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I just read on the IKE forum that David Kovacs, aka Dayton Dave, died of a massive heart attack.

Those who knew David will miss him -- both on the kite field and off. Taken from us much too early. One of the best quad-line flyers with whom I've had the pleasure to cross lines, and member of Illinois Kite Enthusiasts and team 180GO.

Sweet winds Dave -- you will be remembered!

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Aye just saw the news on Facebook. :(

Dave was a super cool guy, always a face I looked forward to seeing... Never political, always gentle, kind and encouraging - one of my favorite folks to run into.

Will be flying with you in mind, rest well brother.

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I was very fortunate to meet David in T.I. 2 years ago. A super friendly guy and super good pilot.

It was a pleasure to know him and a great tragedy he is gone so sudden.I have shed several tears today as Jynx shared a kite they worked on today..design and assembly.

It was absolutely awesome to watch it grace the skies in honor and remembrance of him All day today.....

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