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Gday Frankieflyin here.....


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I hear you loud and clear.

I just wished I was filming in morning of festival of the winds 2014.

They started to pump the music and was a crazy track.

I absolutely went off. And I wasn't that good. But I danced the kite as well as dancing myself in a way that I've only seen jb do.

I regret not filming because the next song was a real downer......

Sounded like " let's go fly a kite, up up in the sky, let's go fly .....'.

You get the picture. ...

Hope so otherwise I sound like a real idiot.

So back to point yes I need to fly to music.

Love it. ....

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We all enjoy each other. And our talents, I enjoy your videos, I just look at some videos as camera trickery. Personally, I don't understand making a video then putting music to the moves. You know, fasty mo slow mo, I tried flying with a video camera, but, I need/want a much larger window.

I see your videos as, right on! I like unedited videos, raw, much better. And you are very capable of a natural video.

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Personally, I'm old school, I like your videos, but, I think flying to the song or songs is all I can do.

Editing, speed, fitting the flying to the music after the flying is something I don't understand.

I fly to the music right now, stuff like slow-mo and trick photography isn't showing the art of flying as much as it's showing how to put a video together.

You fly nice, but try a video of flying to the song next to your camera unedited. Just Fly!

I don't use any trick photography. the trick is to edit out the bits that are boring... .I don't use trick photography.

That's all my flying, no trick photography. speed changes YES sometimes to fit flying in to music. My editing skills aren't that good. In editing you need to make decisions about what is in and what is out.

Im not very good with making decisions because i need time to process things. So in other words I wouldn't be able to pump videos out like I am doing.

To tell everyone the truth......Flying lately has become my life. I get obsessive about things..... And lately its been my flying.

Fiona my partner tells me I get slightly OCD...hardcore!.

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Hey, Frankie, I'm not criticizing your flying at all. I just see how far you've advanced in just 3 years and am jealous of the progress you've made. Believe me, if I could only advance that quickly I would feel extremely blessed. I guess what I want to say is that I see a lot of natural talent for flying in you. I'm not trying to change your style of flying. No one can do that, no matter how hard they try. I only comment on what I believe can help you get even better. Which direction you go and how you get there are choices for you to make. The level you care to achieve is also up to you. The true purpose of flying any kite is to bring joy to the heart and the hearts of those around you. I think you're on the right path, and if it improves your physical and mental state there is no reason to change anything.

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Hey, Frankie, I'm not criticizing your flying at all. I just see how far you've advanced in just 3 years and am jealous of the progress you've made. Believe me, if I could only advance that quickly I would feel extremely blessed. I guess what I want to say is that I see a lot of natural talent for flying in you. I'm not trying to change your style of flying. No one can do that, no matter how hard they try. I only comment on what I believe can help you get even better. Which direction you go and how you get there are choices for you to make. The level you care to achieve is also up to you. The true purpose of flying any kite is to bring joy to the heart and the hearts of those around you. I think you're on the right path, and if it improves your physical and mental state there is no reason to change anything.

Thanks heaps ay. It means alot to me.

You guys don't have any idea of the amount of hours I've put in alone in park trying to learn to fly.

It would take a person who worked a 9-5 job over 10 years to get the flying hours I do in 6 months. There just isn't enough hours in a week.

I fly nearly every day. And have been since owning a rev. Thats 3 years. Nearly every day.... With no one to tell me what im doing wrong and what im doing right.

well after all this talk about flying. Made me wanna go for fly. Im outta here.....

Goin for a fly up road at local park before it gets dark.

Thanks for everything people.

Chat soon.

(might go and make some handle adjustments and see how it feels being 'slouched' you may say)

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Personally, I'm old school, I like your videos, but, I think flying to the song or songs is all I can do.

Editing, speed, fitting the flying to the music after the flying is something I don't understand.

I fly to the music right now, stuff like slow-mo and trick photography isn't showing the art of flying as much as it's showing how to put a video together.

You fly nice, but try a video of flying to the song next to your camera unedited. Just Fly!

you mean like this video

its very tough trying to fit flying to music...

but when you get it right can be pretty good..

check this out..

