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What web browser do you use?

John Barresi

Which one is your favorite...  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Web browser:

    • Internet Explorer
    • FireFox
    • Opera
    • Other
    • Chrome
  2. 2. Why this one? (#1 reason)

    • More stable
    • Easier to use
    • Better display
    • Less vulnerabilities
    • Haven't tried any others

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Just as long as wde brought this topic back to life....

I find IE use slightly above FF and then Chrome. Of course, I think I'm the one making Chrome use to high on the boards I check. Running it on Win and of course a Chromium machine. Wanna kick people in the nads when I get a pop up window telling me I need IE v.X. Climb out of your hole and see the rest of the world! :big_bangin:

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Tapatalk

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  • 9 months later...

The original poll was started (and list of options selected) over six years ago. Chrome was first released only three years ago. It's what I've been using most lately. Ask me again in a decade, and it may be a browser that doesn't exist today.

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Aye, Chrome all the way. Provides a decent amount of add-ons and can be customized to my liking, it is sleek, compact, simple, and fast.

Definitely the fastest web browser out there, and that's the kicker for me. And it's nice not to deal with excessive tool bars like in IE or Firefox. I wanna see the web page, not five different web search tool bars. My only complaint, is that it is not the most stable of browsers. Chrome itself doesn't crash too much, but the flash plugin seems to be having issues lately.

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As a web developer, I prefer Firefox (view selected source, Firebug, etc), Chrome only gets used in my office for watching Hulu, YouTube uploads, and checking cross-browser compatibility of web sites... Firefox might be a slower, but it's the best of the feature-oriented browsers I've used up til now. :)

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The funny thing is that I switch between browsers on a regular basis. I'll use one browser for a while, then switch to another. I have no strong attachment to any particular browser. Frankly I really liked Lynx (text only UNIX browser) from back in the bad old days when I was cruising the web using a 1200 baud modem. It was great. It NEVER downloaded images unless I made a special effort, and then it just downloaded them to my computer, where I had to open the images with a different program. Now, a 1x1 pixel image hidden on a web page can trigger a virus from some bad-hat website to infect your computer. (grump, grump, uphill, both ways). :big_beer:

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Hey Pete, I can't even remember the first browser I used. It was probably something, and I didn't even know that it was a browser.........but as I mentioned earlier in this post (I think), I've been using Internet Explorer & FireFox lately. Don't really like Chrome, or Fire Fox, for that matter. I suppose I'm just hooked into IE, for now. I know, I know, Microsoft, Gates, etc, but, it is, what it is (just whatever you get use to). I guess you've really got the right idea. Just keep switching around............... :cat_shocked:

Oh, and Happy New Year !!

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I have a lot of good feelings for Bill Gates, Windows, and Microsoft. I began using home computers back when it was a crap shoot (with poor odds) whether ANY piece of hardware or software would work with your computer. I have boxes and boxes of hardware and software for DOS (in all its versions) and for OSs and computers that predate the "IBM-PC", that never worked and whose makers never supported their products.

When Windows came along (with all its faults) you could look at some add-on for your computer and if it said "Certified to work with Windows", then you had a really good chance that it WOULD work, and you could operate it without reference to any manual. I'm a big fan of standards - make it to this specification, with these menus, with these features, and you can put this sticker on your product.

Windows has had its ups and downs since those days, and I'm using a Mac for most of my computing these days, but I still feel grateful to Microsoft for leading out that particular bandwagon (standards for software and hardware).

Oh, and Happy New Year to you as well. (And all the rest of the KiteLife gang.)

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