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Karma - Robert Brasington Wind Rose Kinetic (5/15)


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Alright, Karma Warriors, I apologize for the delay. Your next Karma prize is going to be a Robert Brasington Kinetic. I think it is called a "Wind Rose". Here is a link to Robert's description of a Wind Rose (http://www.robertbrasingtonkites.com/WindRose.php). I will post a photo of the actual one Thursday. Unfortunately, it is currently at Flying Smiles Kites and Cath and Eliot are taking a much deserved vacation. I built one of Robert's Wind Augers (Longer version of the Wind Rose) at a workshop, and I can honestly say that these are really cool to see spinning hanging as line laundry from a lifter or on the end of a pole, so very cool.

The drawing will be on May 15th. Enter with "I'm in", entry number will be by order of entry. RNG will be used for the drawing

EDIT: I was right, it is the Wind Rose. Here are the two that are available. The winner will get to choose which one they want.

post-7635-0-01373800-1430414793_thumb.jp post-7635-0-13009400-1430414799_thumb.jp

Standard Karma Note from the Moderators

This is a Karma Drawing. The winner of the drawing is expected to pay it forward by offering their own prize for the next drawing. Please do not enter unless you are willing to offer your own prize, preferably not the prize you just won. Drawings should be open for entry approximately 2 weeks, and the next drawing should be posted as soon as possible to keep the Karma rolling.
These drawings are run by and for KiteLife members. The moderating team only ensures that your drawing post contains all of the pertinent information (drawing date/time, adequate prize description, drawing rules) before approval. If you are a KiteLife member from the US or Canada, you are eligible to enter. You do not have to be a paid subscriber. Members from Canada, Alaska, and Hawaii are welcome to enter the Karma drawings provided they are willing to pay half of the Karma prize shipping cost. The method and timing of the payment will be agreed upon between the two parties after the drawing for a particular prize.

Here is the link to the original Rules and Guidelines thread:

The mechanism for the drawing itself is entirely at the discretion of the person offering the prize. In the past, entry number has been determined either by order of entry or by the post number in which the member declares entry into the drawing. The drawings have been performed using the RNG method (http://www.random.org/sequences/) or by choosing the numbers out of a hat (I believe an adorable daughter did the picking in that scenario). The only requirement is that the method of selection is clearly spelled out in the drawing post.

Entry into the drawings is done by STARTING a post in the drawing thread with the entry phrase chosen by the drawing host (Traditionally "I'm in", but "I LIKE" has been used as well). In order to remove any confusion or misinterpretation, only entries with posts that START with the phrase will be considered. As with all other KiteLife drawings, bantering is encouraged. This is for fun after all.

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I'm in. I'm In. I'm in. I am a huge Brasington fan boy. I hope my crappy luck has been holding it back for this.

I have a 16 ft fiberglass pole to hang this from and I know it works because I let someone else hang their tulip from it last fall at the beach. You want definition of Karma. Here it is.

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I think Brasington's are awesome as well, but I am holding off for the moment waiting for the picture. I suspect others might be doing the same. :)

It's like owning a renaissance master painting. You don't care if it's your favorite, you know what it is and you want it. Just so happens that I love just about everything he makes.

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For me, the fact is I don't fly single lines hardly at all anymore and don't have a lifter that would do this justice. Quads - the ABS trio that I got from Lam - are the only ones that see air time anymore. I'm seeing progress with them, and anything else doesn't have much challenge or thrill for the last year or so.

Good luck to someone out there!

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1. Tmadz

2. John Kennedy

3. pickensw

and the winner is:


Congratulations, Todd. You were right about the wait. Let me know your address and which one you want. (I'm hoping you'll pick the blue, black, and white one)

Here is the clip from the drawing site. This was apparently a first come, first served drawing.


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Thank you very much.

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. Come on, Squishy Come on, little Squishy.

I will love it and cherish it.

I have a nice prize picked out for the next karma.

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