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Signing in to Kitelife ???

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Yup, I cannot use the quote function or copy/paste using ctrl+C ctrl+V or right clicking to copy or paste. Running IE 11. I also keep getting logged off. None of this was happening a week or two ago.

No issues using Mozilla 26.0

Likewise. But JB is correct. I do believe that IE11 has some issues. Once I switched to Firefox, all my problems (except "getting logged off"), were eliminated.........

Happy New Year everyone..............it's almost here ! :big_beer: :big_beer: :big_beer:

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I had several tabs open on Chrome - gmail, Rev forum, KL forum, and FB! Closed my gmail and came here only to find I wasn't signed in anymore! Don't remember signing out!! :ani_idea:

Yeah, I can't remember either. I'm 62, how old are you?

Seriously though, no issues with Chrome.

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You guys had to talk about it and wake up the internet gremlins ... damn. Now I'm not being automatically logged in when returning. Using Firefox and the kitelifre cookie is in place, but I have to resign in each time. Like Nick says, it's not a big deal.

However, there will be a special place in hell for those IT folks who can't leave code lines alone for more than a few days. Too bad they don't have to write code in long hand with ink and a quill on scrolls ... then they might think before they act!!!



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For sure, and I am really perplexed :dizzy: at this point !

I likewise continue to be logged off from Kitelife, every single time I close my browser.

This is not happening on any other website. I stay logged on, until I log off.

I am running the very latest, updated version of Mozilla FireFox (26), on Windows 7 Pro, which likewise is completely up to date.

Glad I don't have much hair to pull out. :ani_giveup:

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Weird on this end too...

I'm getting logged out any time I log in using a different browser (with a log in)...

Example, log in via iPad, I'm good, UNTIL I log in using my laptop and go back to iPad, when it shows me logged out...

Logged in via Chrome, can close Chrome, reopen, all good, until I log in using another browser, then it starts all over again.

Aaaargh... Honestly, I'm at a loss, not even sure where to start. :/

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Hi all, just following up on this based on information I received from Nick...

I went and brought up both the main site and the forum a little while ago, here's what I found:


So the main site was using "www" and the forum was not, which can sometimes cause issues with logins.

The application of "www" is now resolved, so it now appears on neither (actually removes the www if entered).

My next suggestion for anyone having login issues is to check your KiteLife bookmarks, and make sure that there is NO www in the URL, make sure that every KiteLife URL starts simply with "kitelife.com" (http:// is irrelevant)... Then dump your cookies and try logging in again.

The login might act oddly when you first do this, but I'm hoping everything will lock in once that's done.

Let me know? Thanks for not giving up! :)

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I'm wondering if that was the wrong way to go, because it did NOT work for me. The website still refuses to maintain my log-in.

The websites that are working for me (maintaining my log-ins), have the www preceeding the name of the website, such as http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=active

Could you try putting the www in front of everything, concerning kitelife.com, and lets try that ?

Hey, I'm just grasping at straws John, and I'm surely no programer. This stuff is way above my head :ani_wallbash:, but I just keep plugging.............

Thanks for trying :ani_giveup:

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Ya, www or no www doesn't really matter as long as the system tracking logins knows which to favor.

We use an SSO (single sign on) plugin to link the forum and main website, I suspect the issue is there somewhere and I've asked the developer to take a look.

Will let you know soon as I do. :)

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Ya, www or no www doesn't really matter as long as the system tracking logins knows which to favor.

We use an SSO (single sign on) plugin to link the forum and main website, I suspect the issue is there somewhere and I've asked the developer to take a look.

Will let you know soon as I do. :)

Thanks John...........sure will make things easier :clap2:

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Using Windows 7 and Firefox. Dumped the kitelife cookie. Verified that www wasn't in the bookmark. Clicked on the bookmark ... signed in ... closed Firefox ... reopened it ... clicked on the kitelife bookmark ... yep, had to re-sign in to whine. Firefox adds http\\ to the bookmark, but not www.

The interesting thing is that the Rev forum, which I thought used the same software, doesn't forget me.



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Ya ya, same software - we use the SSO module (described above), Rev does not as they have no need to provide author access to their front end website. ;)

Still got to admit (from a layman's standpoint), it looks mighty strange, that all the websites that are maintaining our log-ins, are preceded with the www, yet the one that is giving us trouble, is not. I trust what you say John, because again, I'm just a novice, on the outside, looking in, but is it a big deal, to try it with the www, on all the kitelife.com sites ?

Again, I don't know the difference, with or without the www, so again, I'm just grasping at straws. It does, however, seem that Tom is having the exact same problem as I am, and also with Windows 7 & Firefox :cat_shifty:

Just asking.......

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