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Everything posted by bbailey49

  1. Well done, Nick Russell. Now comes the hard part...waiting for it to show up.
  2. Or you can buy your own kite cause I'm winning that one
  3. Yep, it's all been covered. The most important thing is to remember to find the joy, no matter what you're flying.
  4. All the respect in the world, Nick Russell. I'm still winning that kite!
  5. Lst week, let's see some banter here. None of us won the b pro, gotta start talking some smack about zooming with this old school 'sonic. Or you can all just get ready to get in on my karma drawing that will follow, cause this one is mine!
  6. Sending some good Karma thoughts to our Into the Wind friends and all the people in Colorado dealing with the catastrophic flooding. Our sport is powered by nature, yet i never fail to be amazed by the peer of nature. note: just saw on Facebook that ITW folks are doing okay so far.
  7. I have one. I just want another one. one for each hand never hurts! Nah, I have a vented already. When I win this one, I can go fast in higher winds and lighter winds.
  8. You're about 3 weeks late, Clutch. The active drawing at the moment is the Sweet Emotion.
  9. I really want that fabric. That would make a really fun kite
  10. Nah, Japanese would be more like this: それはセクシーです Sore wa sekushīdesu
  11. That'll look really cool about 75 feet up with the sun shining through it like an old church window.
  12. I use the Skymate from ITW. Got it as a gift (I asked for it). Does what I want it to do. I use it to calibrate my neck hairs (i always think the wind is higher than it actually is) and as a second check on how things are feeling coming down the lines. I also like to compare the wind I read at the field to what the weather channel app says, so I know if its worth even trying. 5 mph from the SW is closer to 5 at the field than 5 mph from the NE. The swirls of the hills here in East Tennessee affect my local weather monitoring station more or less depending on the direction. I can't help tinkering with different setups depending on the wind. I have a couple of little charts that I've made showing kite, frame, line, wind configurations and how it felt. I can't help it, I'm an engineer.
  13. In English,please. I didn't take French.
  14. I like the ITW bags. I have 2 of the 48 inch ones for my revs and duallies, and one of the 60 inch ones for longer kites. Duallies that I don't want to break down, large single liners, etc. they work great. Eliot at Flying Smiles did a little modification to the handles (sewed them into thirds width-wise in the center) to make them more comfortable to carry.
  15. My new profile pic is my B-Pro. I call the pattern "Sunburst". I hope to soon have a Zen with the same pattern and a Shook mesh weave patterned based on these colors.

  16. Man, third from last. What did I do to you RNG? Congrats makatakam. Looks like it will be a fun kite.
  17. Getting quiet over here. Thought I would inject some banter to shush the crickets. I'm going to win, because everyone wants to see my next prize. I guarantee you haven't seen anything like it before.
  18. It would be fitting (in a Karma sense) for it to go to WA, seeing as how the Karma drawings are restricted to North America. I'm officially rooting for you, Rob! Even though the Karma drawings are for the "Lower 48" I firmly believe that karma is universal, and in Australia too. So to the winner goes the spoils.... I'll be "rooting" for you to get it, this will put us both in good standing with Karma and mess with the RNG's binary mind. Since I've dipped a toe into 2 liners, I've started a wish list and a Dog kite is on there. On a side note, rooting has a TOTALLY different meaning in Australia. -I will be "hoping" you will win to send WA some karma.
  19. It would be fitting (in a Karma sense) for it to go to WA, seeing as how the Karma drawings are restricted to North America. I'm officially rooting for you, Rob!
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