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Free B-Series, Zephyr, Widow Maker, Silver Fox & Nighthawk kites!


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hihihi... i have a better stat than you :P ... my girlfreind is pregnant for twins!!! preview for May '08 :):D:cat_luv:

for that one :) ... i say euuhh... mmuuhh... 22 december at 5h00

take care!

Wow, twins!!! How exciting that is. Major congrats and congrats to you Dninnz!

Just an update:

We're 12 days into the contest and still waiting. Mom and baby are doing good and we have passed up two guesses thus far which means that if the baby is to come within the next few days they are still in the running. Best of luck to you both and everyone else that has put in a guess. The contest is still going strong but time is running out every day that goes by. Get those guesses in fast.

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Well, we're still waiting...............................................and waiting...........and waiting.................

It's not looking to promising for ya Watty and it's starting to look pretty good for a lot of others.

No news so far, got my cell phone hooked onto me and waiting for any news to come ringing in.

I guess we'll just keep.......waiting......I need to go fly!

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Well i was quiet on my guessing day. Gone now so the chance of getting a wonderfull kite are getting smaller and smaller. Bad luck Watty. Still never mind, best of luck to the rest of you.

Still in with a chance I think so if you dont mind saying BOO a lot and jumping round corners for a while Kent, please!!!!

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Well i was quiet on my guessing day. Gone now so the chance of getting a wonderfull kite are getting smaller and smaller. Bad luck Watty. Still never mind, best of luck to the rest of you.

Still in with a chance I think so if you dont mind saying BOO a lot and jumping round corners for a while Kent, please!!!!

Baloo, didn't you guess 15 December?

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Well there you go what a stupid bear I am. Just checked, yep 15th Dec. For goodness sake take no notice of my earlier mails. Tell your Wife to hang on for a while yet. Nice quiet soothing music and stuff like that.

Now I can laugh at Watty, Ha Ha Ha.

Think I will just shut up and wish a lot. I have embarresed myself enough for the moment.

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I hope that everyone has had an awesome Thanksgiving Holiday and had plenty to eat and/or was able to spend time with your loved ones. We still have no news to tell and the baby is being very stubborn. My wife who is running out of patience is going in tomorrow for yet another checkup and we'll see if there is any news different from the last checkup. She's hoping that she won't make it till tomorrow's checkup but as always - we'll just have to wait and see if anything happens.

On a very positive note, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving and everyone ate way too much food. The contest is still going strong and I am sad to see some of the guess dates get passed up but we are all very excited about the guess dates to come. Each day that goes by increases the odds of winning for the upcoming guesses but is devastating to those guesses that have already been passed. I think/hope it is safe to say that the "expected" due date was not in the dates that have already passed :clap; ....but I obviously will not disclose when the actual date is to be. So those with guesses between today and the end of December, you've been lucky so far and I hope your luck continues :rainbowwave:

We've been almost a full month into the contest thus far and I thank everyone who has entered and wish for the best of luck for everyone in the weeks to come!

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Both are doing great Penny. Hard to say what's going on without giving away any hints at all. Wife's ready for sure, baby seems to like where she is at right now. We'll see what happens in the next 4 weeks tho. Again best of luck to everyone!

This is getting exiting Ken, is like I'm also expecting another child!! :rainbowwave:

Cheers and good luck!!


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