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Everything posted by tkrinor

  1. Thanks for the invite Wayne, and letting me thrash your kite. You guys make it look so easy. The 2 1/2 hour round trip was well worth it! Might be able to catch a Wed now and then;
  2. "Where are these classes you speak of!?!?! I would love to attend!" The clinics can be found here on KL when they are posted, and I imagine FB page of KL. Also check out this site. http://johnbarresi.com/ Hopefully we can fly this fall. Keep the wind to your back! T
  3. Will, If you stopped at the store across from the beach at D-River in LC, you may have met a guy named Ted. He is like the energizer bunny when you start talking Revs. I live 90 min down the road from LC. I fly there 4 or 5 times a month, rain or more rain. If you are going to be out this way again I would be thrilled to be able to fly with you. I taught myself to fly…well sorta… got a lot better thanks to JB’s vids. As someone stated, it is well worth the time and effort to fly with someone. 2 weeks ago I flew with folks for the first time. I attended my 1st JB clinic and it was well worth the 4 hour drive. There is a festival in Aug just a few miles south of you at Antelope Island, North of SLC. Terry
  4. tkrinor

    Sandy & JB

    From the album: so far

  5. Air miles locked and loaded for the next clinic where the suns shines, and that will work with our schedule. We are hooked.
  6. Can these ship Monday if I place an order this weekend?
  7. it is now official, I had not heard of everything
  8. I'm guessing the location is down the street from the Museum where the parking lot next to the beach is? We have only been there once, not sure if I remember it correctly. Thanks
  9. My wife would like to participate also, she is a novice. So one hack and one novice headed North soon.
  10. You never know who is watching....or why T
  11. tkrinor

    Wet Air

  12. Sun is waaay over rated, soggy is just a state of mind
  13. tkrinor

    Wet Air

    I was flying today in very heavy rain, and very choppy air. I was using a 3 wrap mid vent, 50ft 90s. At the time, the frame/sail combo seemed to be the only choice. It went from dropping like a rock to dragging me around in a flash. I often fly in rain, due to time availability (and living in the NW). Any insight on flying/zeroing in on the equipment, with the aforementioned conditions would be appreciated. Any time in the air is treasured ... just looking to max out the fun factor. T
  14. Yep I use 2 winders, I started using 2 and have just stayed with it.
  15. Actually I label them also, and tie the winders together with the coated wire ties from my dry cleaning hangers. I only have about 5 or sets of lines and use the 50ft 90s ..95% of the time.
  16. From the website; The Tilley Hat fits more comfortably than other hats. It’s designed to be worn low on your head and slightly loose. It should be held on by gravity, not by painful pressure on your forehead! For the proper fit, you should be able to easily insert two fingers, flat, between the middle of your forehead and the front of the Hat. The Hat should be loose enough that you can rotate it to the left and right, and lift it up and down, without friction on your forehead. When it’s windy, use the cord! So regarding size do you buy per the guidance of the website, or being that the hope is always to be in the wind do you get a tad smaller size?
  17. Yep, that keeps them separated, but does it tell you what they are, and are you going to remember, if you go 6 months, without using one of them? Yep green is go...yellow is caution cuz it goes faster...red is tune pandora to ACDC
  18. I ordered different colored winders from Theresa at The Kite Shoppe, they have red, green and yellow...6 bucks
  19. I use two winder’s as I am still recovering from PTSD brought about by using 1 winder. (before I found KL) But being a thinking man, I did not want to double up my set up time… so I just cut my lines in half, and only fly on 50 footers …I walk back a forth a couple of times extra but only half the distance, so without a using a calculator it is the same I think …. maybe the same…kinda…sorta
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