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Anyone with graphic skills, kite emoticons?

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Hi all, just curious if anyone out there in KiteLife land has the graphic skills to make some cool new kite-themed emoticons?

Here's the development package, I think it's for Photoshop...


Have a go, post your creations here and if they're popular we'll add them to the forum! :)

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If the trial version of Winzip is installed, it must be removed before Windows will take over the handling of ZIP files. Just go to add/remove programs (or Programs & features), scroll to the bottom of the list, highlight Winzip, and choose remove. After a restart, you should be able to open the ZIP file. This happens with machines that are preloaded with Winzip from the manufacturer.

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Opened OK for me.

Ahh. I see. I've always had WinZip on my Windows computers. Back in the very early 1990s I was one of the original beta testers for Nico Mak when he was developing WinZip as one of the very early Windows utilities. It can do a lot that the built-in zip utility does not do. At the time, its compression ability was paramount with low-bandwidth modems. (I remember downloading a file that took 1 1/2 days to finish downloading through a 300 baud modem. I seem to recall that it was something like 8MB. That would download in a fraction of a second these days on a good broadband connection.) Now its organizational (collect a group of files into a single distribution file) capability is more useful. It can also encrypt files in the zipfiles, but not with a particularly strong method.

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