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Everything posted by northwavesailor

  1. Who is making the new Island Quad quads?
  2. Just had JB add the tabs to 4 of our Revs. It should extend the life of these kites and prevent some mesh tearing. Nice work, JB!!!
  3. Congrats Elmo! VERY nice offering from Mark, thank you!
  4. Just DO IT..............equalize your lines that is........... to borrow a line from Nike! I'll admit to being negligent and not checking for quad line stretch often enough Our lines need to be off enough to affect flight to realize SOMETHING is not right I just equalized 6 quad sets (80', 100' & 120') and all (even the ones I equalized back in June) were off! 5 of the 6 required the line shortening method and only 1 was off so little that the fast and dirty 'add a knot' method worked. I doubt equalized lines will make me a "mo' betta" flyer.............but I'm sure it couldn't hurt
  5. That's no fun Ya gotta have your quiver of kites with you on the field or beach ...........not off in the RV park or parking lot!
  6. Overheard at a Seaside, Oregon 12 step meeting this week; "Hi....my name is Nick and I'm a REV-a-holic" "I can stop buying REV's whenever I want" "Just 1 more and then I'll quit" We have all been (or are) there with you Nick!!!
  7. Yup, Rev vents are really nice! We are fortunate to live where we fly vents way more than our standards. Wayne Dowler said it best: "Like Buttah!!!" As far as range, Mark may have the top end of the XV a bit more than we fly our XV's, even with a 4 wrap: "The extra-vent B- Pro will handle up to 40 MPH and probably more" We started on XV (w/ 4 wrap) on the Oregon coast at Rockaway Beach yesterday, got blown off and headed North to Sunset Beach to find less wind. Flew mid vents until 8:00.................a very nice day indeed!
  8. "So ... Can you believe it..... I Have to pull out a brand new x-tra vent, that I have had for almost a year and never flown..... AND FLY IT .. For almost 3 hours ...before the other flyers showed up" Glad you had the XV and got to fly it!!! Nobody said this kite flyin' thing would be easy............
  9. Could have been a brand new 120' quad set................THAT, my friend, would be a rant!!! Still sucks............................ but life is short.
  10. Last October, at the very end of the Lincoln City kite festival, a kids kite that was flying freely (no kit attached!) snagged a Rev parked on the ground and it sent it into power lines and a burnt mess! There are some pics of it on the forum. I, thankfully, have no first hand experience getting our lines cut but understand it is the melting point of the the lines.
  11. You will probably find the 3M 9460 tape in 1/4" width difficult to locate. I had a very difficult time finding a supplier, but got some cut for me by MBK Tape Solutions, 101 Canoga Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311-3005. Their phone number is 818-998-1477. You will need to purchase a minimum of $150 of tape, but they can cut it from a master roll to any width you want, and add about $10-20 for shipping. Takes about a week to ten days to get it. I recently bought 10 rolls of 7/32" x 60 yards, that's a 32nd under 1/4", for my builds, and it's about 8 rolls more than I need. My cost was $161.30 plus $14.74 for S&H, which comes out to $17.60 per roll. If you think 7/32" will suit your purpose I can send you some at my cost + shipping. First class mail will be under $3 to continental US. I would like to recoup some of the cost to buy other supplies. Anyone interested in getting some can PM me. The tape has a shelf life of 2 years, stored in the open. I have it sealed in airtight plastic bags. Very cool offer, Mark! I found some 1/2" tape on Amazon that had mixed reviews, but comments from others regarding this 3M tape pointed out that it likely was old stock from the vendor as it did not stick. 60 yards may seem like a lot for folks not into buiulding kites......... but a rip in the REV screen is not pretty! Attaching the fabric at the fold points w/o sewing, BEFORE it rips is a great idea, even if you only use a fraction of a roll of this 3M tape!
  12. Yeah, we asked Lolly to have Bazzer add them on our last couple of Pro's and did the 'aftermarket' thing for our other Revs. Seems like a no-brainer and couldn't add much to the labor cost or materials on any Rev model, Pro or production.
