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Everything posted by Grandpa

  1. Look forward to seeing you again! I'll check with the rec dept. I guess you don't like my old parka for a sail haha. A few of us, Dean at Sunrise Kites, and a few others are looking at starting a club here in river city. I spoke with the director of the SUB here in IF and he wants us to do a demo fly and he'll put up signup sheets for our students. One of the professors I work with flies the old WWII French kites with a camera onboard. Was getting some good shots of the campus until the FAA shut him down. The Idaho Falls campus is very near the flight path to the main runway. No sense of humor, I guess.
  2. Hey Todd... Good idea on the Mini Dome... I heard there was a storm front on the forty-yard-line. Got a Brother sewing machine for my birthday. Guess I can ruin some good ripstop and make a tail unless I'm too bad then I'll call it a bag. (grin) When you coming this way?
  3. Since I haven't been able to talk Grandma into holding the leave blower maybe we could take turns?? I need to make more posts!! I thought about one word per post but John would just delete them...
  4. I always thought he talked too much... I'm more the strong, silent type... like John Wayne When I'm on the beach, I'm incognito... In real life I'm much taller, alot younger and very athletic
  5. My subscriber number is higher than yours... I'm pretty sure that means I have more points than you
  6. I'm thinking about buiding a Rev with 1/2" copper tubing frame and I have an old Columbia parka that I don't wear anymore... should keep the kite warm
  7. I'm glad you made it back OK... Better late than never... I watched a news story this morning about the airlines overselling again. I AM thinking about a sewing machine... got to do something in our 40mph blizzards I'm supposed to be a creative guy or at least I used to be in film and video. Any hints on a machine that will do a good zigzag and shorten my pants?
  8. I know everybody wants to be in Iowa, but... I can't think of another reason to WANT to be in Iowa than the AKA... Life goes on for those of us stuck at home, in the rain, with no wind... If it would stop raining I might try that leaf blower thing... Might go to the sewing machine store... Probably sew my fingers together... I hate it when that happens... Did I mention that the forum is BORING... and there is no wind... Grandma!! Will you hold the leaf blower for me, Please!
  9. John is doing a great job of keeping us in tutorials but how do I wrap a URL I haven't seen the "Trick or Treat" video online. Thanks
  10. I saw that DVD online and it looks interesting. Thanks Ant Man
  11. I'm looking for a training video for my son-in-law's birthday later this month. He has a new Addiction... the kite and the hobby Any suggestions?
  12. In the theater the old saying for luck is "break a leg". Uhhh.... break a line... Fly one for me, guys...........
  13. Sounds like there should be a joke in there somewhere... Three guys walk into a bar, a master, a geezer and a monkey............
  14. Well I'm sorry to say that we are back home from Seaside. This was the first vacation that I can remember when I was not ready to go home. My whole family felt the same way. We had a wonderful time and we all played well together. As for me part of the wonder was the company we kept on the beach. John, Steve, Todd, Egan, JD, Mousie and Teresa all made us feel like family. I'm sorry if I left out anyone. While I won't live long enough to fly as well you guys, I feel like I can at least fly on the same field as you without making a fool of myself. I never dreamed I would fly at night with no wind, but I did. My son-in-law bought an Addiction and I think he is addicted. His mom and dad stopped by Seaside on their way home to Seattle and flew with us. I think Gary was going to buy a kite when he got home. My two-year-old granddaughter picked out a 25' dragon kite and flew it. My sister bought a delta and spent the rest of the day smiling. I have a few photos if anyone is interested... I know how boring other peoples vacation pictures are. Steve, thanks for not pantsing John.
  15. I've got more groaners... Maybe there should be a forum for jokes or "shaggy kite stories"...
  16. Those are GREAT shots!!! But I wonder what's on the end of the line... Or is it just "I could have had a V-8"....
  17. Who gives mother nature our work schedule?
  18. I'm not making fun of anyones kites but every time I read about NikNak it reminds me of this groaner.... A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that the teller's name is Patricia Whack. So he says, "Ms. Whack, I'd like to get a loan to buy a boat and go on a long vacation." Patti looks at the frog in disbelief and asks how much he wants to borrow. The frog says $30,000. The teller asks his name and the frog says that his name is Kermit Jagger and that it's OK, he knows the bank manager. Patti explains that $30,000 is a substantial amount of money and that he will need to secure some collateral against the loan. She asks if he has anything he can use as collateral. The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny pink porcelain elephant, about half an inch tall. Bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patti explains that she'll have to consult with the manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says: "There's a frog named Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000. And he wants to use this as collateral." She holds up the tiny pink elephant "I mean, what is this?" So the bank manager looks back at her and says: "It's a knick knack, Patti Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone." I'm sorry....
  19. I knew I could trust you man....
  20. Which $ store...? We have Family Dollar, Just A Dollar, Everything A Dollar SuperCenter and a few others.
  21. I was thinking music today, no wind and a leaf blower... well that's another post. I like classical music, classic rock from the 50's and 60's is kool, but I mean long-hair, white tie and tails classical music. Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera... Mars from Holst's the Planets... Vivaldi, Beethoven, Bach, Smetana... I always thought Mars would make a great pairs ballet.
  22. Spent the day mowing the lawn and waiting for some wind. Tried to talk Grandma into holding the leaf blower... No sense of humor Don't tell her I said that
  23. Hey Ant Man what are we talkin' ... only 3,000 miles ...
  24. Well I rechecked line length. The red pair is almost two inches longer than the black pair. The red pair goes to the red pigtails on the top. The black pair to the bottom. I made new pigtails for my handles, with knots every 1.5 inches. I adjusted the line length on the new pigtails installed on the bottom of my handles. Very low wind and adjusting line length didn't help. Of all the things I miss from my youth, I miss my mind the most. I'm sitting here getting things ready for Seaside and I realize I moved the bottom lines closer to the handles. Not only are the top lines two inches longer but I have adjusted the bottom such that the effect is the top pair is almost FOUR inches longer. I couldn't find a smiley for brain fart..........
  25. It gets worse!!! Welcome... I'm sixty and learning to fly a quad and going to buy my two year old granddaughter her first kite in Seaside next week. It gets better and better... Good winds
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