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Two one year renewals, chime in!

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Hey folks, carrying on the Xmas spirit here...

Giving away two free one year renewals to anyone who is already signed up. :wub:

All you have to do is chime in here with a post, tell us what your favorite kites are, and what part of the world you hail from!

Again, you must already be a subscriber (monthly, 6 month or yearly) to qualify for this one.

Two subscriptions, two winners, one to each... Prize we will be awarded as follows:

Yearly - immediate refund on one renewal

6 month - two concurrent refunds, one on each 6 month renewal

Monthly - will cancel PayPal billing, initiate one year subscription on the forum

As always, renewal afterward is elective.

Looking forward to hearing from you. ;)


Chimed in...

  1. quaa714
  2. Hedgewarden
  3. Jeepster
  4. photomom
  5. titleist-boy
  6. ant man
  7. Penny Lingenfelter
  8. wen
  9. Baloo
  10. mensct
  11. FortFlyer

BTW, if I forget to draw the winners on 1/10, give me a friendly poke, eh?

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Okay, let's see......my favorite kite is whatever I'm flying at the moment but I especially like my 2 new custom Bazzer Revs.

I'm from the part of the world where I can see Russia from my front porch. No wait, that's wrong. I'm from Joisey, okay! You gotta problem wit dat???????

Consider me in!

JB, you rock man!!!!!

Always giving, never taking!!!!!!!

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I'm not first in line this time. :wub:

But to elaborate - from 2 dozen (+/-) dualies, my favs are std and vented Silver Foxes. They are great for learning.

Most my kites were snagged at bargain prices on eBay. Among the really nice ones are my HQ Tangos (I got 3 for less, including S&H, than the going retail for one) and an old, unused HQ Rave. I'm also very impressed with my Addiction (less than 1/2 price).

Wish I had enough good winds to thoroughly explore all the above. I am contemplating making a handle to single-hand fly a Tango. If that works, then two handles for two kites. If that works, I'll be happy - only have two hands currently.

I also have an HQ Breeze, Gallego, and Phoenix to explore. I snagged them at a great price for helping liquidate a kite store inventory. At this point, all I know for sure is that every time I try to half-axel the Gallego, I end up in a fade. :wub: I think I'm on to something here - I'm anxious to try it on the Foxes.

I thought we might have usable weather this weekend at Long Beach, but the forecast calls for snow, and the weather has been over-achieving. ;)

Hey JB, thanks for the contest.


P.S. I actually do have a Spirit Quad (close out bargain from Steve at GWTW). I've had one decent flying session (the first), and since then either the wind or the kite (I don't know which yet) has refused to cooperate. The good session was a lot of fun - I understand the pull of the dark side. :wacko:

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Ah, let's see one B-series vented, one B-series non-vented, an SUL and an iQuad night flight SUL ... and I've got to choose my favorite ... naw, that won't do. Thanks to a Christmas present, they're now in a bag together ... I'm sure they talk to each other ... if I picked a favorite, the rest would rebel. Let's just say that all my Revs are first, right after any kite my grandson is flying with me.

And, I currently live in the middle of Illinois.

Thanks for the opportunity,


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I'll give it a shot.

My favorites are classic kites. I love my Trlbys, my Team Hawaiian, and my Peter Powell. In case of low wind, I have a HQ shadow. And for the beauty factor, I have a whole bag of SLKs, large with lots of tails.

I'm on the Carolina coast which means I fly at the beach.


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Hey John

Thanks for the chance Santa :wacko:

My favorite kites are:

B series vented with the two wrap frame, I do like the light winds :wub:

Standard Rev 1.5

White SUL Sea Devil

The small but fast "Jump" (This is the one you taught me how to do an axel on two years ago in Crescent City)

The French Connection (this only gets air when the winds are above 12mph, that almost never happens where I fly) ;)

Yellow C-3

The big Red & Black Firestorm

The I NAK (for those no wind days)

And various other kites that ride along in my kite bag.

I thought about coming up to the New Year's Day fly in Portland but the weather didn't look that promising for a 4.5 hour drive. The weather here was bad also. I am thinking about making the clinic in Long Beach, but will let you know later.

Happy New Year from Medford. Oregon :wub:

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well i gotta say my top 4 are my midvent my horse and my ghost.. im a little late on this one but now i have chimed in.. i cant forget my spinoff thanks to rich .. this was my first kite back in the day and after 20 years i have it again

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Trippy new avatar there my man!!!

Old school spinoff (circa '82 or '83) I might add.

None of them there new fangled stand offs or yo yo crap on that bad boy (all due respect to modern day kiting and all)!!! :)

Other spinoff sitting in my bag of old dualies. B)

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Shooting for two wins in a row Tom? <grin>

Might as well, you're on a roll. :)

What do you mean I'm on a roll ... don't take my wife's side in this discussion! I did not gain that much weight over the holidays ... geez! Oh, you're referring to my luck with the SUL kite ... right, sorry about the rant. But really, that was my very first lottery win in 60 plus years. So, it would take snagging one of the subscrips to officially turn my luck in to "on a roll."

BTW, we dug around in the basement and came up with an old delta kite that I flew with my son when he wasn't much older than his son is now. Compared to the deltas of today, it's a dinosaur, but was fun to fly it and add some new memories to the old.

Again, thanks for all you've done to support the sport ... and thanks for the lotteries ...



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So do I get to chime in twice?? No only joshing.

Favorite kite(s) well that is easy. The one on the end of the line(s) I am holding at the time.

Must admit the Revs I find the best fun. Fave is any of them with Race rods in the right wind. BIG fave is my iQuad 20th anniversary vented.

If only I didnt have them I would spend more time with my Sea Devil and be able to fly it better.

Then of course there is the Hypnotic, and a Sting, couple of SLK's.

And I are from Herfordshire, aye that I am. In the UK.

Luck to all. Thank you John.

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OK last minute Chime in, Fav Kite as of lately has been my Vented B-Series with Race Rods in the lightest wind possible usually around 4-6mph its amazing cant wait for a mid-vent.

Hailing from South East Massachusetts & Newport RI ;)

You are absolutely gonna FREAK out flying that new mid-vent down at 4mph. I recently got mine and that thing just floats so SUUUHHHWEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!

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