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Everything posted by SHBKF

  1. I have a kite hoarding problem. I do actually still fly the Inferno. It has recently escaped from the Kite Dungeon & has been in the trunk of the Cruze. It's place in the lineup is as a light standard. Would have flown it today but it was a SUL kind of afternoon out here in the the sticks. SHBKF
  2. SHBKF

    Into the sun

    From the album: SHBKF

    First flight of the Nirvana. Software auto adjust made this ethereal image from a daytime shot.
  3. As time went on & I became a forum member I found that I could get to know these Master Fliers who made the kites dance. I somehow became a part of the kite community & my KiteLife expanded to include fliers around the world. This all became possible through little chips of silicon. That is truly some magic in our lifetimes. It's wide open & extremely personal all at the same time. Thanks to all who have contributed along the way as we move through time & space together. Madly dance awayCause remeber underneath youIs just a sea of air From Captain Beyond - Dancing Madly Backwards just out here in the sticks, SHBKF
  4. A few years ago this was the first dual line video I viewed that allowed me to really see what was going on. The black kite was magic. I knew I needed one. The views from the side showed the movement of the kite transitioning from one position to the next. Other videos I had seen were from the flier's perspective & I could not tell which way the nose was facing even. I had Know Eye Deer how to even begin the journey but I knew I wanted to get there. Still on that path today. And I even have my "Black Magic" kite now. "The Ring Wraiths ride in black, ride on." SHBKF
  5. Wow! I feel you need to be an experienced Rev flier to really understand & appreciate what's going on in this video. If this doesn't inspire you to fly short lines then get out and fly intermediate lengths until you are ready for some fast paced flyin! I love this stuff. I am humbled, SHBKF
  6. Really like the image showing three kites in a stormy sky. Looks like flying days I've enjoyed around here. Great to see a new blog getting started. Keep going, we are all interested in your thoughts & images. Blog on, SHBKF
  7. I can almost feel the wind on the back of my neck..... SHBKF
  8. Thanks Joanna. I have been eagerly awaiting this post. Great pictures & commentary of a really special event. Hope you post many more of your kite adventures. SHBKF
  9. I first came to KiteLife when Scott was flying his Wala a bunch. It was even his avatar then. Posted a little bit with him on topics & watched some of his videos. Started to get to know him among other KiteLife regulars. Then he got Revved up & flew constantly. Day & night anywhere he could it seemed. Chat made it even more personal. You get a closer connection chatting. I suspected early on that my new friend was one of those fortunate ones, a natural born flier. But also willing to put in the time & effort that few are driven to do. It has been really great to watch his progress. An inspiration to us all he is. My congratulations, Ralph
  10. Dang! I wish Wayne would have been standing next to me the first time I tried to fly my Rev. I was in the launch-spin-crash cycle for the first hour. Next session launch-veer right- crash and so on... Wayne's the man! It's all good. SHBKF
  11. It is interesting to read about revisiting kites with the memories that go along with them. On my way home in the evening yesterday I stopped to fly at an abandoned soft ball field. It's not a great place to fly but when the wind is out of the west it is at least possible. So I opened the trunk, pulled out my original Zephyr & gave it a go. Wind was the usual choppy gusty variable mix of three to eighteen measured just above my head. Did I make progress toward advanced flying? Not hardly. But I did enjoy myself & remembered my early flights with that very kite in many different locations as it was my only decent kite for some time. Only flew for thirty minutes & stopped before I broke it. I have used up a number of spares on the old Z in the past. Sun was going down & the wind died as I left. Got my kite fix, had a marvelous time. SHBKF
  12. Hey Pete! Those are some great looking kites. I especially like the cool box kite on the right. You have found KiteLife. It's a great place for all things kite. Welcome, SHBKF (solo hill billie kite flailer)
  13. Nice pictures, I've got considerable catchin' up to do myself. SHBKF
  14. Rob, thanks for inspiring me to get a Sky Burner Pro Dancer SUL. It is my darling & increased my kite flying skills in so many helpful ways. I've done some pretty crazy flying with mine & I swear it even flew backwards one time. Hoping the Nirvana WW will be the next step in light wind adventures. We'll see shortly, SHBKF
  15. Mark, Sometimes you can loosen a knot enough to untie it by first laying it on a hard surface and lightly, very lightly, tapping it with a small hammer or similar device. Repeated gentle taps as you rotate it may loosen it enough to enable you to carefully pick it apart with needles. A ten power loupe can help you see where the knot can be pried apart. Your Quantum lines should be 150 pound test and are fairly large. Smaller line, like 50#, can be nearly impossible to undo. Many of us have broken lines & just made shorter sets out of the remaining pieces. By the way, I have a Quantum & think it is a great kite. Enjoy it & please stay in touch. We try to get together & chat on Wednesday evenings. Please join us. I really like to talk with new fliers as it stirs my memories & inspires me to go flyin'. Welcome to the forum. SHBKF
  16. The type of kite for sale is one of my favorites. It handles lighter winds & does well with occasional gusts. Just what I have here in the western area of Virginia most of the year. Here's a picture of my beloved kite posing with my favorite auto in the front yard. SHBKF
  17. SHBKF


    My Nirvana arrived today.  It is a SUL no doubt.  The 2PT Sky Shark spreaders are almost scary to a flailer like me.  But the PD SUL has me trained well I hope.   I guess it is a Nirvana WW.  Can't figure out what WW means.  So I thought I should ask you who knows all things  kites.  It was purchased at Bereck, France in April 2014.  Does that make it a second or third edition?  I am going back down in the dungeon to look at it a bit more.  New picture of it is in my gallery.  

    Thanks, your friend in the R Sky,  Ralph 

  18. Here's the Zephyr in the eggplant color scheme. It is a really great looking kite in the daytime sky. I like to fly mine in a full moon sky too. I also have the inferno color scheme but like this one better. SHBKF
  19. We have had a few pretty days here in the valleys of western Virginia. It even hit eighty degrees for a bit this afternoon. So spring fever has everyone in a good mood round here. Then you feel a nice warm breeze blow late in the evening. And after a lot of work you may somehow get to the point that you're saying to yourself "Why am I doing this? Might as well spend some of the hard earned money, on a, on aahhh, another kite!" Just one more, don't really need one but why not. So it goes when you have this addiction. Later, at home, you check KiteLife to see what's going on. There's a post about a kite that has been for sale for a bit & now it's been endorsed by a Master Flier. It's one you have always been curious about. And it just happens to be a SUL version which will be perfect for the summer lulls that follow spring in these parts. Nice looking, excellent condition, good price & a great seller. What are you waiting for? Jump on that thing before someone else goes through the same thought process. Right. It's similar to the sequence of rationalizing another great kite that has occurred right here in this chair more than a few times. So it should ship in a day or two. Does all this sound somewhat familiar? Or maybe I'm alone in all this kite quest thing. SHBKF 3-14-2016 So it arrived today....
  20. Looks like another fine kite headed for a life in The Kite Dungeon..... But I promise it will see the sky on some fine light wind days. SHBKF
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