  13. We have had Bazzer add the band at the fold points on our last couple of Pro's. Don't know if it is standard issue on Pro's at this point but, as Paul, Wayne and JB have noted, it shoud be! We also had it added to our used quiver of 3 Pros so all of our Revs now have it in place.
  14. Thanks to Nick (Reef Runner) for the detailed 'how to' instructions with pics! I broke a line on a 120' quad set and thought this would be a good excuse to make a 50' set. E guitar string, black/ white Shanti sheathing, and with Nicks help I have a 50' set made! I opted for 12" sheathing but would go with 15" next time as used by Reef Runner to end up with a little longer finished loops.
  15. Not sure what length the Prism is broken down. We use a 4" plastic Alvin document tube to transport a few Revs or a larger 5" Sage fishing rod case for more kites. The Alvin tube is inexpensive and will give good protection in the overhead bin. The Sage is WAY more serious, and a few more $$$, but very well made and nothing will damage your kites with these tubes!
  16. Several of us use a 4" Alvin plastic document tube to store / transport all our Rev frames. Perfect length and It will also hold a couple of revs rolled together with the extra frame and protect your kite / frames in the overhead bin on an airline. At less than $20 shipped from Amazon it's a deal!
  17. Too many 4 wraps and too few Race Rods.....................could use another set of RR!
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  18. A BIG thanks to JB for this Casual Clinic! It turned into a nice day with some new flyers there as well as folks we had met on other occasions and friends. It's good to get 'pushed' past your comfort zone and get advice from folks at the top of the Kite community. Watty joined in the Reindeer Games as well! Kind of scary (I think this was a fiendish plan hatched by Mike!) to find us flying with JB one minute and in a 6 pack sandwiched between two legends, JB and Watty, the next. It was fun until fate (or Darwin) stepped in and a broken line ended my short time flying with the greats. Likely more Dawin than fate! Karen flew a bit more as a 5 pack. After her "fire drill" exit the real show began with JB, Watty, ( I could be wrong, but I think they may have flown together once or twice?!!!!!!!) Eric and Mike. Yup, those guys REALLY know how to fly!!!!!!!!!!! Big fun, now need to work on those compulsories!!!!!!!
  19. It is, indeed, a great shot and we were glad to have been there! I still never tire of them but they are fairly common here in Oregon / Washington, Rob..........they come free with our frequent showers and liquid sunshine!
  20. We had some Christmas Reveralry (sp?) at the beach in Lincoln City today! MV pairs until the famous Oregon liquid sunshine kicked in and the wind died. Is it wrong to take a shower with your sandy Revs? HO-HO-HO........Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Kite!!!
  21. We use a filed hockey stick bag. It easily holds 8-10 Revs. The one we bought was the Gryphon Thin Finn. Last years model can be found for less than $50. I did have to make one cut through the nylon divider (in a shorter section) to allow the Revs to pass through. It also has a padded back pack section to make for easy carrying.
  22. I haven't replaced the sheathing yet, BUT did add the 'pull tabs' to the top lines at the Rev handles! We flew a couple of days last weekend at Lincoln City and they work very nicely. Easier adjustments with far less time. Thanks to all who suggested the 'pull tabs'.....................IMHO, they should be used by anyone who flies Revs and does line adjustments. I now need to add them to the 4 kite end attachment points. We went through standard, MV and FV Saturday and the tabs would have made these swaps easier.
  23. Thanks for the replies! I'll snag a single light E string today. Question for Mark: when you tie the knot in the end of the loop do you leave a small 'tail' to grab or just the knot? I have some old 1980's Skybond 150# line that I'm almost certain has Kevlar strands in it. I was going to use the outside with the inner stands removed. Does anyone know if that vintage Skybond only had Kevlar in the inner strands and not on the woven outside sheathing?
  24. I see that the 'E' string should work, GREAT! So on some sheathing find I am getting 'pulls' in the material..............any suggestions on how to more gently loosen the larks head when changing to another Rev handle setting?
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