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New Tech kite--Spirit

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I just recieved the 'Spirit Quad', haven't attempted to fly it as yet. If anybody has done so, please let me know what you think of it. Also any advice would be great! Oh, by the way I haven't even flown a duel line let alone a quad--------Help! :w00t:

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the sprit is a great kite its very eazy to fly the reverse isnt as fast as a rev but i only have little time on this kite i enjoy it very much the best person to talk to is dorsal he has a sick stack of sprit quads that are really cool

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I was waiting to see if anyone else joined in the thread, as it usually seems I'm the only one that's ever flown one, but I'm never the only one with an opinion about them. :kid_devlish:

Yes indeed, I have a Stack of Five (with R/W/B bridle lines to boot) and I also have a single, plus 4 or 5 Revs. The way a Rev usually flops onto the grass and plays dead really irks me! I still like the Spirits the best, probably because I don't like getting my arms pulled out of the sockets, nor do I like my kites rocketing forward at every gust of wind. The mods that are posted on the New Tech website are very good, and after you get one feel free to write with any questions. :blue_wink:

And thanks for the compliments on my stack. I really like them, too. :blue-grin:


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I was waiting to see if anyone else joined in the thread, as it usually seems I'm the only one that's ever flown one, but I'm never the only one with an opinion about them. :kid_devlish:

Thats not entirely true. I have certainly flown them before, and as recently as February. And if you dig deep enough into the Revisions articles on my site, you'll see I've written about them quite a bit too, favourably. I just prefer Revs. A lot. :blue-grin:

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Not flown a Spirit, you will LOVE it if it is anything like as much fun as a Rev. Welcome to the dark side!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for your concern. :kid_devlish: Now to get the nerve to fly it! :blue-grin:

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the sprit is a great kite its very eazy to fly the reverse isnt as fast as a rev but i only have little time on this kite i enjoy it very much the best person to talk to is dorsal he has a sick stack of sprit quads that are really cool

Thanks , your info was appreciated--now if I can only get time to fly it-- :kid_devlish:

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the sprit is a great kite its very eazy to fly the reverse isnt as fast as a rev but i only have little time on this kite i enjoy it very much the best person to talk to is dorsal he has a sick stack of sprit quads that are really cool

Thanks , your info was appreciated--now if I can only get time to fly it-- ;)

I have one of the early Spirits made by Steve LaPorte. Whilst I will normaly fly Revs this kite realy excels in the lighter end of the range. If it is set up correctly you will be able to perform all the usual quad stuff but also some really sweet flat spins and anxles. You can even relaunch from LE down facing you. This would be a terminal position on a rev.

The important thing to remember is that they are both different. Each has moves it excels at and each cover all the basics.

Let us know how you get on.

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the biggest difference is because of the third "down spar in the middle" (a spine if you will) The Rev is two triangles tied together at a central point on the leading edge. You can affect each wing independently. On the Spirit there's a dilution of your inputs because of the spine. You simply can't affect one wing independent of the other.

Adding more curve to the spirit's spine and the kite comes alive, it's much more floaty than a REV already.

You can't do a catch (like 3D flying w/a REV) on the spirit unless it's done sideways or downwind.

The leading edge is NOT at the edge, it's partways down, so that has a more equalizing flight effect between forward or reverse.

The spirit kite VERY EASY to fly, it will accept dual line push-pulls or quad-line like wrist rotational movements equally well.

My kite club has played with this design for half a dozen years, it's very versatile for a builder. We've made it slightly larger on 42 inch Avia spines and also significantlt smaller with framed components made of solid micro-carbon.

We fly a modified model made of Orcon indoors too.

You can teach somebody off of the street in a few minutes to fly the spirit,.. it's almost impossible to snag a flying line and the visual platform is better for your graphics when compared to a Rev. It will dead-launch with a simple tug on the lines.

The kite really prefers long throw handles too!


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  • 3 weeks later...
the biggest difference is because of the third "down spar in the middle" (a spine if you will) The Rev is two triangles tied together at a central point on the leading edge. You can affect each wing independently. On the Spirit there's a dilution of your inputs because of the spine. You simply can't affect one wing independent of the other.

Adding more curve to the spirit's spine and the kite comes alive, it's much more floaty than a REV already.

You can't do a catch (like 3D flying w/a REV) on the spirit unless it's done sideways or downwind.

The leading edge is NOT at the edge, it's partways down, so that has a more equalizing flight effect between forward or reverse.

The spirit kite VERY EASY to fly, it will accept dual line push-pulls or quad-line like wrist rotational movements equally well.

My kite club has played with this design for half a dozen years, it's very versatile for a builder. We've made it slightly larger on 42 inch Avia spines and also significantlt smaller with framed components made of solid micro-carbon.

We fly a modified model made of Orcon indoors too.

You can teach somebody off of the street in a few minutes to fly the spirit,.. it's almost impossible to snag a flying line and the visual platform is better for your graphics when compared to a Rev. It will dead-launch with a simple tug on the lines.

The kite really prefers long throw handles too!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Well, what's the verdict? Have you flown it? BB Penny

Gday Penny, No I haven't flown it yet. I had a heart problem and haven't been able to try. I do have a problem tho, I can't figure why there is a line at the bottom that attached to either end. It has quite a bit of slack also. I contacted NewTech and they didn't know either. I thought that they would contact the designer and find out but they didn't. Still don't know. I might ask Dorsel, if anyone would know it would be him...Bill

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I think New Tech added a "Trick Line" across the bottom of the kite to keep the lower loop of the bridle from snagging on the bottom of the middle spar. IIRC a couple of my kites had such a line, but I just removed it. I wish I could remember it better, but that was a few years ago. It certainly isn't on my kites now, if it ever was there.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I have about 30 hours on my "Spirit" and I think it's a great kite! I'm not that good yet with it, but it's a heck of alot of fun. Caution!, It's so much fun, it caused me to get a Rev.1.5 SUL

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That'll teach ya! :)

Congratulations on your growing quad skills and the growing set of kites to support it. ;)

"Thanks", Also many thanks to everyone for your advise. You all were most helpful, I'm very glad to have joined Kitelife. This kite thingy is so kule! "Good winds to all !"...Bill

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