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Ok everyone...here is your chance to be immortalized in Quad Heads Kitelife history! What started as something for a giggle and smile....has gained momentum. :ani_whistling:

What exactly is this? Best "Got Whump?" Tshirt design challenge

What can you win? Not only do you get the first shirt of the winning design fresh of the presses free! Mr. B himself has been so kind as to throw in and extra bonus..a 1 year Kitelife subscription or Renewal!

This challenge will run through January 1, 2014.. With a winner to be announced by January 14, 2014 So don't miss your chance!!!!!!

Designs to be posted to this thread. Winner will be chosen by JB with great influence from input on peoples favorite designs.




  • using arm motion and backward stride, to pull the flat of a sail toward you using all four lines in order to create pressure and flex in the frame, producing drive.

    "the pilot whumped his sail to load up and initiate forward flight"


    load, initiate, kick, tap;

  • similar technique, applied very quickly to accentuate and power up through a short, precise movement.

    "he whumped his kite into a forward roll one foot above the ground, finishing in a solid forward 45 landing"


    load, initiate, kick, tap;

One hint from the man himself ..too quote " I think the Rev silhouette would be best, "well loaded", as if it's just been whumped"........ if used

Reference whump material :






Throughout these links you will find details,definitions and video of said "Whumping" for review and a better understanding

And for non forum members... Sign up is free and can be done right here : register

Once settled in...head over for some live action chat

So whip out your pencils,pens,and keyboards and get to work! The clock is ticking...... Good Luck! :sign_kitelife:

I will be excluding myself from the challenge as to remain unbiased. If anyone needs help or assistance

.....shoot me a p.m. without fear of me stealing your ideas :ani_victory:

...and for some humor associated....

Hi! My name is Scott. I fly Revs and I'm a Whumper..

I didn't always Whump...Very little Whump involved in the beginning.

But once I tried Whump..I knew right then and there, I couldn't Whump enough.

In high wind I Whump a little less...In low wind I Whump a whole lot more.

As a matter of fact, I will be Whumping not too long from now..Probably a mild Whump.

So my Whumping question to you is........... Got Whump?

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My only added requests...

No Rev logo.

No verbiage, other than the hook line for the shirt (re "whumping") and my URL (johnbarresi.com).

Don't think of Rev or KL as companies in the design, focus should be on flying (the experience).

I've also attached a copy of my logo if you'd like to try and incorporate it...

Rough is fine, we can clean up later. ;)



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Scott, any chance you could add a couple of bold links to "whump" discussions as reference in your lead post?

I think the key here is not just the humor, but the actual "whump" ideology. :)

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Don't know how all the #ing works. Will need help on that end. BUT #gotwhump on instagram and Facebook started....post your favorite whump photos and share :D

Entry designs and drawings should still be posted within this thread for review.

  • Like 1

Don't know how all the #ing works. Will need help on that end. BUT #gotwhump on instagram and Facebook started....post your favorite whump photos and share :D

Entry designs and drawings should still be posted within this thread for review.

I'll put it on Twitter too.

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No idea....is a bad idea, As John stated , it can be "cleaned up" in the later stages. This is all about ideas and being creative. So throw your thoughts out there. Everything in life starts from 1 simple thought.

I work on turkey day...I will whip up something and submit it to get the juices flowing.....just to prove ANYONE and ANY IDEA is good.

Maybe even submit your concept as a rough sketch to secure your idea? It can be improved upon and a final entry can be submitted before the end date. This is about everyone here...so any feedback will be taken into consideration to improve upon possible "future" concept drawing challenges :ani_whistling::g:

Now where is that smiley holding a http://www.johnbarresi.com sign? :sign_kitelife:

First Shot. Would definitely need a bit of tuning, but the idea is there. The kite is an actual outline of a whumped Rev from one of JB's videos.


Nice way to start! Looks Good and got the ideas flowing :)

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Guess I will throw an idea hint out there for someone...... One of my original thoughts for a 2 sided shirt is actually posted in the first post and could be copy and pasted directly for the design with no modifications other than maybe color. In my thoughts it would be the front of the shirt , with the back consisting of more details from the same post. :) I have not mentioned this one to even John. SO we will see if someone gets it....


Hahaha, I thought of that too for the front. No idea what I'd put on the back yet though. I think some graphics would be nice, but what? Hmmmmmm.........

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