etc. Just plug in and fly. Great job ED!
  13. I will bring Chuck some super glue
  14. Thanks JB!
  15. dang...I was sure that was going to work
  16. Wayne quit talkin smack You ain’t goin to win jack Kite is going to be mine You’ll figure it out in time This kite aint even blue no way goin home with you You don’t even need a mid Let it go.. give up your bid All mine are blue too But I crash more than you So nuther mid should be mine So go ahead – start to whine Maybe if you start to cry Might let you give it a fly That will have to suffice ……psych.. I ain’t that nice! Go fly your own kite
  17. now looking for a blender,,may have seen one but don't have a clue putting the name with the with the move
  18. After more searching I found this. It shows what was called a "fountain" during the fly I was able to participate in .........I think that is what the leader called. It is at the 3:00 mark. If I'm lucky and get invited again, hopefully I can handle this call a little better than last weekend. This is a nice routine by these folks.
  19. Anyone know of a clip that has a shot of a team doing a fountain and zipper in it. I was trying to participate in a team fly and struggled a bit with these as I don't even know what they are supposed to look like.Seeing them performed would be very helpful I think. Can't seem to find a vid that shows these. Thanks
  20. Rng please pick me Need nuther kite ya see Though the bag is full Ain’t talkin no bull Rng if you got a heart Pick this old fart Needin another vent Without the wife getting bent Rng l’ll fly her good treat her like I should I’ll put her in the sky Bout 120 foot high Fly her in the sun She’ll have a lotta fun Will have to fly in rain But promise no stains Rng don’t listen to Wayne Sometimes he's just a pain Go ahead pick a poem An let me bring her home
  21. Is it possible to put an inline volume / boost control switch? More of a general question, certainly not a requirement or request at this point.. With my setup the the music was easily controlled but the voice was not. The music could drown out the voice easily. I used my android phone (my normal fly music source) and a 2.5 plantronics headset. The headset does have 2 position mic volume switch. With a clear music line I think it would have been fine. As stated in my test the 3.5 was not usable due to the lack of volume. I just tested the 3.5 directly through the phone (music) and there as not a volume issue at all. So I suspect an adapter may be an issue when it comes to volume control. Just a thought. Thanks
  22. tkrinor

    Time To slay

    From the album: so far

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