Again i will repeat. I don't use any trick photography. The trick is how you edit. I use different speed changes in order to fit flying in to short song. Sometimes its 200%, sometimes it 166%. i usually say if i speed it up.

But YouTube have some antishake filter i use so filming isn't all shakey when filming from my forehead. Thats why the type sometimes moves. its a real pain in the £$%^%£""£!£$%^&&*

p.s. before my accident I worked as a graphic designer, so using a computer was my job. I was quite successful at what i did and even ran my own business from home while working a full time job. I worked a 3 day shift of 12 hours a day. So i had 4 days to run my own business.

(Oh the beauty of being young and ambitious.)

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My partner Fiona just found this

:cat_lol: ****** last year at FOTW14 i started flying at 7.30 and was one of the first.

But i KNOW i was the last. I was still flying after everyone packed up and went home.

The only reason i packed up was that it was dark!!!

I had 20 min lunch break. Thats it. They even had to bring water out to me because they were concerned for me.

I know. Im a freak...

Might have something to do with that OCD Fiona reckons i have.

I just love flying.....my mind is free. Since accident that is about the only thing that free's my mind .

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Hey Frankie,

I've been enjoying your thread, a lot of the things you talk about are true of me as well. My previous passion (hobby, sport, whatever you'd call it) beat me up pretty bad over the years. I've broken my ankles, my back & 5 ribs snowboarding, and was sent to the CAT scan twice after taking some bad head shots. So my melon was mixed up pretty good, too. I think OCD is a common symptom among us with the kite-bug, though...

I don't know the extent of you injuries, I'm just saying that I can relate. Kite flying is good therapy, I'm sure my desire to get out and fly helped my rehab after the broken back, I went out there against Doctor's orders and tried to fly at least. It hurt like hell, but that feeling of being set free by flight numbed the pain to the point that I don't feel it much anymore.

Looking forward to more videos, and seeing some more of that magic color changing kite that you have !


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Hey Frankie,

I've been enjoying your thread, a lot of the things you talk about are true of me as well. My previous passion (hobby, sport, whatever you'd call it) beat me up pretty bad over the years. I've broken my ankles, my back & 5 ribs snowboarding, and was sent to the CAT scan twice after taking some bad head shots. So my melon was mixed up pretty good, too. I think OCD is a common symptom among us with the kite-bug, though...

I don't know the extent of you injuries, I'm just saying that I can relate. Kite flying is good therapy, I'm sure my desire to get out and fly helped my rehab after the broken back, I went out there against Doctor's orders and tried to fly at least. It hurt like hell, but that feeling of being set free by flight numbed the pain to the point that I don't feel it much anymore.

Looking forward to more videos, and seeing some more of that magic color changing kite that you have !


However my accident was 13 years ago. I started to fly kites 3 years ago. I too was a crazy snowboarder but knew where to draw the line between pleasure and pain. Copped a few fractures. Nothing to major.

Im glad that flying kites has been benifical for you too and for others as it has been for me.

Thanks Rob. :kid_smartass:

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We all enjoy each other. And our talents, I enjoy your videos, I just look at some videos as camera trickery. Personally, I don't understand making a video then putting music to the moves. You know, fasty mo slow mo, I tried flying with a video camera, but, I need/want a much larger window.

I see your videos as, right on! I like unedited videos, raw, much better. And you are very capable of a natural video.

well if its raw unedited videos you want. Thats what you will get. Crashes and all.!

Im only human. Not like that machine of a man JB. ..... If he is not human. Not a machine.. that only leaves one explaination.

Ive seen MEN IN BLACK. JB and STEVE DE ROOY & even BAZZER. and don't forget that kid they call WATTY.


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goodnight all. Need good nights sleep to be mentally ready for a days flying on BONDI BEACH.

International Guests including Lawrence Hargrave centre who have larger than normal kites, some up to 30 - 40 metres min size.

Sounds like fun.

people always tell me to go fly a kite. so tomorrow thats exactly what i plan i doing!...haha. :kid_content::kid_smartass:

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